How I Make Gil in FFXIV (Lazy Gil Farming Guide)

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Are you looking for easy ways to farm Gils in Final Fantasy 14? I got you! Here are my favourite (and lazy) ways to make Gil in FFXIV!

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"Never underestimate's people's laziness in this game"
<closes this video tab>
<buys some dye off the Limsa dye shop>
<go to the nearest summoning bell>
<sell it at a marked up price, in batches of 20>
<sold out within the next 3 or so hours>

*awkward monkey puppet meme intensifies*


The Silkie intro never fails to bring a smile to my face.


If you wanna earn gil, and also wanna dive into RP. A good way to get gil is to make a Miqo'te and go to the Quicksands.... not that I know anything about that.


"Undercutting is the real pvp" quote of the year


To me, Crystals are the most foolproof way to AFK farm gil. You just get your gatherers to at least level 26, give the gatherer jobs to your retainers, and just farm crystals all day long, and sell them in bundles of 1000. They'll always sell because demand is infinite, and it's such a low barrier for entry that you can do it super early on in the game.


You don't always have to undercut! If an item is selling frequently I sell smaller stacks at the listed price. The total will still be lower than someone undercutting the price by a few gil, and I make more gil per unit.


2:40 Go back here and read the tooltip of the lumber.
"Shop selling price"

It means that a vendor sells it for that price.
Always, always, always look for this when you buy things on the market board. You have no idea how much gil I make from people not knowing this and who buys it for sometimes 30 times the price.

You know the hempen camise chestpiece that catgirls really like? The one you are wearing in this video. It is often on the mb for 39k. I buy it from a merchant for 57 gil right next to the Gridanian Aetheryte.


Something I use all the time for easy, lazy gil is drop into Eureka Pyros for the bunny farms. Its a bit of a process getting to at least that point in the side content, but every coffer will garaunte net you a certain amount of gil (bronze is 10k, silver is 25k, gold is 100k). And the non-100% drops from each variant can net you stuff that can be typically sold on the marketboard for 30k to up to 4 million with the rarest drop. You also want Pyros specifically because Pagos, the second of four zones, is hell... and Hydatos is so wide you can literally get chests at the far corners of the map. Pyros is so centralized and the southern variant of the fate as a max elemental level will never send you to packs that will aggro you since it's the bottom half only. And people get back so quickly that the event retriggers fairly consistently - which means more coffers per time you spend.


this has become my favorite channel over the passed week and thrilled to see this vid because i struggle!


I love farming Titania, the music is great and I love Titania's voice lines. It's super chill


One very easy way to make slow but reliable money, is to resell NPC dyes.
Yes, dyes, especially the beast tribe ones.
Most of them will cost you anything from 5-250 gil each, but on the marketboard will usually sell for at least 500 gil each.
Just check the history beforehand, not everything has worthwhile returns, and some dyes aren't very popular.


Made about 50 million from hunt trains. Was almost getting millions from selling materia when the prices where so at beginning of tiers when people wanted to penta meld.

I also made like 6 million Gil selling iron ore I would buy from npcs across 3 characters. That was always funny cause I would up the price so much.


Great tips all around! My personal tip is to be so lazy that I can't be bothered to spend gils.


I've never seen my husband's face light up so quickly for a mount, but adores that Silkie so much that he IMMEDIATELY walked over to me and said "Where?!"
"Where what?"
"Where can I get that? It's so fluffy!"
"Oh, uh, complete every path in the dungeons underneath Ul'dah."
"Looks like you'll have to take a vacation from WoW, babe."
"...How far d--"
"Endwalker, I think!"
"Alriiiight, gotta work on my Garo achivements anyway."



Its kinda funny that I dont use any of these tips to make gil. I couldent be bothered with the market board so I just dedicated my subscription to learning to decorate and now I decorate houses for the fabulously wealthy


Thank you. I don't know why but I love crafting in this game; and now I know my new goal.


I love your accent avy, it's a delight watching your vids


not only are you funny but you are quite lovely. new to the channel but it is very enjoyable so far.


While not the best exchange rate there is an item from GC seals that vendors for 4000 gil
I miss when demicrystals vendor’d for 500 gil


I just sell for Data Center for below average. I look at the data for what I want across my whole Data Center, sell it for a below average amount. This usually sells within the hour because it's cheaper than everything else, while still netting me a huge profit as I craft from base material. Retainer value has shot up exponentially for me.
