The theory that could unravel secrets of the universe with Michio Kaku | Frank Buckley Interviews

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Renowned theoretical physicist MIchio Kaku is the author of the new book, "The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything." The epic story explains the greatest quest in all of science—the holy grail of physics that would explain the creation of the universe.

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Interviewer 'What is the unified field theory?'

Michio Kaku 'Well, let me explain that by giving you my life story...'


7:20“ Isaac Newton lived in a world of sorcery and witchcraft” Just watch some of these evangelical preachers on YouTube and it is obvious that we still do.


Little smile he keeps all the time on his face amusing. It shows he loves to talk science


“There’s things out there in the universe that we know but nothing”
(David Robinson Crusoe 2021)


He repeats all his talking points word for word in all his interviews


can't wait to read his book "the god E-uh-Equation"


If we could look outside this case that this project is in we would lab plain and simple the beakers may be bigger than us but a lab no doubt. 😁👍that's my best guess.


This man said nothing I didn’t already know. It good luck on making money with your book.


I wrote about this .... the science of humanity is still young


So Beg's the Question...
'Who or what. ...made the Crystal? Ref- 15.38
And Why ?....and so it goes on and on and on.
Very interesting. ..I love this guy. 👍


Multiverse could be true. Here is what I experienced. I was injected with high end pain killers after a major invasive surgery and immediately all the nurses and patients changed into people that I have never seen before. The building was the same I was in the same bed but the environment had differences like pile of stuff here and there and all the patients were connected to monitors with aboriginal drawings on their screens. I asked a nurse where I was, he answered but my hearing stayed in the present.


I wish he would stop going on about how goddam "beautiful" the theory is going to be, and how short the equation is going to be. The search for this "beatuy" could be nothing more than a red herring, and extremely detrimental to physichs. The universe is under no obligation to be pretty, and if an equation for it all can even be arrived at, it is under no obligation to be short. If Kaku and his collegues keep looking for something that just isn't there, they'll never find it ... which may be why they are no closer to finding a theory of everything now than they were a century ago.


The interviewer forgot to ask the main questions!
- If you have a book called 'The GOD equation' does that mean you believe in a creator/god/source of the universe?
- Do you conceive that physicists and scientists may never find the theory of everything because they are looking outside for the answer when the answer is actually inside!
- If matter is not the main constituent of the universe and consciousness is the fundamental property where everything emanates from, do the equations need to be re-written? or do they only apply in the physical universe?
- The big bang was created within a dark void/universe, so can we admit there was never a beginning and there will never be an end. Our universe will be an endless cycle of expansions and contractsions within a megaverse.

We all sit around the circle and suppose while the secret sits in the middle and knows....


how many times has he told this story, must be over 100


What makes me think this concept of "Parallel Universes" as fishy is the question that in case I happen to have an accident and die in one universe, shall I have died in other universes as well ?


mr kakatoe suddenly tell us something we allready knew


Michio is basically in permanent documentary mode.


A alien hammer is still probably cheaper than a hammer purchased buy the government


Reading these comments makes me relize how closed minded ppl are. These are hard problems to solve and require different approaches and thoughts. Earth is one grain of sand amoung all the beaches in the world....we are so small, we have to think big


Found Aliens right in my backyard traveling our Universe by seemingly just wiggling around. They don't talk to us so we probably are of no interest to them and they disappear into these wormholes leading to multiverses that are beyond the limited comprehension of my two dimensional brain of: Pizza and Beer.

On a more serious note: Thank you Mr. Kaku for allowing me to absorb inspiring concepts you have been presenting in laymen's terms for decades. A pure delight.
