HOW I 'DO IT ALL' AS A HOMESCHOOL MOM | Routines, planning, seasons, and grace

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Today I'm giving my answer to how I do it all as a homeschool mom. Keeping house, schooling the kids, etc. Here's how I manage everything. *Hint - I don't!



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“You're not called to do everything, you're just called to do the things that are best for your family.” - this resonated with me so much! Thank you for your openness and encouragement!


I am certainly struggling with this.
I tell my husband often that I don't feel like homeschooling is the problem. I love homeschooling and it's some of the best hours of our day. But when I finish, I feel drained and I feel like our home and meals suffer. I just don't know how to be a homemaker and a homeschool mom together in the same day sometimes.
My gut tells me that I had to lower my expectations so low during the baby years, that I have really gotten out of the habit of making myself do certain things on certain days and I'm paying for it now. I know MY schedule needs a refresh.

Thank you for the video! You definitely got my wheels turning on some ideas to help simplify things.


As a fellow homeschool mom of 3 going into our 3rd year homeschooling, this was really sweet and honest and realistic! Great to hear a down to earth perspective.


This is for me I must have needed to see this. My children 3 were the same age when this video was made and I'm a homeschool mom as well and I really needed a different perspective


I do laundry every day too. Every day all day actually. There is always something in the washing machine or the dryer or both.


Ok the fact that getting up at 6:30 is before your kids is amazing. Mine are up at 6… sometimes before. Soooo my getting up before the kids is slim to none. 🥴


Seasons in life... so true. My busy might be different than your busy. Great video mama!


Ok so I was watching your end of year video while hand knitting my first blanket because “projects” (lol) and this video popped up after a few others. Man! This is me to a T. I’m also a nurse (maybe there’s something there), go getter, and now a SAHM homeschooling 4 kids. I always have that same feeling that there are so many things I could do because I usually pick up things quickly… but is it BEST? It’s been a journey for sure learning when to be still in the current stage I’m at and not try to start the good businesses and projects I’m passionate about when I need to concentrate on home. I need to chill out 😂

Thank you for your words through Love 🥰


Thank you for this video!! This fall has been more of a struggle than I expected. I am homeschooling an older child who needs me to be be with him for almost all school subjects, and after years of being home alone getting things done during the day when he formerly attended public school this is still (we are on year 3) a huge adjustment and struggle for me. We both love homeschooling, but striking a balance with all of the things has been very hard.


This is my first year homeschooling, and it feels a bit like I just had a newborn! 😂 I trust the season will end, and things will feel easier. For now, I am just doing what I would with a baby: lower the goals and focus on the biggest needs!


Oh wow, yea this is exactly the way I am! Go-getter. I’m currently involved in coaching and volunteering for our baseball and softball association! I like the say no to the good so you can say yes to the best!!! I’m going to put that up so I can see it every day!


What a blessing to hear I do not have to. With the different seasons. Thank you! Bless you in Jesus´ name. Love.


This really spoke to me about the whole mom side hustle culture! My husband is the same... I'm always like "hunny I was thinking...." he already raises his eyebrows


This was so the message I needed today! Thank you :)


Idk how I do it all!!! I definitely don’t do it all and having older kids helps!!! My youngest is 5!!! We love our flow or grove we have!!! I don’t have a cleaning routine but I love little and often as well and I love short cleans!!! I keep certain things on hand so we can put meals together easily!!! My older kids where 7 and 9 when I went back to school and I questioned that and not long after we pulled out our kids from school so we had to make it work!!! My older kids love keeping the garden and it’s part of their homeschool!!! Unschooling is one of our homeschool styles as I see how it helps my kids to learn and we use it as a supplement as well!!! My mum in law encouraged me to try it and it definitely helps but we are also Charlotte mason style as well and others!!!
