Carl Bildt: The history of Ukraine is different from the history of Russia

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Carl Bildt | former Prime Minister of Sweden

The Ukrainian-Russian gas dispute. Implications for Western Europe | Oslo
Ukranian oil and gas company, Naftogaz, Wikborg Rein has presented the arbitral awards between Naftogaz and Gazprom of Russia – the largest commercial arbitration in history – in a wider context.
Representatives from the energy sector, law, politics, and international experts were along with academics and civil society representatives present to discuss the energy situation in Europe, in particular the controversial Russian pipeline project Nord Stream 2, and the wider geopolitical aspects of the four-year arbitration dispute. Among the speakers were Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, CEO of Naftogaz, Andriy Kobolyev, Chief Commercial Officer of Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, and Dag Mjaaland, Partner in Wikborg Rein and Lead Counsel for Naftogaz:
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Bildt: Look at these slides I have prepared.

Camera man: No


When I want to learn anything about the history of Russia or the Eastern European Slavs, I always try to find some former Swedish politician to tell me.


Interesting presentation. The Ukrainian ambassador's question was especially prescient. He even brought up Nord 2 and warned about the EU's lack of concern over Putin's ability to leverage gas as a weapon. Bildt scolding Ukraine about its economic dependence on gas in retrospect is weak when you look at this war now, and how Germany and others are panicking.


As an American who has been largely unlearned of finer points of the history of Ukraine especially in relation to Russia, this has been interesting and enlightening. I am glad this came across my YouTube suggestions.


Pity some of the filming misses the maps and concentrates on him. All the maps we see most of the time is Denmark and part of Germany


How interesting, an Ukrainian oil company Naftogaz suggests we learn the history of Ukraine and Russia from a Swedish politician… Five minutes short course of the past and then straight into his interpretation of political events… Bravo!


Whoever did this camerawork should be ashamed of themselves, hardly shows any of the slides


Remember Arizona, California, Texas, New Mexico belonged to Mexico 178 years ago!!!!


What is the EU doing to financially help Poland and its organizations which have mobilized to receive the bulk of refugees from Ukraine.
More than 700, 000 Ukrainian families welcomed in a few days with great attention by Poland, is an unprecedented fact.
While no EU country utters even a word of appreciation, the opposite is concerned with the so-called "rule of law" issue.
We can see how this state works in the event of a real humanitarian crisis.

It is Germany that is not a State of Law. This country thinks it can do anything and does not respect the sanctions against Putin's Russia ?
EU countries should take Germany to the EU Tribunal for failing to comply with sanctions. Russian gas and coal are still supplied to Germany, in exchange for the currencies which should block the Russian economy.
A reprehensible fact and France or any other EU country is not bringing this country to justice. Germany is not above the law.


This is an interesting view on newer Ukrainian history. Too bad that European leaders did not pay attention to this in time. Less than four years later and we are at war. It could have been prevented, if Europe had acted in time.


His analysis aged very well compared to what other so called experts told us over the years


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in March 2018 awarded many billions of USD from Gazprom (Russia) to Naftogaz (Ukraine) in an arbitration proceding. Here we see a former Prime Minister of Sweden at a Naftogaz conference in June 2018. Why did Russia agree to Sweden for arbitration? Because they trusted the Swedes.
- how are the business and financial prospects of Naftogaz today? (June 2022)
- how are the business and financial prospects of Gazprom today? (June 2022)
- would the Russians trust Sweden today?
- is the international level of trust for Sweden today (June 2022) greater or smaller?
- Bildt says (June 2018) Ukraine must work on its endemic corruption problem: June 2022 has it improved?
- how much Russian gas is flowing over Ukraine today? how much will flow in 3 years time (say 2025)?
- how much Russian gas will flow West to Europe generally in the future?
- the 2018 arbitration was regarded as a great victory for Naftogaz. 4 years later can it still be regarded as a nett victory?
- assuming Ukraine still exists where will it source its energy in the future? At what price?
- are we moving to a world were the possession of actual commodity resources is more important than control of international relations?


Watching this on March 4th, 2024 is like watching a prophecy coming to fruition.
I wish the cameraman would have stayed at wide angle so we could see the screen.


Its interesting to see a Scandinavian politician saying that 1) Scandinavians created the original Russian & Ukrainian states, and 2) Scandinavians will now help take down the current version of the Russian empire / USSR.


Love how all these lectures are finally being watched.😁😁😁


While the EU was debating how to implement passports for dogs and cats, Putin was figuring how to cut off Kyiv from the civilized world in order to impose his will. Perspective matters. Also the ability to recognize the absurd when one sees it.


No mention of US or UK even once. Do you expect me to believe that there was no interference from these two "democracies "?


As Carl Bildt stated at 28:00, "Mr. Putin's greatest achievement might well be that he lost Ukraine." could not have been more prescient about what happen 2022 Feb 24th.


So interesting to hear Carl Bildt´s point of view 4 years before the invasion of Ukraine. How he avoids German and other European countries' dependency on Russian gas. Blame Ukraine... If the EU wouldn´t be so dependent on Russian gas, Putin could probably not start, or at least not continue with the war.


He mentions in the question period, the case of Norway. Once when I was in Norway a Norwegian explained the issue to me. Their land is very poor agriculturally, but agriculture is central to their culture. The EU CAP would devastate Norwegian agriculture, so they decided not to go all in with the EU. This was sensible. All the other regulations make it easy to trade, which for a small country like Norway makes perfect sense.
