Van Halen Loss of Control Cover by Jacob Deraps and Josh Gallagher

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Finally, somebody gives Alex Van Halen the respect he deserves. Alex is just as important to Van Halen as Neil Peart is to Rush. All these so called Van Halen tribute bands need to take note.


It's ridiculous how good this is! The drummer is off the hook, guitar player tone is great


Those first 5 or so vh albums are so fucking good. people need to recognize .
Virtually no filler in those albums.
This was brilliant btw.


Eddie woulda loved this kid! Josh too! Tone and everything else is perfect.


We played this tune in 1986 the crowd loved it, then a few weeks later our drumsmer was killed in a job related accident. I still miss that guy, best drummer I ever played with. RIP Davey Burton.


I can't remember if I've commented on here before or not but H O L Y S H I T!!! 40 year old guitar player here who idolizes Eddie and I have studied him for decades now, you sounded like the 25 year old Eddie with the speed and that damn tone. You my friend, seriously blew my mind. MIND BLOWN!!!! Fantastic fucking work to both of you. Simply amazing! I can't stop listening to you guys. Unreal!!!!


You guys should be playing the reunion tour in place of Satch and Bonham, and I say that with all respect to both of them. I'm a fan. But as a VH nut, you guys are as close to the tone and note for note accuracy as the albums we all love. Standing ovation from me gentlemen. Keep em coming!


These guys killed it....and you gotta love when every detail of the song is handled so it sounds just like the original. It goes to shows how tough it was to create the song and then equally as tough for someone to duplicate it. There are some songs where Al just goes above and beyond .


AWESOME! I still can't believe I've been on Youtube for over 14 years and just descovered Jacobs channel a few months ago! \m/


Wow! The technical and SONIC accuracy just blows me away! Even down to the panning! BTW if we're being super attentive to detail, from start up to :57 that piece is technically "Tora! Tora!" and THEN "Loss of Control" kicks in. Not that it matters. You guys are awesome! Rawk on dudes! \m/\m/


Guys u seriously need to also do a version of In a Simple Rhyme !


That was Fantastic Gentlemen. One of my favorite Van Halen songs ever.. and I agree this is a great tribute to Alex Van Halen. Saw them twice with David Lee Roth, and once with Sammy Hagar in New Haven Conn. which turned out to be the live video "Live without a net" it was a great time for concerts!


that's just ridiculous~! (ridiculously awesome!)


Nice work!

One of the only LoC covers I've seen that has Tora! Tora! Tora! tacked on to it.


Perfection! Cool "The Kramer" poster too!


The Women and Children First album is some of Eddie’s best work ever in my opinion. Great cover, sounds just like them, impressive


Awesome job guys! I always loved this tune


Hey Jacob. I stumbled across ur excellence a few years ago and haven't fully recovered as yet and probably never will. I'm 46 now and have strived to be half as good as u for many years. Never got there and never will, but it is what it is. With that said I want to make it clear that many thousands perhaps hundreds of thousands have attempted to cover the songs u have covered. Some have felt as though there's where good enough to post for us to appreciate. I have never heard or seen one that even remotely comes close to yours. Hands down. The best of the best by a very large margin. Your talent is friggen beyond amazing. I know that you know that there is so much more that goes into covering these songs than just learning the cords and notes. I hope people can appreciate the amount of work and study and practice that went into these videos. Your understanding to master the subtle sounds and feeling you have put into each one of your videos is straight mind Yes. You are the best. I cant fathom anybody even attempting to cover any of these songs and post them any longer. Its like its now been done, and its been done right. Period. With that being said. I have proclaimed myself your number one fan and im not embarrassed to claim that. Its justified. I look forward to following your progress as a musician and excited to see where it takes you and how you will evolve. I wish you all the best. I would love to see you cover Lighting Up the Sky on Van Halen 2 if you ever feel inspired. Would also like if you find the time to look on U Tube at some live footage of some 1984, 1985, 1986 footage of Bon Jovi when they were more heavy metal. I think you would appreciate the guitar work and might find it also inspiring.  Later Bro


Love it man. Been waiting to hear you do "One Foot Out The Door".
That's one of my favorite Ed solos at the end so give it a rip!


Can't we just press the like button very, very hard to like something awesome (like this) much more than other videos?
