Living with ankylosing spondylitis: Peter's perspective

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Peter is a patient living with ankylosing spondylitis. Hear how the disease affects his life and ambitions for the future.
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Had to hold my breath to keep from crying. This is me everyday. It is hard to explain to others what I feel mentally and physically.


This... And the hardest part is when the people who love you have moments of understanding, but then soon forget and get mad at you.


I am patient of AS since 10 years but diagnose 2 years back, My age is 28 now, so i will suggest every patient of AS to be active, take medicines and go to gym everyday, do stretching and do not sit or sleep for a longer time, it will help you a lot and it will increase your mobility by 80% . Do not think you are alone Allah almighty is with you and He did not made any disease which is not cure able, be positive never loose hope ✌🏻


This is so beautiful. I almost started crying at work. It's a depressing video, but damn it is so true. Shout out to all my other AS people out there. Keep on living!


I have it, worst part is everyone calling you lazy because it’s an invisible disease.


My boyfriend/love of my life has AS... He's 23 and has had both of his hips replaced, and now it's his shoulders that are starting to deteriorate. His spine is already fusing too. It is truly heartbreaking watching him go through all of this. Every moment of every day he's in pain, sometimes less and sometimes he tells me its unbearable. The worst part for me is that I cant do anything to help him, nobody can. I do my best by picking things up off the ground for him, doing all the heavy lifting, clipping his toenails for him, and other things. Sometimes we just stay in bed all day. If I had just one wish, it would be to take his disease away. I'm sending well wishes to anyone out there with AS reading this, I hope you all find something that lessens your pain.


I have this - alternating pain in either side of my buttocks, pain so bad it stops me from breathing - I've been limping on and off for 5 years now. The hardest thing is how unknown it is. At work I simply say I have a football injury because the truth is much to sad and too long to say. I don't even bother saying the truth to anyone these days. You know when you get a really bad cold and you just want to go to bed because when your sick you feel alone and no one can help... Well when you have this every day, every day you feel alone. Nothing really has a point anymore. Pain when I wake and pain when I sleep. What a wonderful thing we have called life. I hope others who see this video can help them with their goal, lots of silent sufferers like me in the world.Good luck to all of you


Just recently diagnosed this year. I'm a very athletic person and its turned my whole life upside down. Always thought it was a pulled muscle


My husband has AS. It's heartbreaking to see him in so much pain. Especially as there is no cure. It's hard knowing he will have a life time of taking medication, all of which comes with a list of side effects longer than your arm. For everyone out there who has AS I'm sending you a big hug because it's so tough and there is very little support or understanding of the condition out there.


I also am a AS patient and I'm 21 years old. sometimes i can't even bend over and put my shoes on. I would never wish this daily pain to anybody :(... yeah this does make you depressed.. you don't feel young anymore :(


It's a little bit more comforting knowing there are others out there in the same amount of pain as I am in daily...


Early diagnosis and stretching is the best way to fight with AS. Don't take rest when AS is active. Continue with your daily activities and be active don't give up 💪 we are the Worrier's.


Just recently diagnosed ..And I don't wish this on my worst enemy! Keep your head up everyone !


Diagnosed at 16. I'm 32 now. I feel grateful that I'm able to walk most of the time without painkillers.. I do light running and workout to keep myself fit.. life is not easy but we need to keep pushing forward..


i want to scream not like a human but like an animal....23 years of pains...


S- strong
P- people
O- overcoming
N- never-ending
D- disease.
Y- Your
L- life
S- stand tall!
Nothing's is unbeatable🙂


I've been dealing with the same condition for over 25 years. I've had 2 spinal surgeries as a result of this condition. I've had over a 12 spinal epidural injections because of this condition. I've lost several friends and several opportunities in life because of this situation. I don't understand how something can take away so many things and leave you with nothing. I've learned the you have to have a strong will and drive in order to get through even a single day much less a week or a month or even a year. I wish they told me in the doctors office that your mental fortitude is going to be your only strength because your body will be in a state of shambles most of the time. For all that have this disease remember we are not alone and we must find a way to work together even if it's just watching these videos to know we're not alone....😢


I'm an AS patient since twenty years, watching this video now because I can't sleep because of pain .it is eating me alive


I started to cry. I'm not diagnosed with anything, but I'm 19 and the pain started when I turned 17. This is accurate to what it's like.


my dad had this from his late teens, some of his joints were fused had no movement in his neck and his spine was badly bent. was still the most optomistic man, always whistling and smiling even though his pain was constant. it's a terrible condition.
