We Came As Romans 'Just Keep Breathing' (Official Music Video)

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Rest in peace Kyle. You saved so many lives. So many. You inspired many to be better. Heaven gained an amazing angel today.


2:47-3:13 are some of the most powerful words I ever heard Kyle you were there when no one else was rest in peace ❤


On this day January 26, 2016 this song saved my life. On February 21, 2021 I’ll finally get the chance to say thank you


Ill miss this beautiful voice. Still get goosebumps from the chorus on occasion


Actually, live they're freaking amazing because whoever is currently singing, the other is handling crowd interaction. They stay very involved with the crowd and makes for an amazing show.


When I don't feel okay, I listen to this song.
It takes on a whole new meaning now.
Rest in peace, Beautiful Soul.


I give props to the neglected drummer<3
he's a beast :)


This was my favorite song by them but now I'm in love with "Cold like War" can't believe he's gone such a beautiful voice.


Am I still breathing?
Am I still breathing?

I've stumbled over every obstacle
That has come before me
But at least I made it past
I've been fumbling over every word I wanted to write
But I've but those insecurities in the past
It's so much easier to leave my mistakes behind me
If I acknowledge that I've made them

Am I still breathing?
Then nothing is as bad as it seems
So just keep breathing, and keep calm, keep calm
The only real control we have is over ourselves
So let's get


RIP Kyle. His death reminded me of this one


my ex gave me their bracelet that says "Just Keep Breathing" its slowly helped me to stopped cutting. I love this band. If they could only know how much their music has done for me


Am I still breathing?
Am I still breathing?
I've stumbled over every obstacle
That has come before me
But at least I made it past
I've been fumbling over every word I wanted to write
But I've but those insecurities in the past
It's so much easier to leave my mistakes behind me
If I acknowledge that I've made them
Am I still breathing?
Then nothing is as bad as it seems
So just keep breathing, and keep calm, keep calm
The only real control we have is over ourselves
So let's get over it
That we can't and we won't control anything else
You can't lose something you never had
So why miss the memory of something didn't exist?
Everything is all right, just keep calm, keep calm
But everything is all right, just keep calm, keep calm
Am I still breathing?
Then nothing is as bad as it seems
So just keep breathing, and keep calm, keep calm
The only real control we have is over ourselves
So let's get over it
That we can't and we won't control anything else
Is everything all right?
Keep calm
Am I still breathing?
Keep calm
Don't let yourself think that you control
Anything besides the way you live your life
Everything is all right
Just keep calm, just keep calm
Everything is all right
Just keep calm, just keep calm
Everything is all right
Everything is all right
Just keep calm, just keep calm
But everything is all right
Just keep calm, just keep calm
Am I still breathing?
Then nothing is as bad as it seems
So just keep breathing, and keep calm, keep calm
The only real control we have is over ourselves
So let's get over it
That we can't and we won't control anything else
So just keep breathing.


Even if you do think his voice is autotuned or not it doesn't really matter at all. The message is much better than most of any other band in this era.


This song is so inspiring and has helped me through so much, its unbelievable how much one band can influence so many lives...


This song saved my life when I was 15 💖💖💞💞🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💕 still one of my favorite songs rip Kyle we love you and miss you every day 💖💖💕💞


I'm not going to be one of those overdramatic fans who says "They saved my life blah blah blah" because technically a song can only inspire you to save your OWN life. HOWEVER, this song has in fact gotten me through some really fucking rough times. Everything from losing my job, to breakups, to losing my home at the time, this song has been the main one I turn to for encouragement.

Ps; Not that it matters at all, but I think it's kinda neat that Kyle Pavone was born the exact same day as me haha


amazing. i dont understand how people can complain about something this great?


i love his voice D: ugh. ive listened to this songs alteast 50 times today over and over. his voice <3 not the screaming on the regular singing. omg i love it <3


every time i think of kyle’s passing, i think of this song and it hits hard. rest in peace, angel.


How can anyone not like these guys? It's like impossible not to. Anyone else agree?
