How to Alter Your State Using Peripheral Vision - Present Like A PRO!

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Here’s a tip to allow you to be more observant of your audience and to connect better because you’ll be calmer.

It’s called “Going into Peripheral Vision” and I’m afraid it’s something that comes more naturally to women than men – so guys you’ll really need to practice this. But it is worth it!

You can do this exercise anywhere, but a larger room is best – or outdoors – where you won’t be disturbed for a while.

Looking straight ahead, fix your eyes on a spot on the far wall or maybe a lamp post if you’re outside.

Now gently allow your field of vision to widen so you’re looking 30 degrees either side of your fixed point (think 10 to 2 on a clock face).

Widen some more, and some more, until you can see all the way from your left side to your right side without moving your head. Congratulations, you can now see a full 180 degrees.

If you hold up a finger by each ear you should be able to see BOTH of them (in outline rather than full focus) while you’re still looking at your wall spot or lamp post.

Now be amazed that you can follow your fingers even further back still.

You’re now in full PERHIPERAL VISION.

Now when I was learning this it was very difficult for me to stay in Peripheral Vision, so I used to practice by going out for walks and being in Peripheral Vision (PV) or going into PV at meetings etc.

Once you’ve started to get the hang of it try it in a busy open office or the theatre or a busy shopping centre.

You’ll realise that throughout the whole 180 degrees or more you can notice every time ANYONE moves in your whole sphere of vision.

Using this when you’re presenting means you are watching EVERY SINGLE member of your audience the whole time – helping you to see hands go up and to judge the ‘mood’ of the audience in order to change your pace or tone of voice to keep them fully engaged.

All of this at the same time as helping you to feel more CALM as you present.

(By the way, when you’re presenting, don’t just stare at the spot on the back wall. That’s just to help you get into PV in the first place!)
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