wtd v1.13 admin console bag of seeds bucket of slime agronomist desert burd solo

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title sucks but I can't find a way to make it not misleading
rushing bus IV before bus II was a horrible way to use reserve i know
Admin console bag of seeds interaction - agro shoots twice as many projectiles (double dmg + double water basically)
Admin console bucket of slime interaction - plants start at full water (on top of the increased capacity from bucket of slime)

you may have seen me running around with admin console bucket of slime recently
bag of seeds bucket of slime agro is strong but i find that in public servers you can't really use the attack power of it since agro gets outranged by many units so I just run agro without bag of seeds since agro left path self eco is a lot better
a quick cape admin console bucket of slime agro II-III made 12.4k in its 4 minute lifespan
ac slime qc agro IV-III takes 2 mins 8 seconds to make back its cost of 8550 and makes 20k by the time it dies
usually only wait about 10 seconds for the 1st plant to die before replacing agro, making a net profit of around 14-15k in about 4 mins 10 seocnds

conversely, both a I-III and a I-IV agro makes about 5-6k before expiring
That said, since agro I-III costs 2400 and agro I-IV costs 5700, you're more or less still making a small profit, essentially letting you sustain a I-IV agro dps for free, so if your goal is to only defend rather than making cash for whatever shenanigans you want (crown bunny anyone?), bag of seeds works
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Least confusing loadout from someyt (good work BTW)


I'd be nice if it was actually possible to know wat admin console does with any other trinket, but such a list doesn't seem to exist.
