10 EASIEST Champions to CLIMB WITH in SEASON 13 - League of Legends

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0:00 - Introduction
1:28 - Top Champions
3:31 - Jungle Champions
5:13 - Mid Champions
7:12 - ADC
8:49 - Support Champions
10:34 - SkillCapped & Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped #Season13
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How to climb:
Step 1: Open your eyes (everyone have a map)
Step 2: Dont Chat just play
Step 3: Dont blame other players for your bad decision making
Step 4: Its solo q everyone can still throw the game
Step 5: Forget Step 1-4 just hope u dont get matched with trolls or afks and have one hardcore carry who get your a.. out of Iron 🔥


2:10 a tip with nasus if you're starting with him.
Do not obsess over early stacks (like pre lvl 6), as a toplaner I force greedy nasuses into bad trades, as a nasus, I farm most of my stacks after I get my first cdr component/item.

At the start Q cooldown is too long to get every minion and it's easy to miss them, leveling Q reduces cdr and with that cdr component those missed minions are recovered easily.
Do not ever miss experience unless you have to base, each level is more Q stacking


A easy to play champ is also Olaf. You can just make the enemy push into you, hit an axe, pop ghost and you'll get a kill


When talking about how annie's W and R are unmissable, the clip shows the annie missing her stun W on the kled


Gotta love that the Yuumi rework made her even harder to kill, discouraging her from unattaching.


Where can I find the data about av winrate vs one trick vinrate? 🙂🤔


How does one find one trick win rate stats?


I find Lux to be quite powerful in low elo.


that secret wish of seeing qiyana recommended by someone


I keep hearing that ADC is in such a great spot right now, but is it? It feels so awful to play that I have decided to swap my role after maining ADC since season 9.

With all the poke supports and unkillable tanks in top and jungle, the room for skill expression feels really low. In lane, if you lose the push once, you basically lose the game because the enemy support can take out 30% of your HP with one spell while you're trying to farm under tower. You lose CS, lose experience, lose plates, and it becomes basically impossible to fight back.

Second thing is tanks are really strong right now, which present an interesting problem - either you build 3 items specifically for killing them (Kraken, LDR, BotRK) and end up so squishy that their support can oneshot you, or you build survivability (BT, Cringebow, Zeal items) and deal so little damage to tanks that they can run you down and 1v1 you.

In this meta, it feels like an ADC requires the support to win the lane for them, and then the entire team to peel fot them in teamfights, and only then skill expression comes into play.

Let's just look at these scenarios:

You (ADC) are playing bad and your team is playing bad? - 100% loss

You (ADC) are playing well and your team is playing well? - 100% win

You (ADC) are playing well and your team is playing bad? - 95% loss, the only way you can carry it is by getting as much farm as you can without grouping with your team and hoping they don't int the game 4v5 in the meantime. If you get to 5 items, you have a chance to show your skill.

You (ADC) are playing bad and your team is playing well? - 95% win, your team will just blow the enemy ADC up, negating any advantage they have over you.


You know Veigar buffs are broken, when he goes 0-4 in high GM tier, and still wins the game.


Where do you see "one trick winrates" ? How do you know Nasus has 54% for people who one trick him ?


Oh, it is very nice that Sivir is mentioned! However, using her to "quickly" climb (from low ranks, right?) seems sus. You will never burst down your opponents in early game, and you should avoid death, while at the same time looking to get maximum advantages, which are usually tiny, but you can get them with crisp execution. You have to understand the general flow of the game, and where exactly you should be at all times. So Navori, right? the item which gets its maximum use when you press your R for max synergy, right? In these situations, my APM spiked from ~290 avg up to 900, and 1 wrong click can decide if you win or lose. My point is, if you can learn to carry with Sivir in most games, you already should have the knowledge to reach decent ranks. Last night, i was very tired from work, but decided to play 1 game with MF, with brain off, on autopilot. No excuses, i was 1/6. By level 17, i got a bunch of gold from kills, had full build, and tanks were running away from me. Yay skill. I never had something like that with Sivir


How can i get refound in skill capped ? I need it its urgent


Y’all needa put Karthus botlane on here, I’m an m7 Karthus adc main and I’ve got an 65% wr on him over 100ish games. He’s so op, just land like 70% of your q’s and you win every time. And even the times you lose a fight you can always still get the wave from passive so no death is ever that bad. Karthus is op since even from behind it’s really easy to get back into the game due to his amazing waveclear and ability to just press r and win any fight, meaning he can side lane then press r to auto win a fight while enemy has to match him in side or they lose huge and you’re back in the game. Karthus is just plain disgustingly op in the bot lane, he’s also great for solo que we’re you can’t predict fights, they just happen randomly. Remember, you will int your first 20-30 games on him since he’s hard with the q’s. But in the end you will probably not be causing loses even while picking him up due to the ability to never have a bad death. In the end, just press r after like 2 items and then you auto win any fight because a 450 damage nuke plus liandries should win any fight.


Where can you find the stats for one trick win rate?


I do recommend:

Toplane Illaoi or Jax both very solid and easy mech champions to play

For Mid Lane: Cassiopeia or Irelia cassio isnt such hard to mech champ but irelia is it.
for Jungle: Hecarim or Nocturne both easy mech champs and Nocturne can be big threat for any eneemy team comp with his eternal darkness.
For Adc: Samira and Jinx: Samira is an easy champion to master and you still be useful for teamfights even if you lose laning phase and being a nightmare for any enemy team Sniper Jinx is the best Adc for me right now her ability to hyperscale really great and have an instant W to just make easy kill preparation for you teammates or urself is so huge also the fact for her R increased damage to objectives stealing drake and barons is much easier now with her also her global ult can scare any enemy comp <3
For Suppourt: Pyke or yuumi : pyke is a realy pain for any enemy team comp and makes lvl 1 ganks easy with having him on you team also an insane assasin champ for any botlane.
Yuumi bc shes so broken right now and many not now how to deal with her dont play to much defensive with her and immadiately master you Q and R for the right times.


Where do we see the one trick winrates?


What do u even define as onetrick because it cant be high play number


"duo to how unmissable they are" 5:48. HOW IRONIC
