17 Democrats Flip Stance On Notifying ICE If illegal Immigrants Purchase Guns to Now Opposing it

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HR 8

17 Democrats Flip Stance On Notifying ICE If illegal Immigrants Purchase Guns to Opposing it

More than a dozen Democrat members of the House of Representatives flipped their position during a vote on Thursday on a piece of anti-gun legislation.

Just two years ago, 26 Democrats voted for an amendment that would ensure that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is alerted if an illegal alien attempts to purchase a firearm, which they are prohibited from doing. Several of those Democrats lost their elections last year while Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ) switched parties. On Thursday, all 17 of those remaining Democrats voted against the amendment that would ensure that ICE is notified if an illegal alien unlawfully tries to purchase a firearm.

The following Democrats made the switch, which could prove costly in next year’s elections:

Rep. Cindy Axne (IA)
Rep. Angie Craig (MN)
Rep. Jim Costa (CA)
Rep. Charlie Crist (FL)
Rep. Antonio Delgado (NY)
Rep. Jared Golden (MA)
Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ)
Rep. Andy Kim (NJ)
Rep. Conor Lamb (PA)
Rep. Susie Lee (NV)
Rep. Elaine Luria (VA)
Rep. Stephanie Murphy (FL)
Rep. Tom O’Halleran (AZ)
Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR)
Rep. Mikie Sherrill (NJ)
Rep. Elissa Slotkin (MI)
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (VA)

Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) offered the amendment while speaking on the House floor yesterday.

“Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Enough is enough, which is why I rise in strong opposition to H.R. 8 and to offer a motion to recommit the bill,” he said. “This bill’s nothing more than a coordinated effort by the authoritarian Left to strip away the constitutional rights guaranteed to Americans by the Second Amendment. Instead of criminalizing the innocent actions of law-abiding gun owners — American citizens — we should be focused on stopping real crime in our local communities and enforcing the laws that are already on the books. One way we can do that is by ensuring that ICE is notified when unlawful aliens attempt to purchase a firearm illegally.

“The FBI reported just last month that NICS had over 10 million people listed as an illegal alien. In fact, this ranks as the number one prohibited category in the FBI’s NICS indices,” he continued. “Since 1998, over 28,000 illegal aliens have been denied a firearm after failing a NICS check. With over 2,700 in 2019 alone, this means over 28,000 criminals have been allowed to stay in the United States when ICE should have been alerted about their criminal acts, but were not. H.R. 8 fails to do anything to prevent crime, which is why I’m offering this motion to recommit so our nation’s laws are enforced.”

“And if, you will recall, this MTR passed in 2019 with a strong bipartisan majority,” he concluded. “Mr. Speaker, if we adopt the motion to recommit, we will instruct the Judiciary Committee to consider my amendment to H.R. 8 to ensure that the FBI alerts ICE any time an illegal alien is denied a firearm because of NICS.”

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Рекомендации по теме

So Americans get swatted for exercising a RIGHT while giving it to people who's first act in America is BREAKING A LAW!


This is basically like arming a terrorist group inside our own country.


I’m not even American and I can see that “common sense” laws wouldn’t change a damn thing except punish the people actually abiding by the law.


Well obviously non Americans deserve American rights more than Americans do. That’s just “common sense.” 😂


All 17 should now face a congressional inquiry on why they also refused to cooperate with ICE when it came to notificatiom of illegals.


You need to run for office. We need more Americans.


And that's called a FELONY... I'm not surprised.


Why should anyone obey the laws anymore? I live by my rules from now on.


This is completely and totally against the 2nd Ammendment. It does not need to be enforce.


Ain’t nuthin’ scarier than a man with a gun,
Ain’t nuthin’ more helpless than a man without one.
~ Frank Griffin in Godless


We need to remove them from office by force getting tired of these clowns.


hell yes! vote any Rep who is not 100% pro gun needs to go


It is TIME to exercise the 2A for the Exact Purpose it was INTENDED...period.


I urge all gun owners to join Gun Owners of America, Firearms Policy Coalition or Second Amendment Foundation.
They will fight in court to save our 2nd Amendment Rights.


I'm from California and I did not vote for DEMONcrats.


When the government no longer represents its people, the people no longer need to follow the government. That time is right now, today. I WILL NOT COMPLY.


I live in a border town... Seen cartel affiliated gangs with some serious hardware. ATF is nowhere to be seen. Farmer Ed gets an upper receiver and dude gets raided. See the problem here?


Wtf is happening in USA - I will pray for you guys.

Greetings from Czechia


A lot of people have asked what is next it's simple Liberty or death


"What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson
