(More) Unfortunate But Definitive Proof Jesse Duplantis Is Not A Christian

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I became a Christian at a very young age but, as I grew up, I pretty much put God on a shelf. When I realized I needed Him in my life, I became part of what I thought was a wonderful church. Eventually, it split, but I didn't know enough to understand why. I totally believed in the whole word of faith thing, but I grew tired of constantly being told I 'didn't have enough faith' when things didn't work out or I didn't get answers I desperately needed, etc. Someone even told my husband once that, instead of staying home in bed with an excruciating migraine, I should have gotten dressed and come to church. Several other things happened and, finally, I stopped going. A few months ago, I found out the truth about this 'movement' and I am so very thankful for teachers like you who put truth out there. Thank you so very much for caring enough about us to make this information available. Thank you.


The absence of fear in the Lord will soon become fear in reality.


For years after my conversion from Hinduism I use to believe God must have seen something good in me. Took me time to learn how wrong I was. God has imputed his righteousness and goodness to me. There is everything wrong about me worthy of hell fire and the understanding of filthy tags came full circle this time around.


Hi Justin Peters! At 49, I'm just now blessed with the "hunger" for Jesus and understanding I always needed. Thanks for being here. You're one of the people helping me gain understanding and peace in the Word😊


I live in Louisiana and many years ago my wife and I listened to Jesse Duplantis, Kennith Copeland, Kennith Hagan etc. We also attended a large meeting in New Orleans with Benny Hinn. We eventually moved away from these preachers and found preachers that preached the true gospel., It was many years later did we hear Justin Peters teach about the wrong direction these preachers were leading people and how all they were after was our money. I’m glad, even though my wife and I had moved on years ago from these preacher, that Justin boldly came forth to warn us about the prosperity word faith money grabbing… For me he underlined and proved true my suspicions of wrong preaching. Thank you Justin for exposing these people that mislead us. There are still many good folks out there that need to hear the truth. So, keep at it!


If all these mega-motivational speakers would give proportionally to what they receive, millions would be blessed. Thanks for your insight my brother Justin.


Thank you for revealing these wolves in sheep’s clothing!

I was once deceived by these type as a new Christian but the good Lord showed me the truth and light which is what the Lord does best!✝️🙏


It's crazy how the wof teachers all feed off each other.


Good afternoon sir 🙏! From SW Virginia! Keep up the great job 👍 👏 🙌!


Justin thank you for all you do. Your clouds without water seminar is superb. You were instrumental in opening my eyes ten years ago and I escaped from WOF/NAR and repented and my life changed completely. I’m not pressing in and dreaming big, and trying harder and harder. I’m resting and trusting in the true gospel and the finished work of Christ my savior. So grateful to you sir! ❤


Jesse Duplantis needs to get right with the Lord big time. Thank you Justin for exposing these heathens that preach false doctrine. God bless you and keep up the good work!!!


“I NEED you Jesse I NEED YOU” says Jesus to Jesse this man is OUT OF HIS MIND!!


My night just got even better! Thanks for your continued work for our Lord, JP.


I am thankful we have people like Mr. Peters to correct the false doctrine being preached today. We can pray those that are led astray will be redirected to truth.


Amen, brother Peters. Amen. Today, your teaching about this over the years rescued me. I heard my church is involved in something called "Acts 29". Well, that was cringe-worthy to say the least to begin with. I kept trying to find the roots of this group, who started it, etc. Finally I went to Acts 29 YouTube channel and listened to the earlier English speaking series they had. Didn't get but half way through it when - after a bunch of claims of being "reformed" - the speaker quoted C. Peter Wagner. Red flags went off in my head! He was quoting Wagner in a positive, not negative, light. These wolves are everywhere.


30 years ago as a young Christian in faith, i saw this buffoons act in a prosperity church in Denver, and he shocked me right out of that place. He said things that were static to my ears. Thanks be to God.


I’m so grateful for the loving mercy and grace of God that would save a sinner such as me. Sometimes I can’t believe he called me to be his daughter and has made me new in Christ Jesus. Praying for Jesse Duplantis- I heard him preach several years ago at a Word of Faith church we attended. He talked about how he met Abraham on a trip to Heaven. God pulled us out of this church by his mercy and I’m truly grateful.
Thank you Pastor Peters for your ministry. It has helped me so much in my walk with Christ Jesus. We need sound doctrine so badly.


I am shocked more and more and I don’t know why. After being in WOF 11 years, this should be no surprise. 🙄Thank you for continuing to speak truth Justin. God bless you and your ministry. 🙏🏻✝️


This is a great time to pray for Kenneth Copeland, and Jessie Duplantis.It's heartbreaking when the enemy deceives these men, into spreading " false doctrine ".They don't know Jesus Christ, and that is sad.Let the Holy Spirit move you're heart to pray for the soul's of these men.We don't war against flesh and blood, its the spirit behind these men that's anti Christ.


Justin, your words give me increased hope for the Evangelical world. I’m a pre-trib Christian who definitely believes we are in the last days, and that firm belief comes as much from the present state of “Christianity”, as from the state of the secular world. Even among those who seem “mostly” Gospel centered, there are far too many occasions of embarrassment. Surely God will not allow the current state of affairs to continue in His name very much longer. Thank you for your sincere, level headed, and Christ-centered messages.
