This May Be The WORST Youtuber Art Product EVER.

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Hello there!
Today I am trying out Ryans World Mystery Art Egg Series 2 which is a mystery art supplies product. Unfortunately I felt this egg filled with art stuff was...lacking. The supplies to me are pretty bad and it's missing a ton of stuff it should have. I've opened a lot of art boxes but this art egg takes the biscuit, I just feel it needs more than it actually has or at least be priced lower. My personal opinion of course!

All opinions are my own and not a reflection of Ryan or his team, I am not affiliated with them in any way!

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I genuinely hope Ryan has a normal teenage into adult experience because it really feels like he’s just being exploited by his parents and the adults around him as a cash cow…


If I bought that for a kid and found out they'd put a free Applebee's or Chili's kid's menu crayon set in it, I'd return it after leaving a nasty review. What a rip off. When you spend money on a product, you have every right to be mean. When that product is endorsed by a popular figure, you have every right to criticize the person or people (his parents, ahem) who signed off on the deal. It's okay. If they get upset over it, too bad. Maybe they shouldn't be putting out and endorsing a bad product.


I've always had an issue with the Ryan's brand even when they first started out. It felt like they were exploiting their kid. And I specifically remember a video the mom was in where it was "educational" and so much of the info was straight up wrong. We couldn't figure out why our then 4 year old was saying all these incorrect "scientific" facts until I saw the video. It was infuriating.


The first I thought was "boy that's a lot of plastic". And they didn't even include a craft to use the packaging itself so now you have an awkward giant lump of plastic that's either gonna get chucked or put under the stairs for the rest of eternity.

Edit: autocorrect


As a little kid when my markers were dried out, I'd just open them from the back and take out the plastic wrapped cottony thingy with ink, and dip one end in the water. The water then pushes the ink to the other end. When it's ready you just take it out of the water and put back inside the marker (with the non-dipped end towards the nib). You just had to watch them and take them out of the water as soon as the other end started getting damp (its colour would get darker). That's how I used them till the very last drop of ink :)


Any company/person that gets upset or tries to take action against someone being “mean” when they’re fairly critiquing a product and do not slander them in any way is a bad company. Let those opinions out girl.


As a kid, I definitely knew crappy crayons were crap. They were so frustrating!


Why the erasers? It seems like somebody grabbed some random dollar store art supplies, tossed them into a plastic egg, added popular YouTuber branding, and said, "Yup. That's worth 20 bucks."
His parents should be ashamed of themselves.


It could be $5 and I still wouldn't buy it. I don't wanna support them exploiting Ryan, I really hope when he's a teenager her realises how they've used him


For 20 dollars you could buy a kid some crayola art supplies that’ll do them for years. This is such a rip off


As the mother of a five year old I can tell you that she would use up the paper in the kit in about 5 minutes, the markers would be dry within a week, and the stencils would be used a couple times and then lost under the couch. Just buy a $1 sketchbook, spend $5 on crayons or stickers or something… and then let them have at it.


I bought 2 Ryan's world products for my kids... I swore to NEVER bother again. We had a squishy that was cracked, blank and falling apart within an hour and a goopy doll thing that leaked out of the pack. They were the most overpriced garbage I have ever seen.


PAINT THE EGG! It could be a fun way to reuse the product since it also has a handle and seems sturdy enough


I would like to have a strongly worded conversation with Ryan's parents. 🤣


My daughter doesn’t believe me whenever I tell her that Ryan’s branded toys are overpriced for the quality of the product, which is why I tell her if she wants it, she has to buy it. This video might actually convince her.


I agree with feeling weird about kids on YouTube. They can't consent. If you need to be 13 to make an account, you should have to be 13 to feature in a channel. Honestly I think 13 is too young, but if that's where they draw the line then fine. Same with Facebook, insta etc. If there's an age cap on making an account, there should be one on being posted about.


my brother used to love ryan, and his channel. I on the other hand found him pretty annoying. Chloe made me realize its not the kids fault for his products. If you dont mind, I have a video idea. Now that you have the big plastic egg, instead of throwing it away, maybe turn it in to something like decoration. If that makes sense. LOVE YOUR VIDEOS❤❤❤❤


Being someone who lives under the poverty line, I greatly appreciate your both taking the time to show people how to get their money's worth, and your psa to people who may not understand people on my side of the literal coin.

(Edit: I got a comment about my grammar and I wasn't sure if it was joking about it being bad, so I fixed my wording a little. It better portrays what I was trying to say.)


Here’s the thing, I think it’s actually incredibly fair to judge these types of products harshly. This goes back to some of the kits Jackie reviewed from Guava juice & Karina Garcia - these products really have nothing to do with the creators. These products are from one of those “customize-able companies” who produce bad products and content creators use these bad quality products to rip people off. Do I think Guava, Ryan & Katrina have some input - yes, but generally it’s been shown they don’t follow up to make sure these kits are worth the money. You more than proved your point trying out the crayola kit for a 2$ difference - you could argue it’s crayola and they just have better products but both Chloe & Jackie have tested bad crayola kits, so it is very possible for them to have bad products.


Chloe the Sweetheart: "I'm not trying to be mean. . ."

