Junk - MonaLisa Twins (Paul McCartney Cover) // MLT Club Duo Session

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Junk - Paul McCartney Cover by MonaLisa Twins


Hello friends,

We want to wish you a Merry Christmas by sharing a new video with you. Our cover of "Junk" was originally recorded for the MLT Club a few months ago but today seemed fitting to post it on YouTube so everyone can watch it.

Paul wrote the song while the Beatles were still together but released it two years later on his first solo album in 1970. It's one of those songs that we have hummed to ourselves hundreds of times over the years but still remember how, when we first heard this song, it took our breath away. It’s Paul McCartney at his best. The melody, the chord progression, the subject matter, the way he manages to sing about something so deep in an incredibly light, moving and poetic way. It is one of those perfect songs.

Having loved this song for so long now, recording it properly as a Duo Session felt only right. It's a song as beautiful as they come, and we tried our best to capture the nostalgic, enchanting feeling that the original recording gives us.

"Christmas is the season of giving" they say but who says that can't be experiences, quality time, friendship and love ... because all that other stuff may one day end up being junk in the yard ...
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Thank you all for watching, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas! 😊

Livestream TONIGHT, Dec 23 10pm GMT! We will be playing music in a similar way – just two guitars and two voices – during tonight’s livestream exclusive for MLT Club Members.
We do this every year before Christmas and cannot wait to spend a couple of hours tonight chatting, playing music, answering questions, giving away a few things and just having a good time. Click here to join:


Another Beautiful Sir Paul McCartney cover that our Wonderful MLTs put before us again tonight!! Thanks so much for sharing! Neal from Boston, Ma. USA! 🎤🎶✨🌻❤👍🌈☮️


Just wonderful...perfect...could you have chosen a more beautiful song? I don't know that there is one; this is one of McCartney's towering masterpieces. For me there has always been something powerfully sweet and sad in the feeling that all of us experience sometimes, that our possessions that we feel something for, feel something for us, and know and grieve when they pass out of our lives. Old clothes no longer worn, forlorn in the closet; an old guitar that longs to be played again. An old girlfriend and I were at a swap meet once, and she came home with a sad, cracked, ancient one-eyed doll from the Victoria era. Clearly over a hundred years old. I asked her why she had bought it, and as she set it up on a table by her mirror, she said "It looked like it needed someone." I never loved her more than in that moment. McCartney's song captured that sort of irrational sentiment, and the nobility and poetry of it. And (as always) these women have honored it so well.


Love your mcCartney and Beatles covers. This is the wind of my youth!


What a pleasant surprise this fine evening


It is special when Mona or Lisa plays the bass on a Duo Session. Smooth and melodic on the Hofner. Well-done Mona! Lisa plays the Ricky bass on "Tired of Waiting" and with Mike Masse on "Africa". Special treats to watch!

They must of had a great bass teacher...way to go Papa Rudi!


Oh wow. The guitar work is just as beautiful as your voices. Do you ever hear from a Beatle? My daughter says Dad, did you know Paul McC was in a group before "Wings" yes, daughter. I am a child of the 60s and Mona and Lisa take me right back 60 years.


Two voices, two instruments, and no sound effects to mask any of it. This is performing without a net and the MonaLisa Twins do it flawlessly.


My wife and I think you are both fantastic musicians and singers. We love all of your music and get great joy from your originals. Keep up the great work. Dave


Sublime ... A masterpiece by Paul so beautifully and tenderly sung .. exquisite harmonies ...


WOW!! What a beautiful performance and has there ever been anyone who writes better melodies than Paul?


A beautiful cover version of one off my favorite McCartney solo tracks. The delicate and tender atmosphere is still there, embellished with the unique vocal harmonies of Mona Lisa Twins 👏👏👏👍


A lovely performance of one of Paul's lesser known treasures. The song deserves to have you performing it. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Love the hair and wardrobe. Like in a Vienna cafe 100 years ago, Wonderful performance too.


Beautiful version of this song by Paul. Delicate guitar arrangements and a good bass line. I think the vocal harmony creates an atmosphere that surpasses Paul's version. Excellent work MonaLisa Twins. Congratulation to you.
Happy Chritsmas!!


Before Paul McCartney wrote these kind of songs, it wasn't possible to summarize such strong feelings in a sublime interweaving of music and words lasting just a few minutes. Example of how creativity can become art. Forever.


Thank you for covering this song. It's one of my favorites. Great fingerstyle playing here. And the bass line! Wow.


I could listen to these young ladies sing all day long, and on occasion, I have. Beautiful!


True beauty in sound, that's what the MonaLisa Twins always give us. Beautiful harmonies, instrumentations, production and, of course, the beauty of themselves. Please donate to them, so they can continue to share with us their gifts.


Your harmonies when there were no actual words was an unprecedented experience of beauty for me. Such unbelievable delicacy!
