Sermon: The Calling of Matthew - Luke Pierson

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Brothers and sisters, I am very excited to bring God's Word to you today as we continue to march through Matthew's Gospel. Specifically, we will be looking Christ's calling of Matthew to be his disciple, and the meal they soon shared together with the other Disciples and tax collectors.

What can we learn from Matthew's Calling and Christ's response to the criticism of the Pharisees at this meal?

Get ready to take notes as we will be looking at several other relevant passages of Scripture as well.

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Amazing how God just snaps his fingers and the heart is changed.


Jeder Mann, der betet oder weissagt und etwas auf dem Haupt hat, schändet sein Haupt.  1.korither 11, 4

Das ist Gottes wort


Why everyone talking about his hat you are too concern of what he is but look who is working through him.. don't be too easy to see someone fault..that really is the sermon..though he has hat in all guys look down and just judge but in the same way people in that day don't like mathew because he was a tax collector...took him as sinner but Jesus call..likewise he use his hat on purpose..thanks God I get a new revelation ❤


Its the message they are bringing that is important. I believe they are accurately bringing forth the Word of God. The pharisees of Jesus's day looked the part but, Jesus called them white washed tombs filled with dead mens bones. Don't judge like the world does, make a righteous judgement.


My two cents worth regarding the hat. I know it seems disrespectful and I have my reservations about it too. But that is all about cultural condition or upbringing. Point in case, I attended a Jewish service in one of their high holidays a few years back. While it is not at all surprising that Jewish men wear kippahs or skull caps inside the temple I was surprised that men (older men at that too) were wearing baseball hats inside and during prayers too. The reason? Because they deem it religiously important to cover their heads inside the temple, whether it be a kippah or a baseball hat.


Who wrote "The Gospel According To Mathew"?


Just curious, not judgy, why take your hat off to pray but not to proclaim the Word?


Judas Iscariot could not bring us God's Word if he was resurrected today and sought to teach us what he knew. Lucifer could not teach us God's Word, even though he knows a lot more about aO than Judas Iscariot ever did.

Only the Holy Spirit can teach what people call God's Word, anything else is similar to the Papacy teaching that priests and Queen of Heaven idols and saint dead spirits can intercede for you. The only reason a person needs dead spirits and idols to intercede for them is if they are cut off from Jesus of Nazareth, in the Christian theology.

The Pharisees also knew about Moses and their patriarchs, so when they accused Jesus of Nazareth of violating the Sabbath by healing and accused Jesus of bringing out demon spirits by the power of demons, they were basing their authority and truth on the Law of Moses as handed down by Moses and the Patriarchs afterwards. Jesus of Nazareth didn't debate scripture with them, instead he flatly stated that Jesus was there before the time of Moses and in fact gave Moses the Laws that are being quoted against Jesus.

This in effect, wasn't a logical or theological debate, it was blasphemy and pulling rank. Same as if Durbin used his black belt to go into another person's personal martial arts dojo and training center, and started kicking out white belts, sparring with whomever he pleased, and dictating who gets promoted or not. The master of the place, the owner and lineage holder, wouldn't tolerate some foreign black belt, or even his own black belts, to do that.

You will attempt to find the Christ, as people call that title, and you will not find him. Because the time when the living will envy the dead is fast approaching.


I'm sorry but I can't take this seriously, and I'm not being legalistic, but wearing your hat shows a major lack of reverence.


Brahh... the hat... nice hat but wouldn't you wanna remove it for the entire sermon? We remove our caps during the national anthem or pledge of Allegiance out of respect 1 nation under God Right? Then put the cap back on after we're finished. Just a thought... while delivering the message thats ordered of God from the pulpit wouldn't that be a place of upmost reverence and respect? Everyone knows the removing of any type of covering is a symbol of respect. I know you're on the islands and everything is laxed overderrr lol but if you were to literally walk up to Jesus in the flesh asking for prayer or guidance would you or would you not remove your cap out of respect before you asked him? Removing a cap is a form or submission and respect? If the lights are in your eyes adjust the lights not adjust the justification of whats allowed at Gods pulpit.
