Elshadai Medley | Spirit Of Praise 5 ft Benjamin Dube & Precious

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Benjamin Dube singing "Elshadai Medley" with Precious from Spirit Of Praise 5.
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I was Listening this song, When I was living the life of Ghetto but believing God *No wife, No Kids, No Home* Today I Listening this song I have wife, 2 sons in my own House. God is Great. He cares.


Who's here in July 27th 2024?🙌🙌😭He truly cares i testify


This song should be sold in pharmacies....it heals i swear😭


This is my very last year waking up unmarried and not a home and car owner...I see God in 2024 ♥️🙏In Jesus Christ Name Amen.


Who is also here in September 2024🙌🏽🙌🏽


I prayed a special prayer for someone passing through hard times, a hard time which seem to be mental, financially and emotionally damaging.
I pray for this person reading this, that God will come to your rescue, wipe your tears and restore you whole in Jesus name. Amen!


If you believe that Jesus is the Waymaker through your present situation, give me your thumbs up.


I'm a grade R teacher. I sing with my kids this song every morning before prayer. Our kids need prayers. Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to church with parents. So this makes up for it❤.


Oh! How I love Him
Oh, He cares!
Oh, How I love Him
Because He first loved me (Repeat)

"UnguJehova wena, (You are Jehovah)
Isiphephelo sam’ nguwe (You are my shield)
Ungumelusi wam’ wena, (You are my Shepherd)
Ukuthula kwam’ nguwe (You are my peace)

Ungumthokozisi wena (You are the bringer of all joy)
Ukuphila kwam’ nguwe (My life belongs to you)
Ungenzel’okuhle wena (You do great things)
(Njalo, Njalo) (Always)
El Shaddai Adonnai nguwe (You are God Almighty, our Lord)

Thank you Jesus❤


This never gets old and in 2023 still uplifting 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿


I left South Africa for greener pastures in the UK and I'm homesick, lonely and suffering. I cant pray but I play this song everyday and say Amen😢


i'm listening to this song now i have nothing, no wife, no child no car no clothes, no friends, no future but later in life i will come back to testefy how great God is and what he has done for me, he is goood he is all mighty, he is all powerfull, all mayesty belong to him, amen


When I was going through a lot in my life, this song was on my lips and heart and I am here to confess with my mouth how God comes through for us when we leave everything at His feet… when we surrender


It becomes different when He has shown you that He loves you despite your wrongdoings. He always prevails in our lives no matter how much we may think we've sinned.


I'm Zambian I don't understand the language but the song is speaking to my soul God keep blessing everyone in this group and may he continue sustaining your lives


Not having parents myself at a very young age i can say without a shadow of a doubt that God showed me loved, He stepped in and filled up every area of my life in a way that nobody could, He is my everything, He is your everything, He will never leave you nor forsake you, He is love and everything else that you need.


This is why I love him

You are Jehovah
UnguJehova wena

My refuge is you
Siphephelo sam nguwe

You are my shepherd
Ungumelusi wam wena

My peace is with you
Ukuthula kwam nguwe

You are Jehovah
UnguJehova wena

You are my refuge
Siphephelo sam' nguwe

You are my shepherd
Ungumelusi wam' wena

My peace is with you
Ukuthula kwam' nguwe

You are a pleasure
Ungumthokozisi wena

(Life) My life is yours
(Ukuphila) Ukuphila kwam' nguwe

You keep on doing great things (Always)
Ungenzel'okuhle wena (Njalo Njalo)

El Shaddai Adonai is you
El Shaddai Adonai nguwe

You are a pleasure
Ungumthokozisi wena

(My life) My life is you
(Ukuphila kwam) Ukuphila kwam nguwe

You keep on doing great things(Always)
Ungenzel'okuhle wena (Njalo Njalo)

El Shaddai Adonai is you
El Shaddai Adonai nguwe


Am listening to this song after having read a text my dad sent to my brother that he isn't our father and we should stay far AWAY FROM HIM..i know one day i will come back and testify that am a proud father to my kids


I started listening and I instantly felt like crying, when I think of all the persecution I am facing in my family for being a Christian 😢 little do they know that I love Him because He FIRST Loved me... He chose me, not the other way around... He persued me when I was living in darkness, worshiping ancestors and seeking answers as to who I am... God heard my cry and saw me seeking and He came down from His throne to meet me where I was... And for that I will forever be greatful❤.


Benjamin Dube is anointed, whenever I listen to this song I cry remembering what the Lord has done to my life
