Revit 2023 - Displaced Rebar Representation

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Shop drawings are used by structural detailers to clearly communicate their design intent and fabrication instructions to fabricators and contractors.
Revit 2023 offers you the ability to displace rebar elements. This means that you can offset bars slightly from their actual positions in the concrete shop drawing views to help collaborators see these elements more clearly and understand your design intent more easily.
When rebars are displaced in a view, their positions are changed in that view only. The displaced bars may still be tagged as usual.
Revit 2023 offers you the ability to displace rebar elements. This means that you can offset bars slightly from their actual positions in the concrete shop drawing views to help collaborators see these elements more clearly and understand your design intent more easily.
When rebars are displaced in a view, their positions are changed in that view only. The displaced bars may still be tagged as usual.