89000 евро за 1 копейку🔥 Самые дорогие медные монеты России царского периода 🔥Цена монеты Каталог

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Кто мог подумать в 19 веке, что за 1 копейку можно будет позволить себе безбедно жить не один год! Медная 1 копейка 1871 года продана за 89000 евро! Именно такую сумму заплатил коллекционер за такой медный кругляшек. Среди одно копеечных монет Императорской России периода 1867-1917 годов, очень много дорогих представителей. Среди них можно особо выделить монеты одна копейка первого года чеканки 1867 и последнего 1917. Очень дорогие представители именно этого типа монет.
Но есть и много других дорогих и редких монет, которые могут быть у вас дома! Повезло если сохранили и не выбросили. Обязательно пересмотрите и вы обязательно найдёте что-то интересное!
Канал посвящённый монетам и антиквариату!
Дорогие монеты СССР, коллекции и обзоры предметов антиквариата и коллекционирования, вы увидите на канале. Находки, раритеты, аукционы,
Купить монеты СССР и царские монеты можно у меня на аукционе!
1 рубль, 1 копейка, 2 копейки, 3 копейки, 5 копеек, 10 копеек, 15 копеек, 20 копеек, 50 копеек и юбилейные рубли можно купить у меня на аукционе!!!
Цена монет, стоимость редких монет, основные разновидности и многое другое с мира нумизматики и антиквариата советского периода.
Антиквариатом профессионально занимаюсь более 15 лет. Начинал с советской фалеристики и пришёл к коллекционированию монет СССР.
Накоплен большой опыт и я хочу им делиться с вами! Отдать частичку "антикварных" и "нумизматических" знаний вам, мои дорогие подписчики!!!
#куплюмонеты #самыередкиемонеты #медныекопейкироссии
Who would have thought in the 19th century that for 1 kopeck one could afford to live comfortably for more than one year! Copper 1 kopeck of 1871 sold for 89,000 euros! This is the amount the collector paid for such a copper round. Among the one-penny coins of Imperial Russia of the period 1867-1917, there are a lot of expensive representatives. Among them, one can especially highlight the coins of one kopeck of the first year of minting in 1867 and the last year of 1917. Very expensive representatives of this particular type of coins.
But there are many other expensive and rare coins that you may have in your home! Lucky if you kept it and didn't throw it away. Be sure to revise and you will definitely find something interesting!
The most expensive, most demanded and desired coin is certainly a copper coin of 1917, even in the catalog it is indicated by the letter R, that is, a rarity, that is, a coin that is known literally in several copies and the value of this coin is extremely difficult to determine there can be tens of thousands of dollars and this, without exaggeration, is the second most expensive representative that was minted in the first year of minting of this coin in Yekaterinburg, this 1967 catalog estimates such a coin around $ 7000 in condition XF, that is, in very good condition, mon 1871 catalog price $ 300 t 1876 $ 175 cataloged in condition XF I told you about the coins that were minted in Yekaterinburg and they are denoted under the word penny by the letters E and M if we talk about coins that were minted in St. Petersburg they were also minted from 1867 to 1917, there are also many coins here that the catalog estimates quite expensive and the price of a coin for example 1867 is $ 250 1868 $ 170 and 69 is estimated by numismatists at $ 250 per coin in a state of XF what can we say about a coin of 1871 with The abbreviation SPB, that is, St.Petersburg, this coin is designated in the catalog as R, that is, the price is generally cosmic and amounts to tens of thousands of dollars, the 1880 coin is also valued, it is separately allocated a decent amount of 130 dollars for one such copper coin with a face value of one kopeck, it is also valued in 1884 the coin of 1888 of 1890 was also not spared, they are also estimated in the region of 100-120 dollars for one coin then went coins simpler and cheaper, but it is worth highlighting the 1902 coin, by the way, I remind you too, and 20 kopecks in silver are valued very dearly in 1902, well it was a lyrical digression as for the coins of 1907 1908 of the 9th year, they are valued exclusively in the stamped state, that is, in the state that you see in your video, I have voiced some catalog prices to you, but there is an auction and the real price may differ at times from the catalog, and by the way, if you have come across selling or buying such coins, write in the comments which coin for how much you bought or sold, I think it will be interesting for everyone to see the real prices for these coins
the determining factor for the coins of imperial russia, copper coins, and by the way, all the rest is the state of the coin, that is, a coin is an ordinary coin, for example, a coin of 1910, one kopeck can cost both $ 1 and $ 100 per coin
Но есть и много других дорогих и редких монет, которые могут быть у вас дома! Повезло если сохранили и не выбросили. Обязательно пересмотрите и вы обязательно найдёте что-то интересное!
