How I Save 60% My Income (My Budgeting Method)

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In this video, I’ll go over how to budget and how I save 60% of my income per month. If you’re looking to learn about how to save money, then budgeting is probably the best thing you can do to better understand your spending habits. The budgeting tips that I’ve learned over the years have helped me to save money every month, so hopefully this video and my budget template can help you as well!

I know that budgeting for beginners can be tough because I had a hard time getting started with it at first too, but that’s why I created the budget template that I show in this video. My budget is simple and easy to use, so it makes it much easier to cut back on your expenses and save money. This budget with me video should give you an idea of how to create a budget for yourself, so I really hope that my real life examples here can be helpful!

The most important thing to do with budgeting is to get started because it will take some time before you can start to make changes and see results. But I believe that if you follow the three budgeting concepts that I discuss and then you stick with a plan, you can save money and get ahead with your finances.


The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Daniel Braun is not a financial advisor. This video is for entertainment and educational purposes only, it is not financial advice.

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With that random statistic stating that over 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, videos like these are crucial for those that want to be financially independent! Saving money is a definite way to put yourself in an advantageous position later on, when that money can be helpful! Great Video Daniel!


I can say this, being a single income household and paying rent on my own takes up a large portion of my budget. It sucks that so much greed entered into the real estate market in my area, but, increasing my income is the one thing that I have the power to do. Budgeting sheets like this one are very helpful so thanks for walking us through this 👍🏾 👍🏾


I use Mint as a compiler for all of my credit card/bank transactions and then make a manual budget like this. I also put everything into a master spreadsheet and then use a pivot table that allows me to view the data by month, year, category, etc by simply selecting a different sorting criteria. Also, I think we were at PSU at the same time lol


This is an amazing video - subbed! I've been tracking my expenses and budgeting on double spreadsheets, but this just gave me the idea for how to merge them and compare my actual to budgeted expenses automatically in one sheet. Brilliant!


I have no idea how your channel showed up on my feed but I am glad it did! You are such an inspiration. Thank you. I like this budget sheet. It is simple and easy to navigate. I have several savings accounts for various things that I “aim” for. My emergency fund is already almost to 6 months of expenses. Now, I am starting an “adventure” (travel) account and car emergency acct, and other one for BIG purchases. This year I am going to start a Roth IRA acct and I continue to add to my regular 401. I definitely need a side hustle quickly (so I can put all that money in investments). Thanks again for this great video.


I've watched a couple of your videos over the past few days, super helpful man! Much appreciated.


Just like basic credit card knowledge, everyone should have a solid foundation on budgeting. A lot of times, the easy part is making money, and the harder part is keeping it.


Daniel, I've been using a version of your template for a few months now and I've found it very helpful. I added some extra features like drop down menus and how much spent on each card to track SUB's. Thanks so much for sharing!


I 100% agree that manually budgeting with a spreadsheet is more valuable than using an app. Budgeting properly is the most important thing you'll do in your life. It allows you to take control of your finances and grasp the best possible future. This is at complete odds with trying to "appify" the process to avoid any effort.

Me and my wife have been budgeting for several years and it has completely changed our lives. I have a similar spreadsheet that does a lot of forecasting too. It forecasts compound interest in all savings/investment accounts. It highlights mortgage forecasts and shows how much interest vs principal is being paid each month (for example, people may not realise that a 6^ mortgage actually equates to 80% interest and 20% equity in early years).

Every penny is accounted for that we can predict for the next 5 years. As well as understanding net worth and retirement funds.


Dude I just watched your old Platinum unboxing video and wow your videos have improved so insanely in just a year! Your voice. Confidence. Editing. Please keep this content coming man!


I've been trying to figure out how I wanted to start budgeting (using an app or a spreadsheet), and this video really help motivate me to try using an excel. It is more work but my life isn't that complicated that I can't handle it. There are some cool things you can do in, for example, the category cells by making a drop down of the range in the A cell. This would reduce the misspelling for getting the category summation working correctly.


Wow, great information to create a budget or tweak your current budget and spending. Love the idea of viewing myself and my household as an actual business...that means I AM the CFO, CEO, chief information and procurement officer. Great more hats to wear. However, this is what a mom and wife is ALL about.🤗
Thanks for the great video!!! 💜💛💜💛


very informative video! budgeting is such an important skill and I fully agree that instead of looking at is as being restrictive, it should be viewed as a means to be more mindful in our spending habits.


Love your advice, love the vibe! You seem excited for what you’re doing and the camera captures!


I judt finished doing this by hand on my computer!!! Im so thannkful i ran across your channel today. I will be using this tool going forward. Thank youu!!


Great video! I’ll have to look into that budgeting sheet. Thanks again for real life knowledge!


What a great positive and optimistic outlook you have. It is always better to start young congratulations on this. I am definitely sharing with my young adult children and I’m so grateful for the budget spreadsheet you shared. Blessings to you and your future.


This information is helpful to so many people, especially for those starting young! This is such a valuable topic!


I hardly comment anymore, but I'm still always liking, clicking, and watching your videos! Another great video as always and so amazing to see how far you've come since I started watching. Congrats Daniel!! (Also super late- but also congrats on your engagement!) :)


Dear Daniel,
I recently came across your video on budgeting, and I wanted to thank you for sharing your insights and providing such a helpful Excel sheet. As a recent college graduate who will be starting a full-time job soon, your advice has been incredibly valuable to me.

Your video has given me a better understanding of how to manage my finances and set realistic goals for my future. I appreciate the effort you put into creating this content and making it accessible to people like me.

I have subscribed to your channel and look forward to learning more from you. Thank you again for all that you do!
