Where Is Allah? | The Throne Of Allah || Allama Farooque Khan Razvi

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It is the belief of some Sects that Allah is sitting on His Throne above the Seven Heavens. He has a body, a corporeality, and with his corporeality, he is sitting on His Al-Arsh. They believe He is above his Arsh (Heavens) and to prove their point they quote some verses of the Holy Qur'an where Allah said, "Thumast-tawa 'Alal 'Arsh" or " 'Alal 'Arshon Istawa". And some believe that Allah is everywhere. This creates confusion about the whole issue among the common folks and as a result, more important aspects of Deen-E-Islam are neglected.
So, where is ALLAH (God)?
Is Allah everywhere or is He above His Throne?
Where is Allah and his throne? Is Allah Above His Throne?
Is Allah Above His 'Arsh? Is Allah Sitting On His Throne? Is Allah Sitting On His Arsh? Does Allah Sit On His Throne? Is Allah Everywhere or Is He on His Throne? Where is Allah? Where does He live? How to reply to "Where is Allah?" Is Allah above the Heavens.

The Wahabi Aqeedah and Ibn Taymiyyah's lies and blasphemous were exposed by Allama Muhammad Farooque Khan Razvi.
Ibn Taymiyyah's lies and blasphemous exposed by Allama Muhammad Farooque Khan Razvi - Sunni Hanafi Organization.

Useful Links With Refutation of Ibn Taymiyyah Al-Mujassami:

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AL HAQ! indeed. May the One, ABSOLUTE, Source of All things continue to shed light on your soul.


In the place of Ahle Hadith you should put *Salafi* as they are more famous from this name.


*🌹🇮🇳🏴🏳अल्लाहु अकबर, अल्लाहु अकबर🌹अल्लाहुम्मा लब्बैक🌹लब्बैक या रसूल अल्लाह लब्बैक🌹पायेगम्बरे इस्लाम जिन्दाबाद🌹अहले बैत जिन्दाबाद🌹खुल्फा ए राशेदीन जिन्दाबाद🌹सहाबा किराम जिन्दाबाद🌹शोदा किराम जिन्दाबाद🌹औलिया किराम जिन्दाबाद🌹हज़रत गौसे पाक के आझम दस्तगिर, पिराने पिर, शेख अब्दुल कादिर जिलानी रह., जिंदाबाद🌹अताये रसूल, हिन्दल वली, हजरत खॉजा गरीब नवाज, मोइनुद्दीन चिस्ती, अजमेरी रह, जिन्दाबाद🌹आला हजरत अहेमद रजा खान फाजीले बरेली जिन्दाबाद🌹हजरत आल्लाम फारुक खान रिजवी सहाब जिन्दाबाद🌹अहले सुन्नत वल जमात जिन्दाबाद❤🤲🌹*