Канал посвящённый монетам и антиквариату!
Дорогие монеты СССР, коллекции и обзоры предметов антиквариата и коллекционирования, вы увидите на канале. Находки, раритеты, аукционы,
Купить монеты СССР и царские монеты можно у меня на аукционе!
1 рубль, 1 копейка, 2 копейки, 3 копейки, 5 копеек, 10 копеек, 15 копеек, 20 копеек, 50 копеек и юбилейные рубли можно купить у меня на аукционе!!!
Цена монет, стоимость редких монет, основные разновидности и многое другое с мира нумизматики и антиквариата советского периода.
Антиквариатом профессионально занимаюсь более 15 лет. Начинал с советской фалеристики и пришёл к коллекционированию монет СССР.
Накоплен большой опыт и я хочу им делиться с вами! Отдать частичку "антикварных" и "нумизматических" знаний вам, мои дорогие подписчики!!!
#куплюмонеты #самыередкиемонеты #медныекопейкироссии
Who would have thought in the 19th century that for 1 kopeck one could afford to live comfortably for more than one year! Copper 1 kopeck of 1871 sold for 89,000 euros! This is the amount the collector paid for such a copper round. Among the one-penny coins of Imperial Russia of the period 1867-1917, there are a lot of expensive representatives. Among them, one can especially highlight the coins of one kopeck of the first year of minting in 1867 and the last year of 1917. Very expensive representatives of this particular type of coins.
But there are many other expensive and rare coins that you may have in your home! Lucky if you kept it and didn't throw it away. Be sure to revise and you will definitely find something interesting!
The most expensive, most demanded and desired coin is certainly a copper coin of 1917, even in the catalog it is indicated by the letter R, that is, a rarity, that is, a coin that is known literally in several copies and the value of this coin is extremely difficult to determine there can be tens of thousands of dollars and this, without exaggeration, is the second most expensive representative that was minted in the first year of minting of this coin in Yekaterinburg, this 1967 catalog estimates such a coin around $ 7000 in condition XF, that is, in very good condition, mon 1871 catalog price $ 300 t 1876 $ 175 cataloged in condition XF I told you about the coins that were minted in Yekaterinburg and they are denoted under the word penny by the letters E and M if we talk about coins that were minted in St. Petersburg they were also minted from 1867 to 1917, there are also many coins here that the catalog estimates quite expensive and the price of a coin for example 1867 is $ 250 1868 $ 170 and 69 is estimated by numismatists at $ 250 per coin in a state of XF what can we say about a coin of 1871 with The abbreviation SPB, that is, St.Petersburg, this coin is designated in the catalog as R, that is, the price is generally cosmic and amounts to tens of thousands of dollars, the 1880 coin is also valued, it is separately allocated a decent amount of 130 dollars for one such copper coin with a face value of one kopeck, it is also valued in 1884 the coin of 1888 of 1890 was also not spared, they are also estimated in the region of 100-120 dollars for one coin then went coins simpler and cheaper, but it is worth highlighting the 1902 coin, by the way, I remind you too, and 20 kopecks in silver are valued very dearly in 1902, well it was a lyrical digression as for the coins of 1907 1908 of the 9th year, they are valued exclusively in the stamped state, that is, in the state that you see in your video, I have voiced some catalog prices to you, but there is an auction and the real price may differ at times from the catalog, and by the way, if you have come across selling or buying such coins, write in the comments which coin for how much you bought or sold, I think it will be interesting for everyone to see the real prices for these coins
the determining factor for the coins of imperial russia, copper coins, and by the way, all the rest is the state of the coin, that is, a coin is an ordinary coin, for example, a coin of 1910, one kopeck can cost both $ 1 and $ 100 per coin