MALE DANCERS WEAR DANCE BELTS? #ballerina#explained#maledancer#ballet#didyouknow#dancebelt

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That was a good question that was asked. I never thought about dancers having to not wear underwear. I always wondered why the men seemed to look seamless😊


The memory of sticking pads to my tights for a ballet performance bc of the no underwear rule will forever be burned into my brain lol. Although ik that at least at my school girls with heavier breasts were allowed to wear bras (or just did it anyway idk) bc frankly the support becomes kinda necessary at some point- especially when you're doing jumps, pirouettes etc


The whole 'no underwear' rule is enforced pretty young. Even little kids know and follow it.


My coach in HS made us go braless and demanded we have no panty lines so requested me go nude or wear thongs. Oh but as soon as the dance belt was mentioned, every guy on the team "got the choice if they wanted to wear them or not"..BS


Talking from my experience as a female dancer yes it is expected that no underwear is worn however we also have our periods which I personally do not like using tampons which means I have to wear underwear to dance occasionally and I just do my best to pull it up in a way that hides it underneath my leotard and I don’t get in trouble but this probably won’t be the same for every dancer because I am not at an extremely strict dance studio


I was a dancer for 18 years and to this day the no underwear rule is engraved in my brain because of a rant my 60 year old German ballet teacher had once. She went on about how it is unseemly and causes ruffles in our lines. I went up to her the last time I was ever in one of her classes and told her that the entire time
I was in ballet with her I always just wore a thong and that she had never noticed.


I wear underwear under my tights, I've been dancing for 9 years but for shows I have a few pairs of "special" dance ones. I just can't go without it😅


id be terrifed of discharge my gosh 😭😭


rules like this should only be enforced in professional settings imo :/ i dropped out of multiple/many sports as a kid because i was not comfortable wearing the enforced attire


I danced for about 5 years as a kid, and my biggest insecurity was related to not wearing underwear. I felt so uncomfortable and exposed... Why, as a 5-10 year old girl, did that bother me so much? :(


The first time i was told i couldnt wear underwear i was shocked but by now i am used to it.


I never heard of the no underwear rule, I just always wear a seamless beige string so it doesn’t show, you can usually buy some in any ballet shop or online


Yes, a sensitive topic, especially for those who've never been in a dance class. You're kind and generous in your channel to address all aspects of this beautiful art form. 💐


I always wore a thong. Even as quite a young child (becuase as a young child a grown woman telling you you shouldn't be wearing underwear, especially while on your period, is traumatic)
So glad I stopped going to my classes, as much as I love ballet many aspects of it was very uncomfortable for 8-15 year old me.


I mean just wear a thong? No offense but who came up with the idea to just wear... nothing? And also just the women... Weird. I love how people are always talking about how twerking or belly dance is indecent or too revealing, what about this though 🧐


At a Nutcracker performance my friend’s granddaughters were giggling on and off. Afterwards I asked what they were laughing at and grandma said “when the man dancer came out on stage in his white tights, they were laughing at his butt.”


Bro girls definitely wear underwear, there are dancewear brands that sell tan panties as dance underwear for a ridiculous up sell because we have to wear panties sometimes - like when you're on your period. And girls with big boobs are strongly encouraged by costumes departments to wear supportive bras


😂 we were giving seamless underwear that was skin tone or slightly darker because we were at the age that periods were a thing. And the wife of one of the instructors did modeling so she gave it as a suggestion and ever since then it just rolled


Omg you dance beautifully. You are angelic


I GREW up in ballet, so the no underwear rule was so normal to me i thought it was like a widely known thing that was followed by all dancers to just know that when you danced and wore tights and leotards it was no underwear. I also thought it wasn’t like “weird” to some bcs it was just so normal to me. To this day it feels weird for me to dance with underwear and tights bcs that’s just not how I grew up dancing. But I do totally get why many would feel weird. Oh not to mention I did a dance show at school once, wasn’t for ballet or anything, just the dance elective show, and the girls were sooo weirded out by the “I don’t want to see underwear lines” thing and I was like “you guys wear underwear under your tights and leotard” and they were like “u don’t?!?” And u was like “no, you don’t do that in ballet.💁🏻‍♀️” and that’s the moment I realized it was not a known by all, normal thing abt dance that everyone happened to know💀😭😂
