Billy Preston ~ Space Race 1973 Funky Purrfection Version

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The Beatles shared the performing credits with only two other artists, the first was Tony Sheridan and the second was the funkiest keyboard player ever, Billy Preston. Preston was the man behind the keyboards on the Beatles #1 hit "Get Back".

When Billy struck out on his own, he got his first #1 R&B hit with "Outa-Space" and was able to recreate that magic for his second #1, "Space Race". All you had to do was put Billy in front of the latest in keyboard technology and he could spin gold out of it. "Outa-Space" was his first time using a clavinet, this time it was an aarp synthesizer, a Pro Soloist to be exact. He came up with "Space Race" while he was jamming on the new instrument.

The original title he gave the instrumental song was "Funky Thing In A", but when it came time to put it on the album, he already had "Outa-Space" in the can and felt that since the US space program was such big news, a second space song made sense and changed the title so that there would be some continuity in theme.

He had written lyrics but threw them out as they got in the way of the funk. "Space Race" was released after his #1 Hot100 hit with "Will It Go Round In Circles". The song was chosen by producer of American Bandstand Larry Klein as background music for the series. The song stayed the theme until the program ended in 1989.

When "Carrie", the 1976 horror film with Sissy Spacek came out, there was a scene where the boys went out to shop for prom tuxes at several shops and the music that played used the aarp synthesizer and bore a similarity to "Space Race". I guess it was cheaper than getting the original to write and record something new.
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This song was so popular that Dick Clark used it on American Bandstand from 1973-89 during the halfway mark of the show. It was cool to see the dancers swaying back and forth before Station ID.


50 years old and sounds as fresh as ever. Well done buddy.


I remember American Bandstand use to play this midway through the show leading out to commercials. It was the JAM back then 🎹🎼🎵🎶. RIP Billy Preston 💐


Billy and I were friends... This is the song I'll always remember him by.


Back when music was perfection. Billy Preston's music is so good, love his work with The Rolling Stones.


Nice extened Version The best bring me back to 1973, yep im that old


THE MOST UNDERRATED MUSICIAN/PERFORMER OF ALL TIME. This man was a musical genius and and instrumental wizard! He did his own thing in a way that can’t be described.


I haven't heard this version since it was popular and I can remember so many parts of it! It was so great and fresh in '73 when I was 12 and *still* sounds good!


Those of you saying this was bumper music on American Bandstand. Now I know where I heard this before. When I heard this recently it sparkled some long lost memory. Besides all that, this would have been a perfect theme song for a 1970s TV cop show


❣️😍❣️I've been lookin' for this instrumental song by Billy Preston for 15fifteen was play'd during commercial breaktime on Dick Clark's American Bandstand. The dance show play'd this awesome song from the 1970's- to the finale in 1990's... THANK YOU DISCODJ CATT!!❣️!!❣️!!❣️!!😍


Whatta "DOPE" "I" was for missing him when I was 14/ 15 y/o; totally OVER MY HEAD!!! Now, I'm bum'n over that loss!!!! Thank you


Bought the 8 Track Tape on 12/22/1973... Loved it... This song brings such amazing memories back...Great touch!! Thanks!!!


I remember this song playing on American Bandstand! This made me start buying every Billy Preston song I could find..RIP!


The harmonic backing on the Hammond is so solid!!


Great song. Billy was an artist. I was in the United States Marine Corps when this was a hit, back in 1973. This was played a lot in our "OPEN" squad bays. So when one played it, all 40-45 other Marines heard it.


Rest in Music Billy. This funk of another galaxy far away. Funk it up


Look at this exciting crowd as we get ready for the second half of American Bandstand with ATL performing Let Me Make It Up With Love, Spotlight Dance, and Mariah Carey along with the Dance Contest semi finals and it's all right here as the second half of American Bandstand is on the way right here on ABC...Keep It Locked!


I was about 13 when this came out. What a jam. This man was genuinely a funk genius.


I bought this song on a 45 when it came out (which I still have). I thought it was one of the coolest things I had ever heard.


Wow! Had this as a 45 record. Played it a lot!
