Hetalia - I know I'm a wolf / GERITA WWII

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Okay, so to explain the story (its hella long)
TLDR: During 1943, Italy struggles on what side to join as his brother just switched sides. Italy tries keep Germany happy while Germany occupies him and tries to keep Italy as oblivious as possible to the truth.

Disclaimer: The song is from Germany and Italys perspective, Germany singing to Italy, talking about how he needs him to stay, and the perspective of what Italy sees. Furthermore, I'm not stating that only Germany and Japan were bad during WWII, Italy did know what he was doing at first.

PLOT - During 1943, the allies invade Sicily and Romano switches sides, this causes Italy to worry and start to regret joining the axis, he starts seeing things as a lot darker than how he once perceived them and feels like being in the axis is more evil than ever. Germany on the other hand needs Italy to stay on the axis and occupies him while Italy thinks about switching sides and tries to realize more on what's going on. Germany is severely struggling with the war and can't cope, he can't handle it as his boss is forcing him to do terrible things. He needs Italy there to feel happiness, to feel hope so he tries his best to brainwash Italy into seeing the war as happy and cutesy, and seeing the allies as well as Romano as the enemy.

Explanation for things in the video-
Through out the video, you'll notice that the dark/ww2/sad images start going blurry, this is to represent Italy's obliviousness to the war, as he starts to feel more and more safe with Germany, ignoring reality completely just to smile a little longer. Germany explains through out the song how sad he feels as well as explaining that he hates violence, but he does this in way that convinces Italy to ignore what is happening and just focus on friendship with him.
The grey represents that Italy may see happiness and what not but it is fake happiness, it may also represent memories.

What it is based on-
This is based on the world war 2 history where South Italy switched sides and North Italy was set up as a puppet state and occupied by Germany, stopping the allies from reaching it and stopping them from disabling fascism there. However, many northern Italians wanted to switch sides and many had set up a resistance against the n*zis just like Southern Italy had done, there were very very few fascists left In Northern Italy, and Mussolini found it hard to recruit anyone. Most of Northern Italy considered itself neutral, most of its people did at least. The civil war was not between Northern Italy vs Southern Italy, but between fascists, and the partisan's and the resistance in general.

Before anyone comes at me for saying that Germany brain washed Italy, and blah blah he would never do that. Hear me out, Germany was stressed in WWII, he didn't want to do a lot of the stuff he was forced to do but he had to follow his orders and government, remember countries represent their people, not their government. Germany was extremely upset by all of this, my head canon is that he needed some light to the situation and when he saw the allies were trying to get Italy to switch sides, Germany did everything he could to make sure that didn't happen such as occupying Italy and convincing Italy to stay with him, he needs his happiness and his best friend. Germany tricked Italy into seeing things as happier than they are because he knew that if Italy started to see the truth again then he would leave him.

Now if you are wondering why I'm saying that Italy is blind to WWII, I'm not saying that. Italy joined the axis 100% aware of what was going on, he made friends with Germany and Japan and liked the idea at first, but he saw it as sorta of a joke, he got drunk a lot and pretended things were fine, he saw the whole conflict like a kindergarten argument, but as time went on, he started seeing more and more darkness and sadness, he started seeing the war less like fun and more horrifying. He clinged to Germany out of fear from the fighting and what not, and he tried to ignore it all as much as possible. He wasn't completely oblivious to being a bad guy, but he did start to take things more seriously later on. He especially started to notice more and more when Romano switched sides, he started feeling more and more pain but still clinged to Germany. Also, remember how Italy takes anti depressants? yeah, he takes them a lot just to stay happy. So no, I'm not saying that only Germany and Japan in WWII times were evil and Italy wasn't. I'm saying that they all knew what they were doing, but Italy didn't take it as seriously as the others, he was pretty much a complete asshole at first, only worrying about his safety, but like I said later on he changes that mindset, but even later on, he becomes oblivious to the allies being genuine good people, the axis being bad guys, and anything dark and sad, as well as becoming blind to his brothers values and what his brother was saying about Germany.
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So many feels. Loved this. Gerita is still my top hetalia OTP. Waiting for the new season for their love <3


I'm currently learning about WW2 at school and my teacher was talking about the civil war happening in Italy. For Hetalia: I always head cannoned Luciano representing RSI and Romano representing CLN, so seeing this take on it was interesting.
