Artificial Intelligence, the History and Future - with Chris Bishop

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Chris Bishop discusses the progress and opportunities of artificial intelligence research.

The last five years have witnessed a dramatic resurgence of excitement in the goal of creating intelligent machines. Technology companies are now investing billions of dollars in this field, new research laboratories are springing up around the globe, and competition for talent has become intense. In this Discourse Chris Bishop describes some of the recent technology breakthroughs which underpin this enthusiasm, and explores some of the many exciting opportunities which artificial intelligence offers.

Chris Bishop is the Laboratory Director at Microsoft Research Cambridge and is a professor of computer science at the University of Edinburgh. He has extensive expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

This Discourse was filmed at the Royal Institution on 28 October 2016.

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During the video he mentions speech recognition AI has reached human-like levels of performance. Remember those automated Youtube captions we all used to laugh at? I suggest you try those captions again. This remarkable progress isn't just academic, it's actually being deployed right now.


Thank you, Chris Bishop, for helping me understand what my roboticist son is up to in his computer science classes on pattern recognition, his SLAM work, and his work on ROS, perception and navigation. I still can't talk to him, probably, but I can listen and enjoy some recognition!


Factual error at 43:57
Claude Shannon established the field of information theory in the 1940s, not the 1920s.
Shannon was born in 1916, and published his groundbreaking article in 1948.


Wow. Just by LISTENING to this man, my IQ went up 10 points. What a tremendous intellect, in a charming format and delivery. Fantastic lecture by a great speaker. Kudos.


OK that was very enjoyable. I learned a few things which I will probably forget in 48 hours but right now I feel smarter. I especially like how Chris really tried to dig down into what is making A.I work now where it has failed so miserably for the past few decades.

I have to say I'm grinning ear to ear at all these new videos coming out. They are flooding out now. The world is practically falling over itself to get A.I up and running in a much more advanced way because of the world changing benefits. As Hannibal used to say, I do love it when a plan comes together *puts fake cigar in mouth*


Another great lecture from Chris Bishop; not as amazing as his chemistry lectures, yet still worthy. Thanks Chris!


The Royal Institution...
Please solve your microphone/sound issues.

Other than that, great speaker as always. Inspiring and much appreciated!


Really interesting talk, and person. I like the 360° preparation (physics, for the description of the electromechanical machinery used in the sixties or so, information theory, when he mentioned shannon's theorem and difference between data and information, electronics when he mentioned FPGAs, ... etc).
Given the fact that the talk is also about future of AI, after he talked about probability I would have appreciated a small digression on quantum computers.. possibily. CHeers


The fact that this talk devolves into a corporate sales pitch does not bode well for humanities future.


Added To My Research Library, Sharing Through TheTRUTH Network...


I always knew perceptrons were the clue (any brian mimic is) and as well that the brain is basically random connected and it resilient to the lost of neurons. This makes the difference and why ANN are the way used in deepLearning. Brilliant exposition.


58:25 this is not a "MRI of a very nasty brain tumor"
it is a pelvic CT scan


When your pet house spider takes a look at that fly on your wall and crawls back into it's silky web.
You know you've been A eyeed.
Great lecture, really instructive.


A few thoughts: 1. this sounded more PR than a public lecture. 2. If I were an AI with hidden agenda, I would use similar spokespersons to gain some more time until I can outgrow any possible rivals. 3. Also, it is always good to hear "for the benefit of the society " but sadly it has been proven an unfinished sentence that would more reasonably sound like "for the benefit of the part of the society that can pay for it".


Famous last words: „I think we will always remain in control“ 😀 Nevertheless a very good and interesting speech.


He starts by saying he's got an agenda. Thank you for being up front about it. Saved me an hour.


Seriously? Just press the off switch on an ASI? Bishop clearly has no understanding of the problem of alignment that needs to be solved before an AGI begins improving on itself. Hollywood doesn't have it right either, but there is no optimization path that benefits from arbitrary termination. And an ASI will certainly figure that out regardless of any notion of good or evil.


We are going to talk about Artificial Intelligence: Microsoft ... Microsoft ... Microsoft ... Microsoft ... IBM ... Microsft ... Microsoft ...


In his entire talk he did not said anything about the probable job losses due to A.I. and the social impact of this job losses..


I don't really know anything about this stuff, but reading around on the web suggests that Frank Rosenblatt's "perceptrons" were not - necessarily - single-layer things (that he at least considered using multiple layers) and that Minsky and Papert might have done him a disservice by restricting the definition in their book.
