Kamala Harris marks 'Bloody Sunday' anniversary in Selma

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Her visit to the city that served as the cradle of the Voting Rights Act comes as Democrats have unsuccessfully tried to update the landmark law.
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The woman who sent innocent Black men to prison and kept them there while AG of California has no reason to speak at Civil Rights Events.


Quit celebrating the right to vote while pretending you don't have the right to vote.


She’s Black today, but will be Asian/Indian tomorrow, or however she chooses to identify, depending on the particular occasion, of course.

As a Black Georgia born longtime FORMER Democratic voter, I am so glad I didn’t vote for this current administration and again, pushing for a Black woman to be the next Supreme Court Justice will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for the Black collective, any more than Juneteenth, a Hip Hop Holiday, OR Kamala’s visit to the Edmund Patterson Bridge will result in anything SUBSTANTIVE/TANGIBLE AND TRANSFORMATIVE for the Black American born voter/citizen!! WHERE are our executives orders and laws? You know the same executive orders and laws that every other “minority” and “marginalized” group has received??

But Biden has made it VERY clear during his first year in office and he SOLIDIFIED it during his SOTU address that he isn’t going to do anything for his loyal Black constituency. Black America/the Black voter, you are NOT a priority, you never were, and you never will be!! Have you learned your lesson yet, do you FINALLY GET IT?!! We have no allies; there is no Black and Brown/minority coalition, we are on your own and we can’t even depend on the DO-NOTHING NAACP, CBC, SCLC, and all of these other out of touch/out of date so-called Black organizations. And it’s time that Black America started thinking and moving collectively and doing for self like all of these other “minority” groups do.

I have seen several videos posted online since Tuesday where some of our Blacks in national media are really at a loss/puzzled and befuddled by Biden’s SOTU address. WHY and WHY are you begging this man and the Democratic Party to do right by you! You look desperate, pathetic, and stupid, and that’s putting it nicely. Black America as a whole should have learned our lesson by now when it comes to putting Democrats in office and people in office who look like us: 8 years of Obama, nothing; a year and counting from Kamala Harris, nothing; decades of Black congressmen/women/ senators; still nothing… STOP allowing everybody to run game on you and bamboozle you!! It’s the SAME political BS talking points EVERY election cycle with the SAME results (no results)! Please make it make sense because it doesn’t make sense!

I personally will be voting a STRAIGHT Republican ticket going forward in ALL elections, until the Dems can show me otherwise (and I seriously doubt that they will)! So what if the Republicans take both houses in November and Trump (or some other Republican) gets the WH again in ’24. The Black voter isn’t receiving anything anyway, so what difference would it really make?? None whatsoever! For those of you Black Trump haters who felt that it was your job to save America from the boogie man Trump and to be the so-called conscience of this country (ha, ha), you are getting absolutely what you deserve, NOTHING! You fell for the same ‘ole political BS talking points and in the end, you got the same thing, NOTHING! You played yourself, yet again! STOP being so emotional and start voting with a critical mind and STOP focusing on the candidate/the person and start focusing on POLICIES that will DIRECTLY benefit the Black community. This is chess, NOT checkers, and your vote should be for sale to the highest bidder!!


Once again, she failed to mention who doesn’t have the right vote today?


Once again another photo op. They all walk on the bridge and then go home to wherever they live. Selma is a mess, trashed. Show the town...why not help build the community up. So sad


Shaggy says "Like even the democrats know she's lying To which kamalobama replies "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and that pesky dog." <Scooby giggles>


This is the same thing as when women march and protest for rights they already have 🤣🤣🤣🐑🐑🐑👌👌👌


Omg that looks like a super spreader event and didn't they say social distance


can you imagine this joke of a woman would become our president if the old crone had to stop down due to dementia?


All what she's trying to do is get immigrants to vote but we are born here we have that right


Amazing, Berkeley's Montreal's DC's Very Own 🐻 San Francisco Oakland CA That's the first time I seended that. 👀


This clown is emotionally about 15 years old.


This is connected to freedom riders or is it different


One of the prerogatives of American citizenship is the right to criticize public men and measures-and that means not only informed and responsible criticism but the freedom to speak foolishly and without moderation. Mr. Justice Frankfurter in Baumgartner v. United States, 322 U.S. 665, 673- 74 (1944)


So glad to see her out there doing and saying something .


One of the prerogatives of American citizenship is the right to criticize public men and measures-and that means not only informed and responsible criticism but the freedom to speak foolishly and without moderation.۔۔۔Mr. Justice Frankfurter in Baumgartner v. United States, 322 U.S. 665, 673- 74 (1944)
