So Very Hard to Go – Leonid & Friends (Tower of Power cover)

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В знак признательности одной из величайших групп на Земле!
As a tribute to one of the greatest bands in the world!

Leonid Vorobyev – bass, transcript of the musical source,
producing, mixing, mastering, video-montage
Igor Dzhavad-Zade – drums
Michael Puntov – lead vocal
Danil Buranov – backing vocal
Sergey Kurmaev - Steinway piano, backing vocal
Ksenya Buzina – backing vocal
Vasily Akimov – backing vocal
Konstantin Kovachev – guitar
Andrey Zyl – trumpet
Valery Martynov - trumpet
Maxim Likhachev – trombone
Oleg Kudryavtcev – tenor sax
Dmitry Gorevoy – baritone sax
Rei Frometa – conga

Strings – Caro-Bass Orchestra

Alexey Sedov & Kir Popov – video shooting
Special thanks to
CineLab SoundMix Studio and
Gigant Record

Леонид Воробьев – бас-гитара, расшифровка музыкального материала, продюсирование, микс, мастеринг, видео-монтаж
Игорь Джавад-заде – ударные
Данил Буранов – вокал
Михаил Пунтов – вокал
Сергей Курмаев – Стейнвей рояль, бэк-вокал
Константин Ковачев - гитара
Ксения Бузина – бэк-вокал
Василий Акимов – бэк-вокал
Андрей Зыль – труба
Валерий Мартынов - труба
Максим Лихачев – тромбон
Олег Кудрявцев – тенор сакс
Дмитрий Горевой – баритон сакс
Рей Фромета – конга

Струнные – Каро-Басс Оркестр

Алексей Седов и Кирилл Попов – видеосъемка
Особая благодарность студиям
СинеЛаб СаундМикс и
Гигант Рекорд

Hello friends! If you would like to help support the band during these uneasy times, please click on the link below. We appreciate all of your help and support!
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Thank You So Much! As a member of Tower Of Power for the last 20 years, I can say we are honored and also that you guys sound Fantastic!!


Michael knocks this song out of the park.🤩🤩🤩


I will only admit to listening to this 8763 times.


I'm obsessed with this band. I love that all these different people getting together for the love of music and playing/singing so well. Simply beautiful! ❤


Not only did they capture the sound but they captured the soul as well. Bravo!


Missing Serge so, so much on this. I know it's nothing to do with you Leonid, but it's bloody heart-breaking what is happening. Let's hope things get better very soon.


I doubt you guys have any idea how much joy you bring to us old folks by covering these great songs of the 60’s and 70’s. I’m 78, when I’m having a not so good day, all I have to do is dial you up and things improve. Thanks so much!!!


So Very Hard to Go, originally recorded by the Tower of Power, is perfectly covered here by Leonid & Friends. This cover version features the unbelievable lead vocal of Michael Puntov, who sounds exactly like Lenny Williams who was the lead singer in the original Tower of Power version of So Very Hard to Go.

Michael really nailed the vocals on this recording, as he perfectly captures the vocal performance exactly as it sounds on the original recording. Every nuance and inflection of Michael’s vocals are exactly as they were recorded before in this original recording by Lenny Williams! I was absolutely astounded when I first heard this perfectly crafted cover version by Leonid & Friends. I could not believe that anyone could sound EXACTLY like the Tower of Power. After listening to it again, and again, I was finally able to wrap my mind around the whole concept of the Leonid & Friends recording being an absolutely perfect reproduction of the original.recording as it was done by the original artist.


I hope every member of the band knows how much we appreciate the passion and love they put into their renditions of these American classics. You are truly touching our souls, it's not just music, it's our childhood, it's our memories triggered by this music which are not just songs, but part of our fabric of life.


Unbelievable arrangement! Superb vocals by Mikhail Puntov... What a voice! His backup vocals were perfect! The entire group of musicians could have not given a better performance. They were all in with heart & soul. I liked the horn section arm & hand motion and snaping to the beat while Mikail was singing. ~So Very Hard To Go~ (Tower of Power cover)... is a hard song to sing, at the vocal levels he did. You could feel the feeling he put into that song... he made the songs words come alive! I have been around a long time, going to clubs, concerts and cruises, you guys & girls are truly one of the greatest performances I have seen, ever!. Make sure Mikhail sings this song on the Blue cruise out of Miami this spring and at Blue Ocean club at Salsberry, MA.
- Sorry, but I have to get back to watching this video over again & again....
Love you Leonid & Friends... -DJ Sal - Boston, MA


This band has just nailed the complete 60's, 70's and 80's sound .


How can a group from Russia get an American R&B song SO SPOT ON?! Every single part, from vocals to baritone sax is absolutely incredible! This song is very special to me and you folks bring back all the good memories and feelings from this time! Thanks 😊!


As a 71 year old man who has loved music since I was 8 years old.
This is the best cover bands I have ever heard in my life.
And my favorite song is so very hard to go by Tower of Power..
You did a wonderful job on that particular song, all of your cover songs are excellent.
God bless you and your Band, hope to see you in state of Virginia. Very soon


The lead singer's voice is one of the best I've ever heard. I admit it - I'm jealous! :)


FINALLY!!! Leonid and Friends doing Tower Of Power. Long overdue!


OMG! TOP? And Michael Puntov does Lenny Williams note for note in the same key. Whew. This guy can sing. And then there is the orchestra, the brass, the completeness. I am such a L&F fan and this is why. This is not a cover; it is a tribute.


As usual, a shimmering cover of a great tune by this amazing collection of musicians. Lead vocal was incredible, loved the guitar work. I'm always waiting for the next Leonid vid to drop.


Michael Puntov absolutely killed it on the lead vocals!! And, as usual, so did everyone else!!


I'm SPEACHLESS . . . . from a loyal fan of T O P over 50 years, I Thank You ! ! ! I Thank You All ! ! !


I can't even count how many times I've listened to this cover. And it just gets better and better every time. I see Leonid up there smiling and it looks like he's just going to float right up off the floor. You can tell every one of these musicians are putting their hearts and souls into this song. What a powerful feeling it must be for them to recreate something so great. And it means so much to us who are listening to this great song. Music is indeed the universal medium and Leonid and Friends do it better than anyone.