Toy rotation for toddler

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Do you rotate your child’s toys?

Toy rotation is a great way to:
✔️Reduce toy clutter
✔️Keep interest fresh as children do get tired of some toys
✔️Work new skills by introducing or re-introducing toys
✔️Reduce choices. Too many choices can be overwhelming for a child
✔️INCREASE focus! When there’s less options, the child Is more likely to keep their interest longer.
✔️MY FAVORITE: Reduce clean-up! Less toys means less mess!

There are MANY ways to do a toy rotation. Here are some tips:

When child is sleeping or not watching you:
🧸Gather all toys.
🧸Make piles (broken toys, toys for donation, toys your child LOVES, and toys they don’t really play with).
🧸Don’t put away toys they love or play with heavily. If they get bored of it, switch out at the next rotation. Ryaan loves a USPS box, so you will see that in the reel ;).
🧸Try to rotate out electronic toys first (toys with batteries, squeakers, overwhelming explosion of colors. Simple is better contrary to what you may think. The less visually stimulating a toy is, the more likely a child is to want to figure it out.
🧸Remove duplicates/same function toys. Have three sets of stacking cups? Put two away!
🧸Try to limit the number of toys. My rule of thumb: 5 toys for a premobile child, 6-8 for a crawling child, and under 12 for a toddler.
🧸Create play “stations” if your home or play area allows. You can put similar type of activities together OR display the toys in different areas or on shelving like a museum. For our home, different areas in his play area work best.
🧸If you have more than one play areas (or child goes to other home for childcare), you can create multiple play areas.
🧸Rotate every 4-6 weeks or whenever your parent brain remembers to. We haven’t rotated toys for three months, because, well LIFE.

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