Inigo In Windhelm. Skyrim Special Edition

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Inigo visits Windhelm first time.
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Once upon a time my Dragonborn went to Windhelm with her five companions, Kaidan, Lucien, Inigo, Vilja and one liked it we left....that is, after we solved some murders, helped an elderly guy find a vial, got in a fist fight, talked to a kid doing questionable things, fought a dragon, took care of some bandits, helped a Bosmer escape an assassin, bought some flowers, sold unwanted stuff, restocked supplies, stayed at the Inn a few times or more, adopted the child selling the flowers and got thoroughly turned around and slightly lost inside the city. I think we've seen enough of Windhelm to last a lifetime. I do believe my companions agree as well. My sources say we should have avoided Windhelm like a sources (Kaidan, Inigo and Lucien)


Though I respect the mod for Inigo not backing down against Rolff, I think they don't quite do service for Rolff who clearly isn't afraid to beat up anyone who doesn't see eye to eye like him.


Always wanted dialogue to tell that idiot off but here Inigo gets it!! Wonderful!!
