Taiko - Leaves

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my mood - dk

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i don't feel sad and depressed, i feel empty. Like i'm missing something, an adventure, a friend, idk.


This brings back memories that don’t exist.


"I think it’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other people’s expectations. I think they generally produce their worst work when they do that." - David Bowie


- I feel lonely, but at the same time I pride myself to not be lonely because I want to be strong.
- I want relationship, but at the same time I don't want it because I feel like it's unnecessary.
- I want to be loved but I can love myself so who cares?
- I want to make friends, but I feel like they don't like me.
- But who cares if they don't like me? I can enjoy my own company.
- But at the end of the day, I feel lonely, but at the same time I pride myself to not be lonely because I want to be strong.

Endless cycle of thoughts. Endless emptiness. Endless feelings.


Music like these reminds us how far we have gone and will keep reminding us that it’s part of life.
Another core memory to be added to my shelf 0:01


"It was all just a dream, until she leaves.."


We recently held a convention for introverts, but nobody showed.


When I listen to lofi I don't become sad or anything, it's more of like a feeling of being totally emotionless. Almost like a out of body experience. I like it.

Edit: Thanks for the 1k likes that's a first for me...

Edit2: Thanks for 2k another first, you guys are awesome


Lofi is a mood. It is the feeling you get watching the sun go down late in the evening on a cloudy autumn day. It is the smell of the humidity in the air on a hot summer day. It is the sense of detachment you have when you stare at your clock at 1am on a rainy night in the dark. It is the mood of introverts when we are simply wanting to exist by our selves with our eyes closed feeling the sound reverb thru our headphones. For me it is a very important part of a happier life. Lockdown from corona-chan or not life is still good staring at autumn leaves in the wind or listening to the sounds of trees swaying in the forest. Find your Ikigai my friends. Lofi is part of my Ikigai.


you know, sometimes in life you just need someone that actually knows the deep dark part of you, the part that is not always smiles and jokes. the part that struggles with yourself, the part that knows your dark secrets and your sorrows. I want that someone in my life.


"I think it's terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other's people expectations... I think they generally produce their work"


Do you ever get that feeling from a song from when it just hits you the first time, it hits you on a different level from just the physical vibrations? Your entire body mentally shakes from the mental vibrations and it starts to just reshape and mold itself into what it actually is and you feel yourself become reformed into who you actually are? You feel yourself be taken away from all of the hammering and abuse from the world...Maybe that's some weird shit, but like, this song means so much to me <3


In a world about to tear itself apart it's nice to know some of us still gather just to dream ♡


This song fills me with nostalgia. A longing for a time in my life that no long exists. That I can’t return back to no matter how hard I try. I am forever changed, limited, in pain. It’s something I can’t escape.

They tell me to move on and accept what’s changed. I try but just can’t seem to manage it.


The lofi community is genuinely the best community out there


I wish there was a comicon for lonely people called the lonelicon where we could all meet and reasure each other. Have fun and realize that were aren't alone in loneliness.
(1 year later) - with all the likes this has gotten. And all the comments you've left. [Ps I read all of them]
I feel obligated to do something. Some of you may have already broken free from your depression/loneliness. For that I'm glad. But, there are still those who haven't found their way. To those I left hanging I truly wish to apologize. I've been mending my relationships and making right for my past wrongs. As well as discovering myself. So please forgive me. If you cannot do so. I understand. I'll be making a discord not only to help those that feel alone. But, also to help those battling with addiction and suicidal thoughts. Once the virus is gone and the quarantine is lifted I'll start trying to figure out at way to make this an actual event. I hope those who supported the idea before will continue to do so as I would love nothing more than to make this happen walking alongside all of you.


it's just one of those nights i feel this sense of regret from all the people i hurt, my flaws overwhelming me, and a looming loneliness. this song is helping me endure these heavy feelings


I cried to this for an hour.. I keep replaying it Over And over..


Después de ver estos comentarios, no pude evitar llorar.
No puedo creer que exista tanta gente maravillosa que siente lo mismo que tú.
Solo puedo decir gracias, gracias, en serio.

After seeing these comments, I couldn't help but cry.
I can't believe that you find so many wonderful people and that you feel the same as you.
I can only say thank you, thank you, seriously.


Being alone gives me power. Being alone lets me recharge. When I’m with a lot of people I get uneasy and nervous. My mother always said she never understood me and at times I feel as if no one ever will. All the missed opportunity because I thought I wasn’t good enough.
