Why Perfect Blue Broke Me

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perfect blue is a wretchedly beautiful simulation of what it is like to be young in an environment that controls everything, encouraging obedience to the point of damaging things like your identity, self esteem, and destiny. I'll never forget the part of the movie where Rumi says something along the lines of "but what about Mimas feelings!?", while she exhibits no consideration to understand Mima's feelings in the first place.


it's incredible when a piece of media can invoke such an intense response in people. it's a sign of just a really good movie


I feel like in an age where para-social relationships are seemingly worse than they've ever been this movie is more relevant than ever


The biggest payoff in this movie, for me, was near the end, but slightly before the climax. Where Rumi and Mima are fighting and Mima shouted "I am who I am". That line right there was just the essence of her entire character arc. She defines who she is, not fans or stalkers or managers or her job. When she said it, I immediately burst into tears because it made me so emotional. I'm just sad that I've watched several videos and commentaries about the movie and no one really talks about that line or scene since it's right before the big payoff.


Bjork’s stalker, and Japan’s Idol culture and stress and pressure that comes with it came to mind.
Especially with the former, as the dude became disillusioned and crazy before he terminated his own life and planned to take Bjork with him so that they could reunite in heaven until police intervened where they found him dead. Unsettling and disquieting to say the least


Knowing that your perception of others doesn't correspond to how they really are, and that they could make the same mistake with you, can be sad, confusing, unnerving. However, despite being painful, we all must accept this truth in order to have mature and complex relationships with other human beings.


that stalker is disturbingly reminiscent of how I felt when certain people disappointed me. even being fully aware of how trivial something is from an objective standpoint doesn't help. if you let something become a part of the structure that keeps you from falling apart, taking it out will cause serious damage. and pain, which you can't reason away. you can't escape it. all you can do is not let the rest of you follow that dying part into nothingness.


My life breaks me pretty often. That's why I consume darker media to remind me of how bad things can be and how they can be dealt with, changed, or accepted. Some ideas can bring me to tears every time when portrayed in the right way no matter how many times I see it. I try to find some sort of insight or wisdom through the works of others. Sometimes it helps me. At least for a moment


I sincerely do hope you ARE okay. ❤ Although just a viewer/follower, most of us are keenly aware what a toll some projects may take on you. Just remember your health is the most important thing to worry about-- even if videos get placed on hold or take a while to create. Take care and thank you for this deeply personal video ~


It's crazy how relevant Perfect Blue is in this day and age of para social relationships people have with their favorite content creators.


This video and Perfect Blue itself should be required viewing for any up-and-coming social media influencer/youtuber.


“Excuse me, who are you?
Excuse me, who are you?
Excuse me, who are you?”


This is why I despise untrue accusations. Throughout my childhood, I've had a few bullies, and they all attempted the same thing: to make me look bad, and warp how people perceive me. Of course, that was small-scale, but I always knew where that behavior could lead, and its not good. People like to say "the truth hurts", I assure you, many times the opposite is true, lies hurt.


Void gazing is definitely a pass time that leaves you with... a lot of interesting self perceptions.
Good to hear you're doing well after gazing at yourself for a while. Lots of people avoid it due to how unsettling it can be.


I like how you always freely share aspects of your insecurities. It's a sign of strength, not belittling yourself, but recognizing your reflection. Metacognition is self-medicating and necessary for any kind internal improvement. Very thoughtful content.


I’m now realizing why I love this film so much, and why it terrified me my first couple watches: I was living that “reality” at the time, and I didn’t quite realize it. My family pushed their perceptions of me onto me to the point where I broke. And it’s hard to be in public spaces because people look at me and see someone I’m not.


Damn man. Your self honesty mirror us in such a profound way. I felt hurt by this video and can't even figure out why. More to integrate. This is good.


Hey Max, I went through that same experience of what you described at 9:55 someone who I once considered my best friend did not see me in the same light. Over the course of ten years I started to catch on to him. And it broke my heart but not only that, I slipped into a downward spiral. For years he molded me into someone I'm not. I wasn't allowed to enjoy my things, and I would be mocked for it and constantly bullied by him and my other friends. Being on the ASD spectrum did not make it easy to understand what they were doing. It was when I started to find out he was telling other people who I never met these horrible lies and disturbing perceptions he had of me. One that sticks with me in particular was when there was a bonfire of which I did not attend. My true friend told me that he overheard him telling the whole group of people that "He's gonna be one of those shooters." Villafying me, warping their perception of who I am without ever knowing me. What's even worse is that he uses his good looks wealth and charm to get others on his side. He would do this to every new person, say these lies about me. Sometimes he would talk down to me for no reason randomly getting a text saying "You're not worth Jack shit." Or tell me how stupid I am. I almost started to believe that he knew me better than I know myself. I became suicidal and turned to alcohol, pain relievers and self harm and developing insomnia and eventually lost my grip with reality constantly having the unnerving feeling that I wasn't real. I finally gained my bearings after my family begged me to go get help admitted myself to a mental hospital.

One of the best decisions I have ever made, I probably wouldn't be here writing this message if I hadn't.

Recently I heard he's doing it again and quite possibly sabotaged a friendship and further connections I could have made.

I just want to move on with my life.


I completely agree with the difference between how a person sees themselves and how others see them, a good example is what happened to Hannah Montana from the Disney star to how she changed dramatically.


I've only seen Perfect Blue once, a few years ago, but I still think about it a lot. I still can't even tell what really happened because of the baffling last shot in the car, as if it was all just an act again. As if the entire movie was just, well...a movie that mima was acting in. The soundtrack is appropriately haunting too.
