Climate Change and Religion in Australia

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2013: Religious leaders representing the Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and Catholic faith traditions have called on both Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott to wind back coal exports and recognise the moral implications of inaction on climate change. The leadership have writtern an open letter to the Australian people.

An open letter from Australian religious leaders:

As people of faith, we draw attention to one of the most urgent moral issues facing us in the upcoming election.

The International Energy Agency and other influential bodies are now warning us about an unthinkable 4 degree Celsius rise in temperatures if greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase. Recent experiences of extreme weather events, both here and overseas, are a mild foretaste of what this will mean. We are despoiling the world given to us as a sacred trust for future generations.

The world is already moving to take strong preventative action. Ninety countries, representing 90 per cent of global emissions, have carbon reduction programs in place and Australia now has price on carbon. However our country continues to be a significant contributor to the problem. With our small population, we are among the world's 20 largest emitters and one of the two largest coal exporters.

We must wind back our exports of cheap coal which are currently hindering the global drive for renewable energy. We must diminish our reliance on fossil fuels and replace them with clean, renewable sources of energy. As part of this, carbon pricing must be given bipartisan support. Only then will Australia be part of the solution.

In the upcoming election we urge all Australians to give this moral issue the attention it demands. Our world is a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility. We must act now if we are to protect this sacred trust.


Rev. Professor Andrew Dutney, President, Uniting Church of Australia National Assembly
Archbishop Philip Wilson, Archbishop of Adelaide & Chair of Catholic Earthcare Australia
Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammad, Grand Mufti of Australia
Professor Nihal Agar, Chairman, Hindu Council of Australia
Ajahn Brahm, Chair, Australian Sangha Association, Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery
Sr Annette Cunliffe rsc, President, Catholic Religious Australia
Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, Senior Rabbi, The Great Synagogue, Sydney
Rev. Dr Brian Brown, Moderator, Uniting Church of Australia Synod NSW/ACT
Bishop George Browning, Convenor, Anglican Communion Environmental Network
Professor Neil Ormerod, Professor of Theology, Australian Catholic University
Mr Hafez Kassem, President, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils
Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins, Senior Rabbi, Emanuel Synagogue
Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky, Chairperson, Rabbinic Council of Progressive Rabbis
Graeme Lyall AM, President, Amitabha Buddhist Association of New South Wales
Rev. Professor James Haire AC AM, Director, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture
Rev. Rod Benson, Ethicist & Public Theologian, Australian Baptist Ministries

~ This open letter was organised by Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) ~
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Thanks for putting this letter from Australian religious leaders calling for national action on climate change - and some extra comments - on YouTube.


This video has impact or the climate change deniers wouldn't have jumped on your site so quickly. If all faiths come together and speak up about climate change before Australian election it will have an impact. This needs to be televised this week.


They are so gullible that they believe in an imaginary friend who lives in the sky, now they believe in an imaginary enemy that exists in the air. Sure I believe you guys. You're rooted in reality!!!


No, the overwhelming scientific consensus is that climate change is real (100% accepted) and driven by human action (95% probability). Given that information, religious groups are saying that how we respond to that information is a moral issue. We believe because of the overwhelming data, not because Greenpeace, the ARRCC or our church tells us to. We act because our faith(s) say we must.


I wholeheartedly support this statement.


First of all CO2 is a naturally occurring fertilizer for our trees. The ocean produces more than 99 % . A carbon tax does not reduce co2 emmissions. All this tax does is give money to the IPCC a foreign body run by the banking cartel. The climate changes every day. What happened to global warming. ? Reducing pollution is one thing. If you want to reduce co2. Plant more trees. Use fuels such as natural gas, Which has very low emmissions and is very cheap to run.


There is no "dogma" in CO2's well established ability to trap infrared radiation more effectively than other GHGs over time. See: "Why does CO2 get most of the attention when there are so many other heat-trapping gases (greenhouse gases)?" (ucsusa site)

If you want an historical angle on global warming that's rarely discussed in modern media, read this at the AIP site: "The Discovery of Global Warming - A History."

This issue didn't just suddenly appear in Al Gore's 2006 film.


What a line up of ''fools'' who worship creation, rather than The Creator.


Jesus, I might venture into a church and help them. Is this add on telly during the election campaign, I never watch. First time in yonks that I can agree with the religious. All power to them (for this bit anyway).


i think the climate is changing
its alot hotter than it was before and theres more natural disasters
i think the planet is warming up mostly on itself but we are contributing to it
anyway whatever the science may be the weather these days is alot different


Church of Climatology alert, leave all facts at the door...


We should be protecting the environment, and dealing with real environmental issues, not taxing it. The consensus has crumbled, and the evidence now unanimously contradicts AGW. Move on.


how is it bullshit
i dont understand your argument
the bible doesnt say anything about global warming
and alot of scientists believe in god so what exactly are you getting at here


Religious people believe in science? Is this a fake video.. Lol
