Practical Digital Preservation: Leveraging existing systems and learning how to fill the gaps

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Kieran O' Leary (National Library of Ireland) talks about 'Practical Digital Preservation: Leveraging existing systems and learning how to fill the gaps'. As part of the NLI's online event for World Digital Preservation Day, which took place on Thursday 5 November 2020.

Event description: "Now more than ever, in the face of unexpected and unforeseen challenges the importance of working together to ensure the long term preservation of our digital legacy is paramount. Whether you are working to support organisational decision making or documenting real life stories in these strange times, this is a time to share and discuss the challenges we have faced and opportunities we have embraced.

The National Library of Ireland is using the opportunity of World Digital Preservation Day on the 5th of November to bring together members of the broader library and archive community and discuss some of these challenges and opportunities in the context of the ongoing need to consider long term digital preservation.

This online event is aimed at archivists, librarians and others thinking about or working with digital content whether born digital or the outputs of digitisation."
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