I Had to Try This Dumble Clone Again - VHT D50

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I’ve learned from watching this channel is that JNC can get his tone with any guitar or amp.


I bought one of these about 3 weeks ago. A few days ago I bought a Fryette PS-2A Power Station. I look forward to cranking the amp to awesomeness and taming the volume with the Power Station. :)


Got one of these .I found it sounded a bit woolly ! I found it had a few Caps across the input Jack. I removed them and now I love the sound . Much crisper !


I love my VHT D-50. Using it with an EV EVM 12L. Sounds killer!


I have one of these and love it. I switched the power tubes to EL34 and rebiased and it sounds amazing, especially when you put a Klon clone in front of it set as a boost


I love the sound on bridge pickup, not too much on neck pickup.


Hi! Picker S. Burchfield here. Ive had one of these for about 3 years and Really like it. My tech did a few things about 6 mos. in and no probs since. Ive just ordered the 5 Watt World BUSS pedal by Barber with a ODS Emulation setting. I think the OD sound on these amps benefit from a Really Good Dumble sound OD pedal' One thing I extra LOVE is the 3 way Bright switch to take out the icepick highs so many amps have. I bought a Bassbreaker 65 watt speaker cab for 250$ new for budget light carry rig. I ve had about 5 Dumble clones and this holds up fine for me. Would say try it to picking friends. Buy it where you can return it if you dont bond.


Well, I think it is kind of brave in the guitar community to just come out and say I prefer a VHT50 to a Two Rock and that you prefer a Zendrive into a clean Fender amp to either. So many people listen with their eyes instead of listening with their ears and feel the need for everybody else to come to the same conclusions as themselves - despite their playing different styles of music, looking for different levels of gain and playing with different attack and tone coming from their hands.

For me, I liked the Royal Overdrive most (out of the dozen or so D-styled pedals I have had) but found my preferred pedal settings too noisy (and the quiet ones too dark) and settled on the Vertex Ultraphonix because being a simplified Zen with just a Mid accent knob, it let the sound of the amp shine through more. Playing through a Pro Reverb, one of the best blackface amps ever, I could see that being an advantage for you.

I tend to set the Ultraphonix's gain low (10:00) and use it as a kind of sustain boost and then step on a standard Rat 2 with the gain almost off to fill out the mids when I need to stand out more.

I relate to what you were saying about amp volumes and found that the dynamics of playing very touch sensitive amps that have a sharp, 'peaked' attack caused jumps in volume that make it challenging to set volume levels where you aren't too quiet when you play softly and not too loud when you dig in. That sharp general attack of the amps also sounds less pleasant for playing smooth funk or, maybe, bossa nova rhythms than would be the case on a blackface amp. Tweeds have this positive/negative attribute as well - thus negative feedback switches come in handy.

Putting a D-inspired pedal in front of blackface amp does not have these same disadvantages (or advantages, depending on the perspective) nor does using a Profile/Capture of your Two Rock where, in a Kemper or Fractal unit, you have powerful EQ adjustments that you could modify to smooth out the kinds of 'bark' that you dislike.

Of course, having an ODS style clone allows you to have that experience of a very sensitive amp-in-the-room sound in addition to great modeling/profiling solutions. Horses for courses.

Love listening to your online discourse on the subject in multiple videos letting us all reflect on our own similar gear journeys.


Hey, I was a bit surprised by your first video about this amp as you seemed a bit disappointed. We usually share the same tonal tastes and I've been very happy with this amp. It's also a great pedal platform, especially with the vwro, you should try it out, cheers


I have a VHT Special 6 (Tweed Princeton inspired) - which I have found a great amp for jazz gigs. Really well designed and thought through, portable too.


yesss! Finally some love for this amp. Affordable D. Nice work man


Great to hear a strat through this amp. You've got me curious now. hmm..


You sound great!! What reverb are you using? I love when a player can actually play into the amp. It opens up more creativity.


Please release your loops as backing tracks with no lead so we can use them as jam tracks. Would be epic to practice over your tunes, having your original takes as the reference goal to sound anything as good! :)


Ooh, I really enjoyed this intro. FWIW, this is the kind of thing I'd like to see on Bandcamp or an EP for streaming on Spotify, etc. (vs. ambient soundscapes). Don't tell anyone, but I've already scraped some of your intros as-is for my playlists. —Tom


It would be very interesting if you get a hand on a DV Mark DV RAW DAWG – Eric Gales Signature Head or 60 watt version. Small head a very clean sounding and takes pedals really well according to what I’ve heard.


I think i would want to try one with 2 different approaches, JJ 6v6s pair and a Tungsol 5881 pair, Sylvania Grey Long Plate 12ax7s and see how it sounds.


Incredible sounding amp but, it also has a lot to doin ur fingers, phrasing and touch.
Ur an incredible melodic player ur speaks. Not just jammed together licks. I think you have sold me on this amp


Blueridge Audio are also Amazing Dumble based amplifiers .


I like mine I bought it broken for 600.00 us . I actually custom built many Dumble clones this is actually modeled after serial no. 183 but, with a set of 6L6s instead of the normal EL34s . I actually modded it with better Capacitors and precision resistors it's abit better than stock and it sings very well . I will probably keep it even though it's got Chinese output transformers.
