❓The past simple and past perfect tenses - English Learners' Questions

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Learn the difference between the past simple and the past perfect as Dan answers this BBC Learning English learner's question. Niki from Hungary wants to know when to use 'eat' and 'ate'.

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Hi guys! Dan here for BBC Learning English with this week's Learner Question. Find out what it is after this.

OK! This week's learner question comes from Niki from Hungary, who writes: The following sentence has been giving me a headache for weeks now. Could you please give me the correct answer and justify it? When was the last time you had eaten / ate in this restaurant? Two weeks ago. Ok, Niki, are you ready? Here we go.

So, in your example it has to be the past simple. When was the last time you ate in this restaurant? Two weeks ago. Now the past simple refers to finished periods of time or moments of time. It refers to a definite past. So, it’s often used with time adverbials such as: last night, some time ago, in 1985, earlier today, at six o clock this morning, the last time, the first time, etc. And don’t forget that the auxiliary verb is did. For example: The first time I ever rode a horse was on my 7th birthday. And the last time was 6 months ago.

The past simple can also be used to refer to repeated past events and past habits and past states. For example: When I was small, we lived in a cottage by the sea and I played every day on the beach.

Now, the past perfect is formed using had + a past participle verb. And, we use it when we are already discussing the past and wish to refer back to an event that happened before this point. For example: When I got to the cinema, the film had already started.

Now, the past perfect can also be used with words like after, as soon as, when and once, but usually only to emphasise that one action is quite separate and independent and has finished before another one. Remember, everything’s in the past. So, compare these sentences: When I got out of the car, I bought a parking ticket. These two are connected. One follows the other. However, when I had got out of the car, a dog ran over to me. These two events are unconnected and separate.

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absolutely brilliant !
never knew that it'd be possible for anyone to explain complicated grammar in a cople of minutes


Thanks very much BBC learning english


Thanks for the explanation!
Dan you are fabulous!


Thanks Dan! I enjoy learning from your classes.


Hi, Thanks for the explanation but I got confused when you talked about two examples. The first one was about two connected actions and the second one was about unconnected actions. I really felt that they are still connected.


Thanks to this episode, I learned that using p.p implys two events are not connected. Thank you, Dan!


Good point. As always. Thanks. The time markers are of great help.


Thank u
I love u
Heart from Indonesia


It is so cool. I love to learn english.


Hello, thank you very much for your lessons and constructive explanation. Could you please tell me which tenses are necessary to be taken in the following sentences?
1) After I had done my homework( or after I did my homework), I went out with friends
2) I went out with friends after I had done my lessons ( o after I did my lessons)


it's good to know about this, thank you Dan


Hello, Could you explain, what is the different between Meanwhile and While . Yours classes are so good. Karina from Equator.


Pls explain the meaning and diffrence between past participle and present participle


Are you see this and can you help me. I want speaking with English people,


its good explanation but the topic is still confusing


And in this case: "It was the first time he had ever spoken / ever spoke to her about marriage"?
