NO ONE was dead for your sins in Trinity World

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In Trinity world, no one was hanging dead on the cross for their sins. The Trinitarian God the Son left the scene alive and well and went elsewhere.

When I saw him, I fell at his feet like a dead man. And he placed his right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living one, and I WAS DEAD, and behold, I am alive forevermore...."
Revelation 1:17-18

Trinitarians.... that corpse of flesh hanging dead on the cross.... was Yahweh?
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In Trinitarianism, the divine person and his divine ousia did not die and was not dead. But not only so, this divine person also was an immortal human soul who was not dead either. In Trinitarianism, this divine person left the scene at the point of death and went off elsewhere quite alive and left his body behind on the cross. In Trinitarianism, nobody was dead for your sins; no one was hanging dead on the cross. In Trinitarianism, this divine person, as well as this immortal human soul, was alive and well and went off somewhere else while his human body was left behind on the cross. In Trinitarianism, after this person left the cross alive and well, no one was there on the cross and no one was buried in a tomb. And this living divine person who had left his body behind would return from elsewhere in 3 days to retrieve his body. This is not the testimony of Scripture. In Scripture, a PERSON was DEAD and they buried a dead PERSON in the tomb and a dead PERSON came to LIFE again.


Poor Poor Trinitarians, They don't wanna listen to the apostles, or Jesus Christ himself or God either. They just wanna believe their creeds, their pastors and the writings of their pagan church fathers.


Brother Kel, I see some people being ridiculous and insulting in the comments. You're doing something right brother! A slave is not greater than his master. Those of us who know the truth or who are at least open to it are so, so thankful for your work and patience. God bless and keep you, always.


Fantastic to have you back Kel. Truly, you provide a lot of meat to chew.


"I am the Living One; I was dead and behold I am alive for ever and ever" Rev 1:18 (I was dead - Jesus speaking)
For the wages of sin is death. Rom 6:23
"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat it you will surely die." Gen 2:17 (Hebrew - "in dying you shall die" the process of dying would start and would finish in death.
The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. Gen 2:7
After sin
"For dust you (Adam) are and dust you shall return." Gen 3:19
Where is Adam? - dead in the dust.
Jesus died the same death as Adam because the penalty of sin is death, but Jesus didn't die for His own sin because He was sinless. He died for our sin - the just for the unjust.
God vindicated the righteous life of Jesus by RESURRECTING Him from the dead and now He lives forever and ever.
All will be resurrected, but each according to his own turn:
Those who are in Christ at His return will be resurrect first never to die again. 1st Corth 15:23 & Rev 20:4
And those who die in unbelief will be in the resurrection to judgement - the second resurrection (after the 1000 years) Rev 20:5
Fits together simply and more importantly Biblically.


Clear common sense puts a joy smile on my face. ... good work answering to Yahweh and sharing.. thanks.


Great talk.
Thank you! Your videos are very educating.


One of the best videos you have ever made. Had breakfast with a Trinity preacher. He twisted the words of Luke to use as a proof of the Trinity. He twisted “church of God “ he purchased with his preacher said “The he is close to the word God and using strongs rules of Grammar makes the he God. “.... this verse is in Acts. Sad what they will do to have a godman


Thank you, brother Kel!
Trinitarianism is consufing and contradictory indeed.


I am not a Unitarian, though I am constantly moved by your ministry work - you are truly a blessing!


Great!.Jesus was STONEDEAD. ❤For my Sin! Many Thanks❤ He goes Up! John17, 3. Shalom


A talk on life eternal, what we are, what we become and how it is possible that God knows everything.

Because life is Spirit and every living creature is a living creature for the breath of God is inside it.

Without the breath of life there are no living creatures, there would be only dust.

When a creature dies it goes back to the dust where it came from, this is true for animals aswel as human beings.

When this happens the breath of life already went back to God who gave it.

Dust has no memory, no morals, no conscienceness an it can not reason for itself, for without the breath of life there is no life, and when there is no life, there is no memory, morals, conscienceness and reasoning either.

I hope this will give all of you a greater understanding on how God knows everything for God is the Almighty creator. God is Spirit. God is life, and Spirit? Spirit is Life!

This is exactly why the Messiah said to someone who wanted to follow him but first wanted to bury his dad: "Let the dead bury the dead".

Life on this earth is dead! It shall surely die. It's nothing more than dust wich is able to be living creatures by God's breath of life.

Dust you are (speaking in the present time here) and unto dust you shall return (speaking about your first death).

Messiah was risen from his first death by the Most Hight. Death was swallowed up by victory.

The spirit of God consumed the man Messiah of dust and now he is a new creation!

A glorified and immortal man! The first fruits of a new creation and the firstborn of many brethren.

The first Adam became a living soul but the last Adam became life giving Spirit!

Messiah now is life giving spirit (Still a man) and that is why the fullness of deity dwells in him bodily!

After being born again we are partakers of the divine nature but yet still living souls (creatures of dust who are able to live by God's given breath of life).

Live your life as Messiah commands you to live it and put your whole heart, mind and strength on that narrow path to follow Messiah and at the end of that path you too will be changed from dust into life giving Spirit.

God bless!


He went to Sheol for 3 days and god raised him from the dead, sign of jonah


Anyone familiar with the history of Matthew 28:19 having been tampered with in that the words of JESUS were not a trinitarian baptismal formula but rather ‘make disciples in my Name?’


Ezekiel 28:19 _ Proves Satan will cease to exist one day, if Satan can be destroyed, so can humans.


It's satan's lie: ye shall not surely die


I grew up in a trinitarian denomination, they taught "the same but different" thats like saying light but dark, fast but slow, up but down, etc. Yet i was taught to believe it or be a heretic.


The truth of the son the true man the Messiah is SO MUCH more beautiful than the fictitious so called “orthodox” position!


Before I proceed watching...
Indeed trinitarians have no Savior.
When Jesus says that He doesn't know the day nor hour of His own coming, but the Father alone, according to trinitarians Jesus IS God. So He does know of that day and hour. He lied to us. He deceived us... according to trinitarians. Because He is God.
But, make of Jesus God and instantly you make of Jesus the antichrist. How's that? It is so so bad.
Because trinity is not Biblical, one needs to use imagination to see it. When I would warn one that it's not Biblical AND prove that with numerous Bible verses or parts of Scripture, literally quoted, I get to hear that's personal interpretation. How the world is put upside down and how the light of darkness is loved.


Brother Kel, If Jesus was the Second God of the Trinity before becoming Flesh, wouldn't he return to be a Spirit instead of being resurrected from the dead?
Kel, they don't care about the facts of the Scriptures they just preach their trinity doctrines, and the people in their congregation never double-check on them to see if they are correctly preaching the Truth.
Brother Kel, like John says in his epitsle if you don't believe that Jesus has come in the Flesh you are the Anti-Christ.