Costum Rom CalyxOS v3.9.0 - UNOFFICIAL Android 12 for Redmi Note 10 Pro

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CalyxOS v3.9.0 - UNOFFICIAL | Android 12.
Updated: 16/10/‘22
By @Black_Serpent

Video Part:
00:00 About System
00:16 Memory Use (Developer Option)
00:32 Launcher
00:58 QS Panel
01:36 Menu Setting - Network & Internet
02:08 Menu Setting - Connected devices
02:21 Menu Setting - Apps
02:23 Menu Setting - Notification
02:43 Menu Setting - Battery & Storage
02:55 Menu Setting - Sound & vibration
03:16 Menu Setting - Display
04:06 Menu Setting - Accessibility
04:21 Menu Setting - Security
04:47 Menu Setting - Privacy, Location
04:57 Menu Setting - System (Gesture, Button, Status Bar)
06:06 Application
10:13 Battery Charging

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