BE THE HERO - WE ALL NEED NOW | by Hypersonic Music

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Video Title: Be The Hero - We All Need Now
1. 00:00 Yearning For The Past (Timothy Shortell)
2. 03:18 Call Of The Siren (Max Cameron)
3. 06:30 Bound By Faith (James Riordon Norman)

Artist: Hypersonic Music

📸 Amazing Image Artist: Dib-artist

© Copyright Info

✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists.
✖ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this

.➝ Please ask the artists and NOT me for permission !!!

🔔 Relevant hashtags:
#heromusic #villainmusic #epicmusic
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I .. I remember the words she spoke... when the town stood silence.. " be the hero we need " ... I hold to the words she spoke .. I stood protecting the lands I stood for my home my friends and family and I will continue to stand as the hero


“ the hero we need.”

Those were her last words to me. After those accursed words left my beloved’s mouth, she gasped her last breath. That night, I buried her. Now, 10 years later, her last words are the only thing keeping me alive.

I hardly eat, drink, or sleep now. I led our people to glorious victory. We are now at the enemies gates. They will be erased from history.

As I look up to the sky, I realize that I am no hero, I have become the very thing I swore to destroy. A Monster.

“Though I doubt I will, may I see you in heaven when this is over.”


'i don't know how long I have stood my ground.

The dirt has turned to sand, the saplings have become withered old husks, the animals look different, the mountains in the distance are gone, the air tastes different.

The stars...I don't recognise them anymore.

But when the enemy comes again, I will stand against them



We had lost the war, our enemy anihilated us to the point I was the last of the Envoys. I was broken, but still her last words were 'be the hero we all need now'. I, the least of the Envoys, was the one every relied upon now. I couldn't even take a moment to grief, I had to stay strong... For them... For her.
"I'll be their hero"


Whenever I hear one of these, I imagine myself heading into battle, sword and shield in hand, letting out a battle roar. I can't be the only one.


“ “Be the hero we need, not the one we deserve…” were the words spoken to me upon my initiation. She knew of the situation befalling our home, our very way of life, and certainly this country doesn’t deserve a great and all powerful hero. It’s had its own fair share of corruption, as is with all civilizations. But right now, in this moment, they need a hero. And it is my duty to be such when they need it, wherever they need me.”


Who else discovered this as a young child and still finds it just as inspiring. Seems like we’re all in the same boat here haha


"I am not a hero in the eyes of my people but I once longed to be."

"Men I stood shoulder to shoulder with on the battlefield yern for the same thing and so we do our best to be seen as heros in the eyes of our people.'

"But as we try to achieve some level of recognition from those who we may never know; we find our deeds and acts of heroism over shadowed by one."

"One to whom the people recognize. One to who's name gets said allowed in an uproar that shakes the very ground. One who arrives only when the time suits them best. One to take the glory who's killing blow will cast the rest in shadow."

"We who walk in the hero's shadow are forgotten. Praised only for doing our part in the fight and never recognized for the hard work it took to allow the hero their claim to victory."

"If this is what a hero is in the eyes of my people? Then I do not want such a title. I would rather serve along side my fellow man in the field and earn their respect then be praised for stealing the glory."


"Judge the corrupt, redeem the redeemable, protect the pure." - Grand Emperor Xenoric'Corvux, Omni'Mori


"Be the hero we need." I will never forget those final words of wisdom as my father passed from this world. His story has ended...mine has just begun.


Wow……..this set of tracks……completely touched my heart. So powerful, yet so sad……and yet with just a spark of hope. A spark that may yet grow into a flame as the ones who refuse to accept defeat rise to the occasion and save those in need of their help.

They are perfect tracks for when a multitude of people, across different countries in a fantasy world who are suffering under terrible powers, look to the sky as one by one they realize that a hero is coming. They will be saved.

Amazing job, Hypersonic Music. I am absolutely in awe!


The wind blew across the sands of the wide open desert as the Jedi stood and watched the sunset, the temperature slowly dropping. He shivered, gripping the cloak around the rest of his body to keep him further warm on top of his clothes. His mind thought back to those he stood alongside, and the words said to him by his late mentor. “The day will come when none of us are here for you. You need to be the hero that well all need. For those who have come, gone, and have yet to be. Stay strong, stand tall, and let the Force guide you, ” she had told him. He gripped the hilt of his lightsaber tightly and ignited the emerald green blade.
“I will not give up, no matter what happens, ” he spoke to himself. “The Sith won’t break me, because I have something worth holding on to. I will be the hero that I’m meant to be.”


"Please, Phoenyx. Be the hero we all need again."
"I swore off violence and lightning many years ago. I haven't used the arm in ages."
"Would you rather be dead with one arm and all of us die with you? Or would you pick up the metal one again and embrace who you really are?"
"Oh, come on, man. You were never a pacifist or a leader, you've just been trying to fill those shoes."
"I don't care!"
"Neither does Inshi. He demands a battle. With you."
*Sigh* "Then I will take up my arm, and Artful as well. I will embrace my past again, and speak with Comran one last time. And I will take every single one of Inshi's men, along with himself, to Valhalla with me."
"You already seem ten years younger."
"No. I am ten years older. And ready to die. May as well make it worth my while. Take Denide, and flee. I will stay, and Inshi will see lightning and steel such as he could never dream of."
"i love you."
"I love you too. This is not a farewell; just a goodbye."

