Diablo 4 NEW GOBLIN EVENT Today : BEST way to Farm Goblin Treasure Bags : Season 5 D4 UPDATE

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0:00 Into
0:44 Whats Inside
1:40 How to Get Bags Best Method
3:01 Unlucky Dungeon
6:26 Greed Shrine (This is what you want)
9:37 Helltides Method 2
11:14 PvP Zone Method 3
12:20 Opening More Bags

Diablo 4 NEW GOBLIN EVENT Today : BEST way to Farm Goblin Treasure Bags : Season 5 D4 UPDATE

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really wish they make Goblin chance to drop Treasure Bags permanent, not just limited time.


World boss Avarice spawns a bunch of goblins when you kill him


Goblin and cow farming has always been a good thing for D3 and maybe soon to D4. Sometimes taking a break from the hard grind of leveling and upgrading gear makes goblins and cow farming amusing and fun. A way for co-op groups relax and enjoy some stress free activities but also earning loot and resources materials. It's a work week, but I'll get to enjoy this at the weekend


I’ve found all the NMD sigils dropped by goblins are all extra shrines which is great.


Ran 15 level 100 NMDs in a row… zero greed shrines. Fun.


Helltides has a far better spawn rate, just when you kill double goblins, you look on your mini map and there's another one. Greed shrines are more common and those sitting guys have a 1:3 spawn rate. Tarsarak desert area is insane for goblin spawns, I hit 6: of them in less than 8 minutes.


just run through the map on horse and u will meet pack of 3 every minute


Playing solo I get 100 bags from helltide in an hour without really trying to hard so I’m not sure the Dungeon method is best for solo play


Don’t craft sigils, instead go to the Helltide and goblins will spawn and always drop extra shrine nightmare sigil


I've personally found the best way to find the goblins is just run on your horse around the open world looking for them. I've not found any real advantage of doing the dungeon runs.


Helltides better than dungeons, you can get 15-30 in 15 min


I am not 100% sure on it but last night was my first night getting on and it seemed like in helltides you could find them near the greed shrine and also near the jewelry chests (amulet & ring chests) again I’m not 100% on it but it definitely seemed like they were more prevalent near those 2 types of chests


Goblins spawn when you kill mobs and have the greed shrine active. Its better to not kill anything in the NMD and once you get the shrine, start killing. You can get up to 5 goblins per shrine.


extremely informative and to the point, couldnt help but watch it entirely.


I found that the legendary bags from T100 NMD give sigals with extra shrines always


Totally full on, they are putting gold shrines next to all helltides events and when you start the event and hit the shrine the spawn rate is nuts, especially when others come in. Had about 8 waves of the little buggers x2


do the bags themselves drop mats or have a chance?


How Is It possibile that your attacks cover an area that Wide? What Is the right attachment for that result? Thanks


You guys are crazy all you gotta do is roll around the map on your horse and the goblins are everywhere and when you find one two more spawn you can I had 11 legendary bags and 67 regular ones in like half an hour haha totally resource free


helltides has two benifits... you can up the game stage with mind cages... besides the goblins in it... pro tip... there are these red circles on the ground with a NON hostile npc on their knees you can click on... once they do their animation... 1. cinders pop, 2, elites pop, 3 a harbringer pop... but but... if you get a goblin you get 4-6 pop thats what i hunt besides the regular goblins in the hell tides lol in less than 3hrs i went from 29mil to 200mil the amount of gold from the goblins both in and outta dungeons and selling neaer everything Riddle me this, Slaydra-man, why does the loot vanish... saw it happen live with Raxx on the wrold boss tons of loot he went to town and back .. nothing in the temp overflow tab and back all the bags and boss mats dropped... same with Rob as well is there a hard limit in the game for items on the ground in a area? why i dont do dungeons after its over i go back and stuff is already gone in less than 2 min
