The SEVEN Ahrof & the TEN Qira'aat of Quran - EXPLAINED! - Arabic101

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In this video I answer the following TEN questions:
1- What does harf mean? What are the seven ahrof of Quran?
2- Why do we even have seven ahrof for the Holy Quran?
3- What kind of changes/ examples are we talking about when it comes to variations of the Quran?
4- What are Qira’at (modes of recitation)? And is it linked to Ahrof of Quran?
5- What is riwayah (narration) of the quran?
6- What is tareeiq (method) of the quran?
7- Can you have your own method of reading Quran?
8- If ahorf is a similar word to dialect, can we use today’s dialects to read the Quran?
9- Indispensable sources for those who are interested in Qira’at.
10- I am an absolute beginner in the Holy Quran, do I have to know this?

 Please find my social profile to ask questions if you have any:

↳ Facebook: /101Arabic
↳ Twitter: @101Arabic

Video Chapters:
0:00 - Intro
0:45 - What is Harf?

1:58 - Why Ahrof Exist?

5:04 - Ahrof changes
7:56 - What is Qira'ah/ Riwayah?

11:40 - Can you do it yourself?
12:03 - Ahrof ≠ dialect
14:19 - Useful Sources
16:03 - Advice for beginners
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Dear brothers/ sisters,
Some desperate non-Muslims have been posting comments here which are nothing but lies, fabrications, and links for video whose sole purpose is spreading ignorance and make Muslims think they doubt their deen.
And some dear brothers/ sisters asked me why this topic? It might make people suspicious about Islam.
And I say:
- The sole purpose of this channel is spreading knowledge and truth. It’s not meant to compare religions or criticize atheism/ any other religion.
- Thanks to Allah and unlike any other religion or ideology, there is not a single topic in Islam/ Quran which, we Muslims, are afraid to discuss or are ashamed of.
- I have not responded to those malicious comments/ video links because they are too insignificant to spend my time refuting them, they simply do not contain any shred of evidence in them not even to be able to refute them. When you see people, who can’t even read Arabic properly, criticize the holy Quran, then I am done. When you see people talking about Quran's different manuscripts or scrolls, I just pity them.
- Posting questions is always welcome from anyone, posting an argument provided with evidence is always welcome from anyone, having a scientific discussion is most welcome. But spreading lies just like that will lead to deleting the comment, and if it kept happening it may result in ban.
Finally .. Keep Learning, Stay motivated and Good Luck.
Asslamo alikom,
Arabic 101


because of the attacker says about Quran variation, youtube recommend this video... thanks to Allah i found this video, and learn a new thing... thanks


Alhamdolillah for native arab speakers getting on youtube and explaining these things. Jzk ustad


Jazak Allahu Khairan! Very helpful and clear. May Allah reward you with Jannat-ul Firdows for everything you do for His sake. Amiin!


This is a wow explanation....but some missionaries try to use the variations to find as if there are faults....thank you for making settled my case


I am Arab and I studied a brief about quira'at (in Arabic), but this is the first time for me to understand it clearly.
Thank you so much, may God Grant you Jannah!


I'm a native arabic speaker and when I first read about the 7 ahruf, I couldn't understand it, even with a bit of research, there was always something in the explanation that is ambiguous with no straightforward meaning.
I can't thank you enough.
May Allah reward you.


i was looking for the clear answer of 7 Asraf and 10 Qirats for long time and found here finally.


This is the best explanation regarding ahruf and qiraat. Only Islam has the tool to preserve the Quran. That is isnad the golden chain of narration. Only Allah can reward you ustaz.


"Abbaas who narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel taught me one style and I reviewed it until he taught me more, and I kept asking him for more and he gave me more until finally there were seven styles.”


Al Quran is a miracle. Knowing that it has 7 variations in recitation and still no contradiction, it is miracle over miracle.


7 dialects and Subhan Allah no contradictions.


Fascinating! I am a Hafith e Quran myself and had no idea about these consistent variations in Quran. I was only introduced with the first one you recited and memorized that only. Never thought Arabic could be so much diverse


Thank you Sir, I saw your video in my recommended feed and felt very anxious about viewing it, thinking it might throw doubt in my heart, but it did just the opposite as you were clear and concise, subhanallah 7 dialects and still the holy Quran retains it's claim and doesn't contradict itself.
I could tell by your dialect that you're an Egyptian, greetings and love from Palestine❤️❤️


The best explanations that I have come across my research. It’s simple for Muslims and non Muslims to understand.


You have no idea how much I was struggling to find an answer for this matter of Quoran variations till now. I wasn't sure to respond to such claims from non Muslims trying to challenge me in my religion but thanks to Allah and then to you, I fully understood the matter now. Thanks a lot akhi and my Allah reward you.


Amazing, great job! Now I know about the variations of reciting the Quran. And yes, you made me understand about it too. I'm so excited to learn more about the Quran. Keep on making great videos! Thank you.


Jazakallah, Thank you this was really helpful. This video really shut down all those non muslims who claim the Quran was changed or has many copies. There is only one Quran with the same meaning & message however different dialects make it easier to read or increase there meaning. The message of the Quran is the same though, this video actually increased my faith. Thanks bro, Keep up the good work.


I swear nobody can understand how much this video helped me. I was nearly in a depressive state because I didnt understood, but thankfully to allah and you, I'm finally seeing the end of it all. Btw, im still searching clearance on some subjects such as the preservation of the quran, if someone can help me


Alhamdulilah. Very beautifully explained.
Ahruf - dialects. There are 7 dialects that one can use to read the Quran.
Qirat- style of reciting the Quran. These 10 styles are based on the 7 ahruf / dialects.
