Monk Chat with Bhante Sumitta | Empty Cloud

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Monk Chat with Bhante Sumitta | Empty Cloud
DHAMMA USA is a California based non-profit organization (501c3) engaged in Community Care, Spiritual Care & Pali Studies. We conduct Meditation, Yoga, Spiritual Counseling, Healing & Therapeutic Chanting and Teaching Pali Language. We promote peace, harmony, non-violence along with the message of the Buddha. We are happy to share the Theravada Buddhist Studies with any like minded individual or community. However, we support and promote unconditionally all the other Buddhist schools without any discrimination. We also respect all the other religions and their teachings on humanity, world peace, non-violence, and environmental care.
#dhammausa #bhantesumitta
More about us:
Dhamma USA - We Care
Facebook page:- Dhamma USA
YouTube Channel:- Dhamma USA
Our Mission :- Spiritual Care & Community Care

DHAMMA USA 是一間推廣社區關懷、心靈關懷和巴利語研究的社區和慈善機構。 我們有舉辦冥想、瑜伽、心靈照護、治療和誦經治療以及教授巴利文的課程。 提倡和平、和諧、非暴力是佛陀一直以來要傳達給大家的訊息而我們一直努力推行著。 我們很高興能與志同道合的人或是社區團體分享上座部佛教的研究。同時我們也尊重佛教的其他傳承以及所有其他推崇慈悲、世界和平、非暴力和環境保護等教義的宗教。

Dhamma USA - 我們關心您
Facebook 臉書:- Dhamma USA
YouTube 頻道:- Dhamma USA
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