'Ain't nobody in it': Police pull over driverless car in San Francisco traffic stop
Can autonomous vehicles curtail traffic deaths?
It's funny they think they're going to report the cones to police when police won't even respond to actual crimes.
The robots will remember this when they get their vengeance
Thank you for using Johnny Cab, hope you enjoyed the ride.
When you think about it these cars are very vulnerable to vandalism. It would be easy for a group to disable every single car in the Bay Area within a couple of days using brute force or some kind of electronic device. Unless they want to hire a security guard to sit in the driver's seat this could be a big problem for this company as it could destroy the whole concept.
The public wasn’t allowed or invited to comment on proposed legislation? Imagine that.
The EV companies should be thanking these “hackers” for pointing out the obvious flaw. Imagine riding as a customer in one and having people with bad intentions disable and stop the vehicle that easily 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
In the UK these would probably be jacked and stripped for parts 😂
The self-driving cars are becoming unicorns. 🦄
1950s: flying cars!!!
2024: street cone go
I think this is funny, but I also recognize that I'm not sure that we'll ever get to the point where a traffic cone on the hood WOULDN'T stop a self-driving car.
I, as a human, also don’t drive off when I have a cone on my hood. So, whose the machine now?!!
Guinea pigs. They have that right. We had a woman walking her bike in Tempe that was killed by one of these. We have plenty of Waymo here too and I've personally seen one Waymo stuck at a green light, and another one casually ran a red light in front of me and the other drivers that had green. It was very unsettling to think that these cars are just cruising around and don't even know how to read traffic lights properly. We wouldn't put a 3 year old in the driver's seat would we?
While SFPD does not respond to theft, car break-ins, burglary BUT will respond to a self-driving vehicle automatic reports of a “CONE” ??
Not going to say I agree or disagree with the people doing it, but putting a cone on a car isn't vandalism.
Wait til they figure out how to hack these!!! They are dangerous and not very accurate in videos I've seen. They even been spotted running red lights and not slowing down for pedestrians if there is a green light.
All the money invested instead of just paying a human to drive this car is sad . We are losing our humanity all in the name of making a buck .
Self driving cars are nowhere near ready despite what hucksters would have you believe.
I'm an introvert so I just put that cone on myself to prevent me from entering outside my comfort zone.
Shocked that the homeless haven't started living in them.
Gotta love the irony in cruise saying the protest gets in the way of their efforts and creates traffic congestion when the vehicles themselves get in the way of city workers and create traffic congestion when they malfunction on their own.