Baht Rivka Whitten - Awake My Soul (Official Lyric Video)
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Many are they who say of my soul
there is no help for me in God
And there is no one to console (me)
And if I fail would they applaud?
Sometimes you have to tell your soul
Not to give up, and not let go
Awake my soul! Rejoice my soul!
And all that is within me.
Awake my soul! Rejoice my soul!
and Bless His holy Name 2X
Why are you downcast, O my soul
and why in turmoil within me?
The pain begins to take its toll ... I'm overwhelmed, too blind to see
Sometimes, you have to tell your soul
Not to give up and not let go
Awake my soul! Rejoice, my soul!
And all that is within me.
Awake my soul! Rejoice, my soul!
and Bless His holy Name 2X
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in His Word I hope;
He leads me by still waters.
He restores my soul.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in His Word I hope;
He leads me by still waters.
He restores my soul.
Awake my soul! Rejoice my soul!
And all that is within me.
Awake my soul! Rejoice my soul!
and Bless His holy Name 2X
"Awake My Soul"
Written and Sung by Baht Rivka Whitten
Matt McKeown (Sound Mind Studios)
Israeli-born Baht Rivka is an accomplished recording artist and worship leader. Her unique sound is comprised of both Hebrew and English current and traditional melodies, fused with powerful mid-eastern instruments and vocals, along with rhythms from around the world. Her compelling music has impacted nations through television, radio, and the distribution of her three CDs, along with performances at congregations, conferences, and Israel-related gatherings across the globe.