-Dialogue from a role-play game campaign's epilogue from a year ago. Phoenyx Mackerson is the most fun character I have ever gotten to play. The title of this reminded me of the ending bit.


"They'll follow you. They need a hero right now. Give them one"
The kneeling man lifted his head. Copper eyes wide, dilated. "But you have the Lord's name. You have the blood. The right. I will follow you in a heart beat wherever you lead."

"But they won't..." The boy grabbed the man by the shoulders and lifted him up. "Our paths diverged longed time ago. You're not just a common soldier anymore. Not just a dirt blood."

He lifted his hand and the crowd cheered beneath the balcony. They howled, the praised and they yelled the name of the dead man who reawakened in fire.

"What if I fail them? I don't have god's blood in me."

The raised palm and fingers still had scorch marks. The pain still lingered in them. But when they tightened in a fist and glowed the crowd cheered the almighty makers name and his blessed one.


The crowd cheered. Roared. There was no stopping them as long as that man was up there.

The lord's son and the soldiers behind him knelt.
"Truth doesn't matter. The world needs a leader right now. The people you look down on right now need a hero. Belief is a powerful things. It will make even the cravens brave for once. As long as they believe the one leading them is chosen. Be the hero they need. We all need..."


I have been listening to epic music since I was a little kid. And I have to say, this music deserves way more recognition. At least to me, this is better than most of the lyric songs.


"Be without fear in the face of your enemies
Be brave and upright that God may love thee
Speak the truth even if it leads to your death
Safeguard the helpless, that is your oath
And that is so you remember it. Rise a knight!."


Fall to Youre kness and stand up Showing God how Strong iam thanks to he Who sent me /Love PS:
The Spirit Of God


"They told me I was nothing. Every word beat me to the ground. And I believed all of them; I believed I was nothing. So how am I supposed to believe them now when they say such different things?"
He drummed his fingers against the wall, staring at the floor like he could split it down the middle if he tried hard enough. Then he finally looked up at me. "You don't have to believe them, " he said. "They don't deserve you. They never did, anymore than you deserved all the things they said to you. You don't have to believe them, you don't have to care what they say." He got up and moved towards the doorway, then paused, looking back over his shoulder at me. "But... we need a hero right now. I for one would be happy if it was you."


The corridor was dark, the only illumination coming from a set of fading candles mounted to the walls and the sunlight from the exit far down the tunnel. The hallway had a near deafening silence to it, the cold space filled with nothing darkness and patches of light. Gradually, however, the clanking of footsteps started to echo throughout the corridor like a echo in a cave. A single knight walked down the seemingly endless hallway, the patches of light reflecting off his flawless silver and red armor as barely audible chants could be heard above him. The knight walked with a commanding and confident stature always, for he had learned to always keep the expression of fearless with him to make sure others around him kept calm and not be overwhelmed with loss and pressure; however, as the knight continued down the hallway to the exit, helmet at his side, the cold hitting his dark face, he couldn't help but to think of all he had seen in only a few years. It felt like another life ago when he was just a young spirited knight wanting to prove himself to his family, his friends, and to the man he always looked up to: Sir Denimos of the Phoenixguard.

He still remembered the day he met his hero, stepping up to spar with the veteran knight of the royal Phoenixguard when no one else would. It had been false confidence and stupidity, and the young knight had lost easily to the veteran, but Sir Denimos had seen the potential for greatness in him, so he took him under his wing and decided to teach him everything he knew. "The battle is never over for us, young Connor" Sir Denimos said to the young knight while they stood ontop of the city walls one night "Even now, as we stand and rest, our enemies out there gather in strength, looking to one day destroy everything we hold dear. If we every hope to hold back those dark forces from our doorstep, we must be willing to face and stop the unstoppable, even if it comes with sacrifice". The veteran knight placed his hand upon Connors' shoulder, turning and smiling at the young knight "You have become a great knight, young one, and one day you will make a better commander than even myself. Until then, " the knight said looking out beyond the walls, "Together we will defend our home and those we hold dearest until we can't fight no more. For we are the Pheonixguard, and we fight until our flame burns out".

As the memory went on, however, Connors' expression changed from happiness, to grief. His mentor had been right; the kingdom's enemies had grown in strength with each passing day, and soon, the royal army took defeat after defeat as the dark forces pushed forward, hellbent on destroying everyone in their path. Even the Phoenixguard, who's ranks were filled with hundreds of the best swordsmen in the kingdom, suffered loss after loss in battle after battle, weakening while the enemy grew ever stronger. Battle after battle, Connor watched as his brothers were slaughtered like animals, the bodies left to rot on the crimson red ground below as he fought on. Even Sir Denimos, the Knight who many considered to be unbeatable, eventually fell to the blade of one of the most skilled of the enemy's generals: Ga'nul the soul-cleaver. Though, even in his final moments, bloodied and beaten, Denimos showed no fear or thought of backing down, and even as he took his final breaths, Denimos simply turned to Connor, nodded his head, and tossed him his sword, repeating the same words he said to his protégé before: "Until our flame burns out". Connor picked up his mentors' sword and, in an explosion of anger and fury even the enemy feared, attacked and killed the Soul-cleaver, stabbing the general straight through his skull. Though Ga'nuls death was a major blow to the enemy, the cost had been too great, and Connor was now left as the sole survivor of the once pretigous Phoenixguard.

