Chani Nicholas ~ Astrology: You Were Born For This

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Chani Nicholas offers astrological insight in this web talk hosted by @BanyenBooksSoundVancouver.

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a little over half way through. i’m sitting here like. astounded. excited? ugh. best astrology lecture/seminar/workshop i’ve ever seen.


I couldn’t get in to the live one so I’m SO glad for this recording. I always learn so many great gems from Chani that deepen my astrology practice. ♥️🥂👏🏼


Thank you so much for having Chani and for posting this afterwards. I missed it live, but watching it this way meant I could pause and rewind as much as I needed to get all her wonderful wisdom. I have learned so much about astrology through Chani. Thanks again!!!


Love you so much, Chani!! Thanks for changing my/the world. <3<3<3


She is such a Pro love her work !!♓️♓️


Woooow! This was FANTASTIC!!!! You really got me going 🤯🤯😱 during some parts of this video. Amazing information! Thank you!! 😊


As an astrologer just wrapping my brain around Hellenistic astrology, this was so helpful. 🙏❤️


I just bought this book!! I didn't even know who she was. The book is so very well done. I'm now a fan!


Illuminating. I too have found whole sign houses to be better suited to good readings than any other house system. Venus rules my night birth ascendant, but my path as an artist hasn't been easy. Saturn in Cancer, retrograde and super close to the South Node in Gemini started out as the wet blanket on my devotion to art. No musical instruments in the house, I remember waking up to focused attention when I was 2 years old, listening to a record with my Dad. When the band dropped out and the drums kept going I snapped into a focused attention I still remember. Big resistance from my family towards the idea of being an artist in any capacity other than a side hobby. Venus is in my 5th, and so is Jupiter. Mars is out of ascendant range in the 8th, but is ruled by Venus, stationed retro in the 5th. I experienced a revival of craft in 2012, right around the moment my progressed Venus stationed direct. 8 years into the revival new visions sprouting. Part of it is whole sign houses clarifying that I know my path in life. My parents only diss it cause they shut down the skills that make my life what it is when they were kids and never opened those boxes again. Ok, you don't have the skills. Stuff my parents put into me when I was too young to resist, their Mercurys in Aquarius, mine combust the Sun; my big Gibbous Moon in Gemini and 9th house: originally I thought I had a 9th house Saturn. Fear of travel. Thing is, I have wanderlust like the wind. Saturn 10th house, Moon 9th. Must travel. Fresh air, new ideas, new relationships impossible under the influence of my birthplace. Whole signs also put my Venus and Jupiter from 4th house- I can't stand living in the party house. I like to visit to play gigs, but my sunshine needs at best a woodland hut with no nearby machinery but my electric music devices to settle senses and recharge the battery. Night births need to understand that the light coming from the Moon is sourced by the Sun. If the Sunlight in our charts is always sourced to other people, well in my case I was terribly confused by my family's lack of knowledge regarding my career path. In whole signs my Venus is 5th house, ruling the ascendant. Jupiter is on the Imbolc point right in the middle, ruling my Dragon head. Art is no small thing for me. It's only entertainment for them. They're consumers; I'm a creator.


This was great! I’ve been into astrology but never took the time to learn in a methodical way. I would just pick up knowledge along my own path of personal growth, observing how my transits play out and through the placements of the people I’ve met. But this
really helped to clarify a lot of misconceptions I’ve had and fill in the gaps I’ve had. I really want to learn astrology officially to use it professionally and this is a great starting point ! I will definitely order the book and dive in!


nice to hear acknowlegement in the beginning.


Yes, lovely learning!!! I’m a night chart, ruled by Venus (Taurus rising, plus Libra sun and moon). So that’s good :) I have Saturn conjunct Venus though, in the 5th house. I remember reading your book last year and noting how Saturn was a big perhaps father stuff, taking a somewhat meandering path to my life. Definitely lots here to delve into, in the mind and body! And fun to see and hear you speak 😊


This is really great, thank you! I learned so much.


this was incredible and it clarified so many aspects about my chart by just understanding the key difference between day and night charts. wow, thanks Chani!

Btw your book is what pushed me to pursue astrology at a professional level.


It's interesting because all my life people have told me I should be a writer but even though I feel I have that talent it's not something I value or feel passionate about. I've always felt a little bad about that but I'm a Virgo rising and Mercury is not on my team. Now it makes more sense.

Edited to add that I have the app and I listen to the evening meditation every night and it's changed my life so thanks!


I once read this book in Brampton library. I came to know that my birth chart is totally different from what I have since childhood 😅I feel like the birth chart which I got from here is right and pretty much similar to what I feel in myself


So good!! I'd love a whole book on this topic!


Loving the book. When will the app be available on Android?


So, according to the rules as explained, my sect is night. Capricorn is rising. Saturn is in the second, conjunct sun in 1st. 2nd house planets= Saturn, Jupiter, Evening star Mercury; 6th = moon, 8th = Uranus. How does one go about building a bridge? Also nodes in 2nd/8th.


I'm still new and learning, so forgive me if this question makes no sense. If I don't know if I was born in the day or the night, and I can't track down that information... couldn't I use astrology to verify it? Like, check the day chart version of my birth date, and the night chart equivalent, and see which one is actually more accurate to my life experiences? Track those results over time, and there should be a clear pattern of the day chard vs the night chart giving consistently more accurate results? Would this work? Btw forgive me if my terminology isnt correct
