McCullough: We’re In One of the Biggest Market Collapses of the Modern Era
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In this clip from The Call @ Hedgeye, Communications analyst Andrew Freedman and Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough engage in a regimented process conversation, where they explain how to manage sector specific short ideas going into massive #Quad4 headwinds.
McCullough notes that, “I’ll let you guys know when we’re either coming out of #Quad4, the market is signaling we’re coming out of Quad 4, or both. In the meantime there’s no apologies to make and you don’t have to be nice about it with the companies. It’s a disaster. We’re in one of the biggest market collapses of the modern era from the biggest bubble in the history of markets.”
“Your shorts are awesome. These are like generational shorts that you should ride until every last bull is in the fetal position,” McCullough states.
(This clip is a small taste of what our subscribers get each day on The Call @ Hedgeye. In a nutshell, The Call is our morning research call hosted by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough with our 40+ analyst research team. It helps small and large investors alike make better decisions via unique and investable stock/sector updates.)