Back-Button Focus: Why EVERYONE should use that AF-On autofocus button

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took me 30 mins to understand what's happening, but it hit hard. So you want to disable focusing with the shutter button and leave focusing for the back button, and while you hold it pressed in it's focusing constantly and when you let go it acts as if it's one shot and you can recompose


The first time I saw this video, I didn't quite get it. This time I did. The reason is that when a novice like me watches and you say to press a button but don;t say when  to release it, the novice doesn't know to release it. It doesn't matter in single focus but makes all the difference when you go to recompose in continuous focus.


I watched this video 3 times before I finally understood the purpose of back button focus and how he is able to take more photos. What he doesn't clearly articulate is that using back button focus enables the camera to switch focusing modes instantaneously. Most beginner's may not realize what he us talking about until they understand what a focusing mode is


I got a 70D a few months ago, and when I got it I decided to try back button focusing so that I could learn it while I was learning my new camera. It has been an awesome change and it helps me in many different situations


I just started using back button focus (Been into the hobby a few months now) I'm missing a lot of focus because I simply forgot about it, but I can see why its so good, and I'm quite sure within a week or so I won't be messing up. Amazing channel, looking forward to picking up your video/book soon.


you have no idea how much you helped me out i was completely lost when i bought my first dslr after watching your videos and doing my own research and doing little tests to figure everything out im having people ask me how long i have been a photographer for when i tell them a little over 8 months they think im lying thank you so much for all your help and videos


I think the confusion people are having here and what is not mentioned in the video is you must disable auto focus on the shutter button as well other wise you are not able to recompose the shot with the same focus point as you will effectively re focus when you press the shutter button. Basically you are removing the focus function from the shutter button all together and solely using the back button to focus.


I've been using back-button focus ever since I bought the book almost a month ago. I find it very convenient indeed! Although I do have to say that I've sometimes gotten blurry shots because after using single-shot focus-recompose for so long I've just forgotten to BBF sometimes :)


It's my fourth time watching this and I finally understand wtf bbf is useful for.


Since almost 4 weeks I'm working with Back-Button Focus. And I'm excited - it works fantastic! The first few days I had to change my thinking a bit, but now .. Also I'm much faster and more flexible.
Thanks for the tip Tony.


About a year and a half ago, I first read about back button focus and didn't quite understand why I would want it. Then figured I would at least try it and if I didn't like it I could just switch back. Since switching to back button focus, I've never wanted to return to the old way of doing it. Love having my focusing separate from my shutter and metering. 


I have used back-button focusing since forever on my 20D. Almost 12 years and counting.


I prefer doing this 'inverted' - using the back button for AF-OFF so the shutter button still works as normal, and I can lock focus when I need it by holding the back button after focusing.


I use it all the time, as you said it's great for candid shots as you can lock your focus and wait for exactly the right moment. Plus if you're taking several shots of a group it's so much easier. I like your trick with the focus mode too. I must give that a try!


Wow.  I've been shooting purely amateur family photos for about 10 years and have gotten (to my eye anyway) some amazing shots.  But, focus on my Nikon D90 has always been too slow and, when shooting a sporting event with my grandchildren, staying in focus has always been a challenge.  I caught your video by accident (YouTube suggested it for me) and just set up my D90 for back button.  It's amazing and will be my focusing method from now on.  Thanks very much for your great video - I just became a subscriber.


I can't want to start using my camera to it's full potential. Such a helpful video, thank you.


thank you very much for all your videos!!!


Pretty clever for this scenario. I love the satisfying beep and the red lighting of the focus point I'm using when in "one shot", I wish "ai servo" did the same thing. If that was the case I'd probably never use "one shot".


Famous bird photographer Art Morris (Birds as Art) gives the following reasons why he no longer uses Back Button Focus. Art was previously a promoter of BBF.

"I stick with shutter button AF nearly full time. Why?

1-For flight and action photography and in all situation where you can get an AF point exactly where you want it on the subject (almost always that means on the same plane as the subject’s eye …) I find it a lot easier to do one thing (press the shutter button) than it is to do two things (press whichever rear button that you use to focus and then have to press the shutter button to make the image).
2- Some folks using rear focus develop thumb or wrist problems from having to “reach around the corner” to get to the AF-On button. That is why I used (and still use on occasion) the Star button for rear focus.
3- All AF points and all AF Area Selection modes are now available at f/8 with both camera bodies that I use, the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and the Canon EOS-1D X Mark II. In most situations that makes it a lot easier to get an AF point exactly where you want it on the subject.
4- On all three of my camera bodies, I have assigned AF lock [AF Off] to the AF-On button. So if I am using shutter button AI Servo AF — as I now do 98% of the time — and need to focus on a subject in the corner of the frame, I acquire focus with the shutter button and then reach around the corner and press and hold the AF-On button. This locks the focus and essentially gives me the advantages of using rear focus (without ever having to change any of my settings). Do understand that this technique works best with your rig on a tripod or at least when your gear is well-supported by a railing or as a result of your using the knee-pod technique. If you are straight out hand holding there is a risk that even your tiniest movement will throw off the focus. The same of course is true whenever you are using either One-Shot AF or rear button focus …
So yes, I now believe that shutter button AF is better than rear button AF at least 99% of the time 🙂
with love, artie"


Hi Tony, Back button focus or the old hand cramp as its known. Moose Peterson and several other (old) pros don't use it. Try instead to set the rear( AF on) button to( Focus lock).. This way you will only be pushing two buttons for much less time,   Give it a try, Much faster, no hand cramp, Something unexpected happens,  only have to press the shutter button, not two buttons at the same time..  All the Best
