What do we mean by heaven, the Resurrection of Jesus and the rapture? Ask NT Wright Anything

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In the debut episode of the series, Tom Wright addresses questions from listeners about the the resurrection, heaven, and the rapture. Where do our loved ones go when they die? How can we explain the afterlife to children? Does Tom believe there will be 'a rapture'? And what does Jesus' return really mean for us?

00:00 - Intro
00:39 - How do we explain salvation and the resurrection?
04:16 - Where are our dead loved ones?
09:37 - How do we explain the afterlife to children?
13:20 - Do you believe in the Rapture?
17:28 - Did Jesus return in AD70?
23:58 - Conclusions

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Ask NT Wright Anything Podcast
The show that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thoughts and theology through your questions. Produced by Premier Unbelievable in partnership with SPCK and NTWrightOnline.

About NT (Tom) Wright: Tom Wright is one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars and the author of numerous books including Surprised by Hope, The Day The Revolution Began, Paul: A Biography and most recently Jesus and the Powers.
He is senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford. Wright is ordained in the Church of England and, among other roles, served as Bishop of Durham between 2003 – 2010. He is much in demand as a lecturer around the world and the author for the bestselling For Everyone commentary series and the New Testament For Everyone Bible translation.
Wright is married to Maggie and they have 4 children. As well as being a voracious reader, he enjoys classical music and opera and enjoys playing the guitar.
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Brilliant! I need to think carefully, and review what I believe.


Here's an encouraging understanding of what happens when believers die in Jesus: they "sleep" (look up how frequently death is referred to a sleep) until the resurrection at the second coming; in this sleep there is no consciousness - of time, or of anything else - so there will be no perception of a delay between the the believer's last conscious moment and their coming awake at their resurrection. It will seem to happen in the very next moment. That's a very comforting belief!


Missed this 2 weeks ago but it's great confirmation by NT Wright what the Spirit had been impressing on me about what's coming after and the confusion about the bodily resurrection and being with the Lord when our present time on earth in our "earth suit" ends.
What would be good for Tom to clarify is issues of the Rapture, Tribulation and the return of the Lord Jesus and the Millennia to complete the Restoration of this fallen world.


Another great lesson Bishop Wright. I’m always impressed how so many people in the comment section are ready to correct an expert Bible scholar…


This is very very interesting. But I'll need a few listens!!


I read alot about philosophy, and became a Christian later in life after a religious experience. Completely transformed the way I read the bible, and especially the Epistles. Not seen Tom Wright or read his books, but really like what he's saying and much of it reflects the 'knowledge' I gained/felt during my religious experience. Main thing was this knowledge that we each had a path we were to live, and that contributed to a future that God wanted, and even though we strayed, we could get back to the path. The other thing was all encompassing love of God - conversation and analysis are irrelevant compared to that love. I wrote book on this too (Christianity from the Ground Up).


If when believers die, they go wherever Jesus is and there they will remain until the restoration of all things; fine. Wouldn't that mean that when Christ returns - all those with Him will also return with Him to earth?


God is not restrained by time and space as we are hear on earth now, when we die we will be in for a big surprises.🙏❤️


This was really interesting. First time hearing of the vindication of Jesus and the destruction of the temple. I need to get some NT Wright books.


Have missed this interviewer he's good


I like NT Wright, but does he have the ability to give a clear concise answer ever? He goes on 5 rabbit trails when answering


Great talk! As always a delight to listen to Dr. Wright. A small annotation I would make: In my opinion if one interprets the Son of Man title in the Gospels it is also crucial to look at later texts like 1hen in order to understand the transformation from the application of the "Son of Man" title to Israel, to the application of the title to an eschatological figure. The vindication of the Son of Man then, in my opinion, can indeed be interpreted as a visible coming as the judge of the world. But still interesting take on the temple destruction...


I agree with N.T. Wright that John's Gospel emphasizes new creation: 20:1 - on the first day of the week, when it was still dark (cf. Genesis 1:2-4). 20:6-7 - the arrangement of the grave clothes (cf. John 10:43-44 - Lazarus is still entangled in death, but Jesus is DONE with death), 20:15-16 (cf. Genesis 2:15) Mary thinks she is talking with the first man, but in fact she is talking to the last man; like Mark, John is glad to slyly employ irony. HOWEVER (or...in addition...), John 20:11-12 (cf. Romans 3:25 - God put Jesus forth as the hilasterion - the mercy seat, the Greek name for the lid of the Ark of the Covenant) angels at the head and feet of where Jesus's body lay suggests Jesus's body is the seat of mercy - this does have more of a forgiveness of sins/propitiatory cast.


sleep is a simple answer to this. Just sleep, rest, take a nap. You will feel refreshed when you awake. You are resting in His hands. When you die, you have died and will be raised. Why can we not just trust God even in death?


Como me gustaría ver estos valiosos videos traducidos al español. Lamentablemente no sé inglés así que no puedo aprovecharlos.


I take issue with the idea (at 2:30 in this video) that God is going to renew the existing creation, rather than take us away somewhere else. Because Jesus Himself, in John 14:1-7, tells the disciples explicitly that He is going back to God to prepare places for us in God's own house, and that He will return to fetch them and take them back there. It's pretty straightforward and difficult to misinterpret, is it not? There is no indication from Jesus in this passage that He intends to return to clean up the place where the disciples are already living. And that is the whole context for John 14:6, which is a fundamental, well-known verse quoted by almost every Christian. Or are you saying that I am misinterpreting this passage, and that I therefore have an incorrect understanding of John 14:6?


Man, I miss Justin's and NT Wright's dialogues.


even the blind man refers to the beginning. love NTW


If minute 22:36 (you will see the Son on Man coming on the clouds of heaven...) is not meant to be understoond literally, how then should Matthew 23, 39 (For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.) be understood?


A long, long time ago I read in "Gramophone" magazine a review of an LP of plainsong. The author said that plainsong is the music of the soul in exile from its God.
