Half-Life 2 - Dr. Wallace Breen addresses the Overwatch in Nova Prospekt [S2FM]

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Hope you'll enjoy this recreation of Nova Prospekt!

Additional assets:
Half-Life 2: Remade Assets part 1,2,3,4 - Project 17/HL2RA Team
Classic Combine Soldier Texture Restoration - Shane (bucklingspring)
Nova Prospekt Combine soldier textures - Stgs
Nemez Combine Soldier Pack - DPotatoman, ArachnitCZ, paradox, WESThaemer, _Nemez_
Battlefield V Pack - NORKAN
HLA Combine's Walls - Jerson Gaming

Source 2 Filmmaker
HLA Workshop Tools
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Photoshop

Song: Calabi-Yau Model by Kelly Bailey



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Probably the last survivor of a squad, limping towards his next assignment. Baddas scene.


Half life’s ambience and atmosphere in sound, music, landscape, dialogue and lore is what makes half life so interesting, vivid and immersive. All of that alone is what makes simple still camera shots like this so enduring


The writing for Breen was so fantastic in HL2. Really hope Laidlaw works with Valve again in the future.


This speech at best:
If the soldiers don't prove themselves useful, the Combine will not switch off the suppression field and wipe out humanity.
This speech at worst:
The Combine will wipe out humanity except for soldiers; but they'll be wiped out too if they don't step up.


I love how the Elites are the last squad to enter the door, trying to stop Freeman and Alyx from using the teleporter before the entire place faces total destruction. Amazingly detailed as always.


Oh my God this perfect

The clash between a bunch of highly trained OTA units using tactical chatter while Breen berates them in the background, begging the question if they're even listening to what he's saying
All the different soldiers clearly coming from different places intently moving to the same location regardless of status
The walls trying to gain more territory even though that checkpoint is very much already under Combine control
The motion of the turrets being extremely accurate to the games
Those four elites heavily implying the reason why they're all moving to the same location is that Gordon is in the teleporter room, and those Elites are the same we see in the end of that sequence

It shows the organism that is the Universal Union so perfectly, confusing but methodical; alien because it is exactly that.


next half life game should have background footage more like this, you do a very good job with these :)


The combine dragging his leg: This but a scratch


I really love the way the first man infront always stands aside and watches behind the squad, consistent everytime a new group arrives. Such a cool little detail for squad tactics


Am I right in assuming the Combine Elites at the end are the ones that surround Gordon and Alyx at the teleporter? If so, that's an extremely nice attention to detail and it really shows in your work how dedicated you are to accurately presenting this universe.


Whenever another one of these types of videos get posted I'm reminded of just how devastating the Combine are systematically on humanity. HL2, for all its advances and nuances, sometimes isn't fresh enough to display to me the true extent of destruction, both to infrastructure and human society, and these videos do the Universal Union more justice.


"This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing"

He is more than that, and he doesn't need to hear all HE IS A HIGHLY TRAINED PROFESSIONAL!!


0:03 Turret 1st victim
0:16 Squad 1 with grenade
0:38 Turret 2nd victim
1:16 injured soldier
1:28 another soldier with the injured one
1:43 turret 3rd victim
1:59 M A N H A C K
2:06 Elite Squad


I hope you do that one segment from Water Hazard where Gordon has to open up the water gates and inside another breen cast plays for the civil protection


sound design is phenomenal as always. y'know what I really appreciate? it's small but it's that eerie riser noise at the very beginning before the scene shows up with the bass hit. it really sets the mood and it's seemingly nothing but that's why sound design is often overlooked. here, it's at 0:00 (and now just rewatch the whole thing because there's a million other things that are also 10/10)


There's something about the atmosphere in the Half life universe. The machine eating the city it's just so incredible.


I am sooo hooked on with these 'after upload' series. They have a wholly differentiated aura of their own and are certainly appreciated!


Breen was written to be so beautifully smarmy. He doesn't talk like a military dictator or even a seasoned politician: he is instead reminiscent of a pompous academic or obstinate professor who pedantically refuses to grant a passing grade and berates their students for failing to see it the right way; that is to say, the professor's way. One of the things I love about Half Life 2 and the Episodes is how distinctly un-military both sides are: on the lighter end, we have Eli, Magnusson and Kleiner, three scientists fighting back not by turning themselves into an army but a laboratory; a triumph of human innovation and inquiry penetrating the mysteries of the Combine.

Meanwhile, Breen is the dark side of that same intellectualism: whereas the Resistance leadership strive to pull back the veil of mystery surrounding Combine technology and methods, Breen is a master of obscurantism, treating the concerns of citizens with a patronizing promise that he knows the truth of what the Combine is and what it intends, that really, when one looks at the situation with an intellectual eye, the situation is turned on its head: the Combine, who are poisoning and strangling humanity and raping the Earth which nourished it, are in fact a good thing for mankind: that the traditions and life that the Combine destroyed are not worth mourning, that their destruction is in fact something to be celebrated. He puts together these elaborate hagiographies for the Suppression Field and the forceful augmentation and alteration of humanity which use high-minded language and a barrage of buzzwords to distort the issue and leave citizens confused, with the aim of tricking them into believing that since Breen understands and they don't, he is clearly smarter than them: he must therefore be right when he praises the Combine and reassures them that everything is alright.

The tragedy of it is that Breen is even fooling himself. I really do think that he sincerely believes the lies he spouts daily. Like a lot of great characters, he is a smart man: but not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.


Man, I love that Overwatch Soldiers are depicted as wounded/weakened by Gordon Freeman's attack on the Nova Prospekt with one of them, Barely making his way back to the rest.


1:07 I see that sneaky G-man up there on the left lol

0:59 That was so scary though, how the walls moved, holy crap, imagine running from these things while they swallow the city behind you.