Connors' legs felt weaker the more he remembered all he had lost and eventually, only a few dozen feet from the tunnel exit, the chants of the people loudly pouring into his ears, Connor stopped, leant against tunnel wall and wept, allowing himself to grieve for all he had lost. However, as he grieved to himself, Connor noticed the crowd had started to chant a single word, one which he did not know he had any left of ;
Even as the crowd knew the destruction that was coming for them, the people still believed in the Queen.
In the army.
In victory.
In him.

Connor let the peoples' roars sink into him, their words turning his grief into a unwavering resolve that even the enemy would fear. "Your sacrifices will never be in vain, my brothers" Connor said to himself as he pushed off the wall and continued to walk toward the end of the tunnel; "For even if I have to face death and doom alone, I will protect this kingdom with all I have". Right before he walked through the exit, the dawning sunlight reflecting beautifully off his shining sliver armor and the crowd roaring in his ear, Connor stopped, put on his helmet, and uttered "Until my flame burns out".

Connor walked through the tunnel exit out to the grand coliseum, the sunlight
coming over the horizon in an astounding orange and red color as the crowd exploding into cheers as they saw him. The legions of soldiers turned towards him, banging the ends of their spears onto the ground in respect as he passed. Connor looked around and smiled slightly at the energy of everyone before focusing on the stage in front of him where the Queen, in all her beauty and royalty, looked on. After a few seconds more, Connor stopped a few feet before the steps to the stage, bowing himself slightly to acknowledge the Queen. In response, the Queen gracefully stood up, and the crowd near-instantly silenced to hear her heiness speak.

"For over a thousand years", the Queen began as she spoke to everyone in the coliseum, her voice loud yet soothing, "Our kingdom had grown into a golden age of wealth and safety no other kingdom had ever experienced before. Our towns and cities flourished, the people lived peacefully and without fear, and our armies kept our enemies weak and at bay without much losses. However, like the kingdoms before us, we now are face to face with our own destruction; Our enemies have banned together, with their only goal in mind to kill every single man, woman, and child in our kingdom and burn everything else to the ground. They have slaughtered millions of our citizens, and despite the efforts and sacrifice of even our best protectors, our oblivion seemed like a certainty. That was, at least", the Queen said as she looked down at Connor, "Until Connor Blackwell, last of the Phoenixguard, managed to kill one of hour enemies' most important weapons: Ga'nul, the Soul-Cleaver, the monster responsible for killing the rest of our beloved Phoenixguard. Because of the burning fury of Connor Blackwell, our legions were able to rally under his leadership and take back the southland region!".

The crowd roared in cheers for a few seconds, but quieted as the Queen continued, now making her way down the steps slowly; "For the last few years, we had lived in a constant state of fear and gloom, most of us waiting for the darkness to come and kill us all. However, with your fealessness and leadership on the battlefield, we have felt something that we all haven't felt in a long time:" The Queen stopped at the bottom of the steps now looking up at the knight "Hope".

The crowd exploded into chants of "HOPE!" that filled the coliseum for over a minute until the Queen silenced them with a hand raise. The queen, satisfied, turned back to the knight in front of her.
In an instant, Connor got down on one knee, bowing his head down while holding his sword.
"Conner Blackwell; do you swear to uphold and protect the laws and values our kingdom is built upon?"
"I swear"
"Do you swear to defend our great kingdom from all who threaten to destroy it from within and outside?"
"I swear!"
"Do you swear to place the lives of others above your own, protecting those who can and cannot protect themselves, even at the sacrifice of your own life?"
"Well then", The queen said as a servant handed her a green cloth with a mysterious fire feather on top "Just like the great Phoenix, may you rise up and be reborn in the beauty and power of the flame!"

As the Queen took the feather and placed it in Connors' helmet, the crowd erupted in sounds of awe as the knights' armor was wrapped in stripes of flame and his cape transformed into lowered flaming phoenix wings. "RISE LIKE THE PHOENIX, SIR CONNOR BLACKWELL!" The Queen bellowed out; "BECOME THE HERO WE ALL NEED NOW!!"

The crowd erupted into chants of "PHOENIX! PHOENIX! PHOENIX!" as Sir Connor stood up, he himself amazed with the sudden burst of power he felt; almost like a powerful flaming energy had awakened within him. He looked up to the Queen, who simply smiled and nodded her head, before he turned around, put his right fist in the air, and yelled out:


Love the art ❤️ looking forward to listening to these. 🔥🥰
