Greg Koukl Responds to the Problem of the Unevangelized

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What about people that have never heard the Gospel message? Are they automatically condemned to Hell? How is that fair?

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#GregKoukl #Tactics #Apologetics
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"What exactly is the problem?" It is unjust that god would give some people a way to escape eternal damnation, but deny others the same thing, purely on the basis of where/when they are born.


Yeah, there's a lot of problems with his response.

First, Greg concludes that it's someone's actions that "condemns" them, and if nothing is done, then they won't reach heaven. Following this line of thinking further, this would indicate that God created this person *knowing* that there is no way that this person would be able to have salvation.

Second, it is a matter of geographical circumstance, (despite him denying that it's not), because there are still many tribes around the world that have not been introduced to Christian theology. In a way, based on Greg's conclusion, God knows that if He sends a soul to that certain geographical spot, that they will never hear the Christian message of salvation, versus someone who was born in the Bible Belt. This would almost guarantee whether or not someone will be saved by hearing the message or not. This would also indicate that location is very important in salvation, since hearing the message is necessary to salvation.

Third, what is the point of "evangelizing" if it was just as simple as God putting people in certain spots where Christianity is prevalent for the ones who He knew are going to be saved and place the non-believers away from the Christian message? This conclusion is contradictory to the Bible, but according to Greg, this would be the best and simplest tactic for God to do in order to secure the salvation of the save, and the condemnation of the damned.

Lastly, this is still *very much ignoring* the fact that God has people destined for Hell. I have brought this up before, so I won't rehash it, but *every* *single* *Christian* *cannot* avoid the fact that they will eventually come to the conclusion of either A: God creates people to go to Hell (which is egregiously immoral), B: We truly have free will and we decide where we go (in which case Hell isn't necessary to have free will), or C: If Hell does exist, it cannot be eternal (which is counter to Christian doctrine).

Nothing against Greg Koukl, but his philosophy is very poor. I don't think he realizes the consequences of the conclusions he's coming to.


At 3:07 Greg says "What are they judged by? They are judged according to their behavior, according to their deeds."

If we are to believe John 3:18, the main thing people are judged on is whether they believe in Jesus : "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. (John 3:18)


This is how apologists "win" debates, by making claims that are sooo deplorable other people just simply don't know how to respond to it.


It's not justified because even if they sin they still have no way of knowing about God's laws and commandments. Unsatisfying answer.


But the basic problem still exists, with some minor detail changed.
Now one person has the opportunity for attaining salvation, while another doesn't, simply by some geographical accident.
This, the inherent injustice in infinite punishment for finite crime, punishing an innocent person instead of the guilty, and the issue of punishment without purpose are all the reasons as to why I don't believe in this supposedly "just" god of yours.


this man's moral views are so warped by his religion.The actual injustice is we are condemned for being human.


I think that the atheist could say, the unjust thing is that God made the man born sinful. The man had no other choice but to sin, and then God is going to hold him accountable for that.


Koukl is doing God's work in creating more atheists with his incoherent drivel.


Ahh, so everybody is guilty, but some can redeem themselves by accepting the Jesus, while others cannot... merely by geographical or chronological reasons, depending on god (if on anyone) and not on themselves. That seems perfectly fair!
//end of sarcasm.


First, I’m a Christian, so keep that in mind if you read this comment. Second, the problem voiced is obvious and many Christians who recognize it have struggled with the issue. Giving the answer in this video may be logically satisfying to some people but it’s only going to encourage doubt and Atheism. I’m giving this a big thumbs down because not a single soul will change their mind with this obtuse response. I suppose there are some Christians who don’t care about that as long as they have answered the objection.

We all know that whether or not a person goes to heaven or hell is based on whether or not they are in Christ. Why bother us with talk about their sinful behavior? Do Christians have sinful behavior? Yes, but are they going to Hell? No. So practically speaking it is not a person’s sinful behavior that sends them to hell or else everyone would be going to hell. Or better put, it is not a person’s sinful behavior that determines whether or not they end up in Hell. But has everyone had the opportunity to hear of God’s Grace? No. Now maybe they would still reject the gospel if they heard it, but they haven’t even had the chance!

Honestly, how many Christians can say that if they hadn’t heard the gospel, they would have sought after God? Don’t lie. The vast majority wouldn’t. But are they indifferent to the inevitable fate of people born doomed to hell through no fault of their own? Yes, because they’ll shrug it off with, well they are sinners and deserve hell. How is that loving your neighbor? When you know full well that the gospel is essential for salvation - an essential need for all people that most people are deprived of.


I'm a believer but this answer, or respond is messed up. He didn't answer the question about the people who do not hear the gospel. Instead he says everyone is guilty of hell because of their own sin. And, so, what??? Is he saying people that don't hear the gospel don't matter? Is he saying even if someone dies without hearing the gospel they go to hell? Simply because of their sin? I never understood the way some Christians response this way


Wow. This is so incredibly dishonest I’ve really lost respect for Cameron. The response to these questions are layups and yet he literally throws his hands up and says he has no answer. He’s clearly a smart guy so I have to believe he’s willfully ignoring the obvious.


The injustice is the punishment doesn't fit the crime.


I m a Christian, even I have problem with this question. how can the person receive the salvation because everyone in the world have sinned


Mr. Koukl sounds like a complete psychopath. Your brother appears to be the more empathetic and loving person, maybe consider listening to him over someone who thinks anyone can be deserving an eternity of conscious torment. What a vile thing to believe.


"How would you know?"
We don't know if the person who has never heard son something would change to avoid hell. That means you don't know if the consequences God has forced upon them is just and therefore you can't know that God is all good.


Here's a problem Craig or whatever your name is:
It is inherently unjust to maximally punish someone for rules they are unaware of.

6 of the commandments are about worshiping some other god. You're arguing that it is just to punish someone for violating rules they never were aware of.

If it is a crime punishable by death in a foreign country to walk in front of one of their holy sites, and you are never made aware of that, and you happen walk in front of it, is it just to be put to death?

According to you, it is entirely just.


The Bible says that God has placed his moral law on the hearts of all men (Romans 2:15), and that His existence is clearly seen from the things that are made (Romans 1:20) so that none are without excuse. Someone who hasn't heard of Jesus obviously won't be judged based on their non-response to his special revelation but they will be judged on the basis of His general revelation. They would have to submit that God exists and that they've failed to live up to His standard, (also from Romans 3:23). Sadly, the Bible also says that very few people follow this path. Though still, I hope Plato makes it!


Good to see some people can use reason to debunk the Christian apologetic argument of God "justly" condemning people to hell along with creating large sections of humanity with no option but to end up there.
