My Thoughts on No-Till Have Changed

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A little bit of an update on how I am feeling about my no-till farming practices.

Is No-Till The New Organic -

Raleigh City Farm

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Josh your clarity is so cool - it really is about... the soil! The food, the flavours, the plot health and leaf lustre, ;lack of weed pressure - all good!
Plus an interesting aside about no til being 'defined by negatives'. Food for thought. 
It's true and suggests that what are we doing to the soil, normally, is not good. Yet it has become accepted.
Go you with no till!


Your version of 'no till' Certainly inspired me. I have no farming experience and though a abrupt life change swapped a desk for a country homestead in a foreign country with a small plowed field. I put a stop to the tilling (inlaws thought I was crazy) and built a 'market garden' to grow all our veg in for our home pretty much replicating what you'd done using only our own resources. It was real hard work but now I look at what we've achieved and what we have for years to come it's amazing. Thank you so much for your videos and encouragement.


Josh has it 100% correct. Once you actually get into no-till and no-dig farming (or even backyard gardening), you see that its even easier than traditional tilling and prepping for a crop. So here you have a practice that is less labor-intensive, less costly, works better, and is better for the land? That's what they call zero downsides.


"Is this no till? LOL You must have been a great teacher. You got us through the first 30 days of the shutdown, and you continue to inspire me. Blessings to you


It's all good thinking outside of the box, but I'm still unwrapping this box.
Enjoying y'alls.
Love and respect from Africa 🇿🇦


This video was full of GREAT questions. "Is this no-till?" Soil health is where it all comes from!


I was talking to an old timer and he was telling me about how he wanted to put in a garden and the place he picked had no bad weeds in it so he TILLED it up and planted it. Suddenly, he said, he got thistle like crazy. I told him that when he tilled he brought up the OLD seed in the ground and gave it a chance and it took it. I explained the low till method and tarping to him and he was wide eyed at the prospect of less work and fewer weeds. I hope he tries it out.


Josh, the garden in the city really looks great. You should be proud of what you were able to accomplish with it. Nice work.


Thanks for the video...I feel the same way, I started no till this past year and look forward to even greater results next year! All the best from NY!


I feel like no till makes gardening and growing more accessible for folks like me who can’t physically afford the back breaking work of tilling to prep a space. I can lay down cardboard, a layer of dead leaves and a few inches of compost & soil and get after it. World of difference!


WOW, thank you sooo much!! I have a small garden and have been trying to till on the slope, but it's very difficult. I came upon your video and I realize that I have been doing part of it "no till". Your experience and and conclusions have confirmed what I have seen and witnessed in regards to just observing the soil. Thank you, and please continue to encourage the rest of us.


Your videos are awesome! I have recently purchased my old homestead (in eastern NC) and hope to use a lot of those methods to reclaim the overgrown garden spot here. Keep up the good work!


Do not disturb the sponge of roots, they are the structure, the jungle of life.


Your farm is really looking great! I remembered seeing the video when you and friends were preparing the lot for farming, wow it's fantastic now. Great job!


Wow! The Intro, the music, and the end of the video is awesome. Really love how you showcase the Raleigh city farm.


I’m so glad to hear your feedback, it confirm what I always believed!


Watching this just as I go through the new Kiss the Ground documentary. I have no experience in farming, or even gardening but it's something I really want to learn and do- to grow food, and help fight for the climate. I'm only beginning to familiarize myself with a this and know I have a lot to learn but I know this is the right direction. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks a lot brosky. You have cleared up a lot of misconceptions I had about "No till" farming


Hey Josh I think when you consider tilling it's about soil inversion and mixing subsoil into the rihizosphere. So a general raking, tilther and broadforking don't mix soil levels and are all acceptable with no till....however along those lines also comes the term no-dig in which you are now focused on little to no soil disturbance beyond a minimal hole for transplanting etc


Really good video! This was the first year we didn’t do a heavy mulch mostly due to time constraints, and the weeds were so overwhelming that we literally mowed it and gave up for the year. We’ve decided that even if it means we need to hire someone to help us get our garden mulched and ready for the year, it’s well worth the investment.
