Calculate Probability with the Normal Distribution, Using Excel

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Thanks for sharing because it help me with a new tip with "True & False".


Part b. is incorrect. The probability of getting EXACTLY 4 hours is 0. For a normal distribution (or any continuous random variable), probability is equal to area under the curve; but "4" is a single point on the number line. The area over "4" is a one-dimensional line, so the area is 0.

Looking at it another way: Since it's a continuous random variable, there are infinitely many number that X can equal in this problem. The probability that X is EXACTLY a single number OUT OF infinitely many must be 0.

The "False" option in this formula does not give the probability for a single value. According to Excel, using "False" gives the value of the probability density function. In other words, 0.2186801 is the height of the curve at 4, not the area or probability.
